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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. If you click on the link you will find it is a different story - as the OP has clarified.

    I thought I had seen that story about the swallowed object and the caesarean somewhere ages ago!

  2. Cavies are beautiful little dogs and I think are perfect for children. BUT children must be taught to be gentle with them - as with all puppies - as they are very tolerant of mishandling and rough treatment. You may pick up some pointers and breeder recommendation on the breed sub forum - as others have said a breeder who will tell you what tests they conduct is a must. Good luck.

  3. Yes I know that dog. It lives on my street. It is ALWAYS out. ALWAYS. He is very friendly if you manage to catch him. I know where he lives and they don't give a sh*t about him. I have caught him a few times and taken him to the pound but they always get him out (at least he has now been chipped and desexed). They used to have a sweet little Cav too and 2 cats but they have since disappeared. :(

    ETA If you want to find it, it will be in my front yard tomorrow morning lol. You know where I live. :)

    I really don't understand people like that - they don't take care of the dog but keep getting it out of the pound. Why on earth don't they rehome it?? Any idea what happened to the little Cav ? :(

  4. I would groom it BUT I would take a "before" photo in case the owners are difficult when you contact them. The poor dog must be very uncomfortable - may be flea ridden as well perhaps? They may not be interested in getting the dog back if it is that neglected and the dog would be more comfortable in the pound if that is the outcome.

    It is a difficult one - a lot depends on the owner's attitude - e.g. it may be an elderly person who is not very able to care for it.

  5. Home made mostly now - cooked mince/chicken/fish/egg and veges - sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, peas. Plus a spoonful of Eukanuba Sensitive Skin per day. Itching has lessened considerably since almost eliminating the kibble and preparing home-made. It is honestly just as easy - there is usually plenty of left-overs in the house to put together meals for 1 small dog.

  6. That's terrible. :(

    I'm waiting for OSo to move to the big smoke so I can go on a holiday. :D

    Aww thanks :)

    I have to say when the dogs are with me they are like my own, if there are any concerns at all their owners are contacted immediately, even if it isn't a need to see the vet emergency situation. I treat others and their dogs as I would wish myself and mine to be treated. That means their physical and mental health are equally important.

    I go into the kennels multiple times throughout the night if there are storms and I have known storm phobic dogs, There are genuine people who really do care. The ones that don't yep they can be shut down :)

    I hope your clients appreciate you! Yours is obviously the type of kennel we are all looking for but they are so hard to find.

  7. What "value" do you put on a companion animal? What is a "fair replacement cost" of a such an animal? The dog was a Cav cross, so going by the "retail price" of such a mix, maybe $600-1000? Not a huge incentive for the kennel to change their practices to any great degree, is it?

    But this was a dog whose owners cared enough about it to try to select a place for it to stay while they had a short holiday - somewhere they thought that it would receive proper attention and care and be safe while they were away. Instead, they were faced with a dog owner's worst nightmare - a call to tell them that their dog was killed by another dog while in care...

    The truth of the matter is that anyone who receives a call like that is going to be somewhat traumatised - and that really needs to be addressed when trying to ensure that those responsible take strong note of the fact that their negligence has caused this trauma. The only way that a business will change it's practices to ensure that an incident doesn't ever happen again is to hit them where it's going to do the most harm - the wallet.

    Money will not bring the dog back, and it won't change the owners thinking about their dog's last moments of fear and pain... but it might just send a very strong message to that kennel business (and others) that they need to be a lot more careful with the lives they've been entrusted with.


    This is how I view it also. You can do all the research possible and ask all the right questions before deciding on a kennel but in the end you also have to trust that there is appropriate attention to safety by the staff. I hate using kennels - you just have to trust that they actually do what they say they do.

  8. The owners of Grommit were on TV tonight

    According to them, the rottweiler was out (in an exercise yard?) on leash with ..... (his owner?). Her mobile rang, and she answered it, walking off and leaving him. Then another person, thinking the area was vacant, let Grommit out. And she was attacked by the rottweiler.

    Unlikely to be the owner if it was inside the kennel. Stupidity all round. What show was it on?

  9. Interesting to see the various opinions regarding suing in this case. I remember in the tragic case of Buddy the vast majority of posters supported legal action. A lot would depend of course on the kennel's approach to the incident when informing the owners initially.

    In the end the best revenge is perhaps being able to name the business responsible for the neglect - sometimes tying the matter up in the courts precludes this from happening. These people are certainly grieving their loss and perhaps they feel that issuing of an infringement notice by the council is not sufficient to change the kennel's practices. I feel very sad for them - they would be feeling guilty about leaving the little dog in the kennel as well.

  10. Yes I see the premise of the case being around the pain and suffering caused to the owners through the negligence of the kennel rather than the monetary value of the animal. If they are successful it will give all kennels an incentive to lift their game.

    I don't think they would give a rats about the money - they want the kennel to be held accountable.

    Yes awful for both dogs - but the second dog would have had a kinder death.

  11. Poor people lost their little dog Grommet when it was killed by another dog at a kennel at Bracken Ridge in SE Qld. A reminder to thoroughly check out kennels and make sure that dogs are separated. RIP little Grommet - 10 years old and to be killed like that :cry:

    Pleased that the owners are suing.


  12. Horrific, and completely unacceptable behavior from the owner too. It is really concerning that even though her dog was on a leash she couldn't control it at all.

    Love how the police say they are now investigating whether the dog is a banned breed. Who cares?! Deal with the individual dog and the individual owner and the individual attack. What a waste of time and police resources.

    Absolutely... Well said...

    If it was a banned breed there would be more severe legal ramifications I should imagine - that would be why they are investigating the breed involved.

  13. I am pleased that the appropriate treatment has now commenced but I would be very angry that the little guy was not diagnosed and treated earlier - he could have had a few less days in such discomfort. Really hoping things pick up for him now. You are such a devoted carer and put such effort into the care of these little ones.

  14. Poor Olly - must be a bit confusing for him :( Still once the week is up he will be back home and hopefully can settle for the long term. Lucky he has you and the westies to stay with in the meantime WM!

    Such a happy ending for the cute little guy :thumbsup:

    Thanks Rosetta, Yes i think he is confused - and a bit depressed? Do dogs get depressed? He's certainly not happy to be here and I think he's missing his new Mumfrown.gif

    Anyone got any suggestions?

    I think naturally he will be a bit confused and take a few days to settle again. I don't think you can do anything much - its just one of those things. The main thing is he will soon have his new family back and hopefully no more separations for a while after that!

  15. These are wonderful suggestions everyone - except he's now not allowed to have anything around his neck - which rules out the tuxedo and scarf- but open to other 'neck less' suggestions! smile.gif

    Sorry WM - we are just having fun thinking how cute Mac would look in these outfits. I am sure the neck wound will heal up nicely and he will be a new man! Looking forward to more updates. Do you think he will be able to wear his Thundershirt now?

    Oh I see you like the outfit Perse posted - very cute. :)

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