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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. How does one go about rehoming a dog responsibly?

    I ask because I too, have been thinking about the possibility of rehoming one of our young dogs. Not because I don't like him or haven't bonded with him, but because I feel he is not very happy here with us. He is the real underdog here, and three of the other dogs always want to beat up on him (not fighting, but chasing and bullying him).

    He spends a great deal of his time in "safe" places, or running away from the other dogs. He does play with them from time to time, but they just get too rough with him and he gets frightened and hides. He was a insecure and nervy dog to start with and just doesn't have enough confidence to stand up for himself. I think he may be very much happier as an only dog or at least away from our two young bitches, who are just that to him. I would actually rather keep Murphy and rehome one of the girls who is particularly bullying to him, but she has a few issues (incontinence being one) and I would be very worried about her future away from us if someone felt her issues were too much for them to cope with.

    I have never ever rehomed any animal and hate the thought of rehoming Murphy, but may consider it if I could find him a great home where he would be happier - but just don't even know where to start - don't want to just throw him up on gumtree!

    So where do you advertise, and how do you vet potential new homes? Murphy is a cross-breed (Doberman/Husky) and came from a shelter, so obviously I can't involve a breeder or breed organisation. I am so hesitant about it because even though I think he's not 100% happy here, at least I know he is well cared for and loved by us - by rehoming him, I can't guarantee that for the rest of his life. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to him.

    Sorry to hijack your thread, op, but hopefully this information may also assist.

    I think many of us consider rehoming. I often think my dog would be better off rehomed because he loves the company of other dogs and honestly I think it would help his separation anxiety to be in a home with other doggie friends. I myself do not want more than one dog. However I am not 100% sure that would work and I would hate to think he would be "dumped" in the future. So fear of that happening keeps me persisting with trying to "fix" him. However if the right circumstances arose I would certainly consider rehoming him.

  2. I think deep down you really want to re-home the dogs and are looking for some reassurance that you are not a bad person for doing it. And that is OK - it is perfectly reasonable to rehome a dog. As someone else said the most important thing is to rehome responsibly. Best do it now rather than agonise over it for too long.The dogs will settle and may be all the more happier and perhaps you then need to have a break before bringing another dog into the family. Killing your guinea pig is very sad and has obviously brought things to a head.

    ETA - I don't think boarding the dogs would achieve anything.

  3. Getting a bit fed up with the additional "output" with this food - though otherwise seems OK. I really wanted to stick to an Aussie brand.

    Are there any other Australian made besides BH, VIP, Natures Gift, VAN and Advance I could try?

    Grain free, Australian, new, quality ingredients.


    Good ingredients in that! Maybe a little high in protein for my liking - and kibble is large size?

  4. Yes I will probably persist with it for a while also. Once you get over the fact that it is a "supermarket food" it seems to compare quite well with the so called "premium brands" such as Royal Canin - ingredients in the Mini Adult: maize, dehydrated poultry meat, maize flour, animal fats, maize gluten, hydrolysed animal proteins, vegetable protein isolate*, beet pulp, yeasts, soya oil, fish oil, minerals, DL-methionine, sodium polyphosphate, L-lysine, egg powder, L-carnitine*L.I.P.: I am no expert but the VIP ingredients stand up well in comparison to that IMO - with some additions such as some sardines/tuna it seems fine.

    ETA - I don't care about the cost factor - just want Aussie made and easily obtainable :)

    I wouldn't call it quality with those ingredients....maize, maize flour, maize gluten all high up in the list....a bunch of low quality fillers.

    Just to clarify - they were the ingredients of the Royal Canin kibble. I may not have been clear :)

  5. It has way too much starch for my liking.

    Top of the bag reads 50% protein, but it's 24% protein really...so a little bit misleading IMO. Also I would think that 1% salt is a little excessive. That is equivilent to 1 teaspoon of salt for every 99 teaspoons of other ingredients, but I may be misreading it. Also, can't see from the photo, but is it preservative, artificial colours & GMO free ????

    Maybe they mean 50% meat protein? Who knows. I thought most of these dry foods have at least 1% salt? VIP has 1.2% I think.

  6. Im all for taking care of your family and furry friends. I don't wish sickness on anyone. However I believe we as a society are far too Problem focused. We have insurances and plans to cover up every perceived vulnerability we have.

    We are so focused on preventing sickness/injury that we forget how to be healthy and well. And just it seems like sick people are always getting sick. Injured people are always get injured. Sometimes you just need to listen to what people speak/worry/fuss about, watch and read about.

    I wish you and your pets all the BEST!

    I think you'll find most people here go out of their way to feed the best diet, give the most amount of exercise and stimulation and do everything they can to focus on their dogs health and well being :)

    Sickness and injuries are a part of life, noone is foolproof. I have a breed that is accident prone, and unfortunately for the most part not their fault. If I can spend $1 a day to NOT think about it, for me that is cheap as chips :thumbsup:

    Yes Sickness and injuries are part of life. I don't know anyone who's free of challenges for life. But I have come across people who always seem to be sick or injured. Then you see them around telling the same stories; "poor me", "why is life so cruel" etc . Then they look at people who are happy and healthy and think " They just must be one of them lucky ones" (Lol).

    Anyone who understands dogs (or animals) will know how sensitive they are to energy. They can feel assertive calm energy and respect that. They can feel fear and panic then become fearful themselves. They can feel people's energy- positive or negative.

    I have nothing against pet insurance or people who use it. It's just not my thing.

    That is a tad insensitive. Some people do have tragic lives - they don't bring it on themselves you know. Just be grateful you are not affected.

  7. I don't doubt dogs are stolen for foul purposes. Quite often you see ads on Gumtree etc about dogs being stolen - notice quite a few in the Logan area lately also. It would not surprise me if people did not bother reporting it to the police - they may not be interested.

  8. "Easy to learn and operate".

    How can providing proper care for 80 "breeders" be easy to learn? I would like to know what veterinary care - for example - is provided to these dogs seeing as the location looks like it is quite isolated. The dogs look to be small fluffies (of course) as well so what about the coat maintenance? Yes, really easy to learn all that.

    Someone in the US just won half a billion in the lottery - oh to dream of what good could be done with some of that!

  9. Im all for taking care of your family and furry friends. I don't wish sickness on anyone. However I believe we as a society are far too Problem focused. We have insurances and plans to cover up every perceived vulnerability we have.

    We are so focused on preventing sickness/injury that we forget how to be healthy and well. And just it seems like sick people are always getting sick. Injured people are always get injured. Sometimes you just need to listen to what people speak/worry/fuss about, watch and read about.

    I wish you and your pets all the BEST!

    So..is it just the vibe then? Sorry :)

    You are obviously one of those people who believe that sickness can be brought on by focussing on it too much. Insurance is not about focussing on sickness though. And some people (and dogs) really are accident prone :)

  10. I do have the soft flexible one, the 'cloud collar' I think it's called. She hates that more than anything else in the world.. except being desexed apparently.

    It's so strange. Inside she will just sook, with her head almost touching the floor, standing with her tail between her legs for hours upon hours. Outside if I take her out the front she seems to 'forget' and runs around with her tail up like normal wanting to sniff things and pulling on the leash. I don't know if this is all behavioural or if it's real.

    I'm in touch with the breeder who said it sounds like she's just been spoilt far too much and doesn't know how to deal with things she doesn't like. I haven't meant to spoil her over her time with us :( I just treat her like I do all my dogs, with lots of love and attention and spending lots of time with her.... none of my other dogs have been this sooky though. I don't think she's 'unwell' in that her wound still looks fine and she's not lethargic or flat. It's like she's just so displeased with everything and this is her protest. If she were exactly the same outside I'd be more worried but ugh, I just don't know.

    Have to work today but my bf is home with her. If she's like this when I get home I don't care if it's right or wrong I'm going to have to take her to the vet, even just for some reassurance from the guy who did the surgery

    What an odd thing to say :confused: Maybe when she is outside she is distracted and "forgets" she is sore and strains herself but when she comes inside it hurts again?

    Can you put a jacket or coat on her which will cover the wound and also provide some comfort? Hope she feels better soon - I doubt she is "putting it on".

  11. Totally wrong way to raise puppies --- or keep bitches. Poor little souls Dogs are not agricultural animals, and those raised as such suffer.

    The laws should be changed, but as the politicians have nfi and are being advised by animal rights, any changes will disadvantage registered breeders. They seems unable to make legislation against this type of hell.

    The main reason owners dump adolescent dogs is because they are difficult to train and difficult to live with. If pups have little socialisation until 8 weeks, they are going to develop these problems and be dumped.

    Ths is just so wrong on so many levels.


    after some of the places Ive been in where breeders own less than this Id rather see this type of set up with puppies running on grass with no stench and acting like dogs than any Ive seen based on what I can see in the photos.

    That makes neither the places you have seen nor this place correct. We all need to lift our standards so we can see that this is wrong

    And he would be selling to various Pets Purgatory stores, and the large puppy barns (forgotten their names) which advertise in the Courier Mail .... one at Everton Park, one at Stafford, one at Underwood.

    I have been to the one at Underwood some time back. Puppies were 6 weeks of age. Place owned by a vet. When I asked a staff member if the vet had a practice he replied "no, this is his business". He said the vet travelled around to "their breeders" to make sure the pups did not come from puppy farms. Huh!

    What is sad is that all those little dogs are essentially companion breeds - so particularly bred for human contact :(

  12. Hey everyone,

    We're soon to be adding an English Mastiff to the family and were planning on changing her to Eukanuba large breed puppy; however, no one has mentioned it as a good option here and now I have my doubts! Is it not good? Ive never heard of the BlackHawk one!

    Hi Seld

    It is probably as good as many of the "premium" brands. I found with Eukanuba - as with many others - that there was too much corn etc. It is best to look for meat or meat meal as the first two ingredients. The higher up the list the ingredient the more it contains. A good breeder should be able to advise you on what suits that particular breed. There are numerous threads here discussing dry food if you do a search :) Good luck with your new pup.

  13. I'm with Medibank but have never made a claim so I don't know what they are like for that. I just have it in case of accidents rather than illness because there are a lot of exclusions or limitations such as a ceiling on tick treatment - I think $1,000 (?). It may be worthwhile as a dog ages but many won't cover over 9 years anyway.

    Donatella - how are your little girl's legs now?

    She is unbelievable. At 11 months you would never know she ever broke them, they are 100% back to normal.

    She plays chasies


    Runs through the grass


    And is complete Diva at the beach (but loves mud, go figure!)


    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy with her outcome, thank goodness :)

    No sand in the paws Mum! What a cute munchkin :)

    Hope there are no long term effects from the breaks.

  14. I'm with Medibank but have never made a claim so I don't know what they are like for that. I just have it in case of accidents rather than illness because there are a lot of exclusions or limitations such as a ceiling on tick treatment - I think $1,000 (?). It may be worthwhile as a dog ages but many won't cover over 9 years anyway.

    Donatella - how are your little girl's legs now?

  15. Indeed. And that's not even the worst of it all.

    The worst is that this is being pushed as a role model that all dog breeders should follow. That is scary.

    You're right, felix. Both the proposed frameworks for dog breeding in New South Wales & Victoria, either ignore socialisation or get it wrong. Yet, there's clear research on the matter & its importance for producing sound companion dogs. It's not obscure rocket science.

    It seems that a 'business' model is being supported where large-scale commercial puppy farms are the only financially viable way of doing things.

    But this is not only failing the welfare of dogs.... it's pushing puppies out into the community who lack the foundation for being well socialised companion dogs.

    RSPCA Qld said years ago, following their many experiences with rescuing dogs from puppy farms.... the hardest thing to 'heal' was the 'scarring' from being unsocialised. Many cases it's impossible.

    Yes and when they fail they are killed. Still the cycle continues regardless. :(

  16. I don't agree with categorising dogs as breeding livestock - no matter whether the conditions are OK or not.

    That is the most confronting part for me. I know it is legal but it saddens me that people are ok with treating pets as livestock. I would have thought that selling dogs in pet shops was decreasing. More and more 'pet shops' are opening that don't sell animals. Aren't people becoming more aware? Surely there wouldn't be much of a market for this type of 'farming' business.

    No I don't think they are and where is the information being put out? Its not. Beside some random occasional stories on The Project you never see any targeted programs aimed at informing the general public. Without that there will never be a push for change. Organisations such as RSPCA should be funding an advertising campaign making people aware of the existence of these places. You would think it would be in their interests to try and reduce the number of dogs coming to their shelters. Just having some statement on their website is not enough. Many people don't care where the pups in pet shops come from but many do and many more would if they knew. How can this "farming" practice be justified when over 250,000 healthy dogs are put down every year? Its absolutely obscene and shameful.

  17. I'd put a call in to the RSPCA or AWL if I knew of dogs living like that.

    If you do them the favour of helping them offload their now unwanted dogs, they won't learn a lesson for next time...


    won't be against their rules - shelter, food and water. Can be as crappy as anything but if those elements are in place, nothing will be done.

    Yep, there is a Jack down the road who lives in a dog run, permanently. She never, ever, ever gets out (even by their own admission), the run is only about 2.5 msq. Very depressing. The RSPCA have been notified and went out there only to say that the dog has food, water and shelter and nothing they can do. What about enrichment? :(

    Exactly Clyde - when oh when will that unsatisfactory definition be broadened to include some exercise time and exposure to sunlight for instance :mad

    Poor dogs - why on earth to those people keep them?

  18. Like I said I am not going to put in a complaint, that is just not me. If I left that word out we wouldn't be having this conversation. I'm pretty sure people complain all the time on issues which are actually legal!! Do they get anywhere.. sometimes not but I certainly wouldn't be the first to think of this. Perhaps it is something the RSPCA would like to be aware of, in the photos it does look like an nice setting with the land and creeks but there is no way to tell via a few photos of how the dogs are kept and cared for. I am on your side guys, I am against puppy farms, sometimes sitting back and just accepting something as the way it is or we can't do anything about it will never change anything. I do hope someone responsible buys this property and the dogs all go to loving homes.

    I get your point SA. Unfortunately the people/organisations who are in any sort of position to campaign effectively against this type of stuff don't seem to genuinely do it.

    I don't agree with categorising dogs as breeding livestock - no matter whether the conditions are OK or not.

  19. Yes I will probably persist with it for a while also. Once you get over the fact that it is a "supermarket food" it seems to compare quite well with the so called "premium brands" such as Royal Canin - ingredients in the Mini Adult: maize, dehydrated poultry meat, maize flour, animal fats, maize gluten, hydrolysed animal proteins, vegetable protein isolate*, beet pulp, yeasts, soya oil, fish oil, minerals, DL-methionine, sodium polyphosphate, L-lysine, egg powder, L-carnitine*L.I.P.: I am no expert but the VIP ingredients stand up well in comparison to that IMO - with some additions such as some sardines/tuna it seems fine.

    ETA - I don't care about the cost factor - just want Aussie made and easily obtainable :)

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