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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. My friend just suggested an air horn, she said she did it 3 times and both dogs on both sides were good for a few days and she only needed to do it a few more times int he following weeks and they learned. Drastic but it worked

    Now that's original and worth thinking about... Excuse to internet shop... yay

    Haha. Just make sure you don't get noise complaints or create deafness in either species :D


    It doesn't have to be an air horn - one of those bike ones might do the trick, they can be quite loud.

  2. So sorry to hear there is no news and for that awful phone call :cry: Have you talked to the local police about any reported dog thefts? Also enquire if they are aware of any puppy farms in the area.

    Could you perhaps put an advertisement in the local paper - picture included?

  3. To the OP - I have a good friend with a pound dog that is very anxious. They started prozac on vet advice and have certainly noticed a difference in her behaviour when she is around 'strangers'. They omitted the medication for a few weeks (actually wondering if it was making any difference) and it was quite obvious the dog was worse without medication.

    Good luck with it.

    Misty ison 5mgs daily, as of yet I haven't noticed a difference, but it's way too early as it's only been 6 days. She really doesn't like my OH, she rarely goes near him and growls and barks at him. He gives her treats, which she will take, but run off with them and 'hovers' around him when food is involved. On the odd accassion she will jump up and say hello to him, but the majority of the time she growls and barks :( We have had her for 2 months now, normally I would have thought that that would have been long enough for settling in. She shows no interest in Kiska what so ever, where as Kiska would love to play....not that she can at the moment anyway :(

    It's heart breaking to watch her pace and stress out :( I didn't consider Misty a rescue dog, but she is and I will never again buy an breeder's dog that has been kenneled :( I just don't understand it.

    I sympathise as I have a dog with separation anxiety who came from RSPCA originally. The trouble is once you have them you get emotionally attached and then begins the torturous journey to try and find some solution to the anxiety. There is often no cure but people manage around the problem. I think the Prozac is a good idea for Misty and you may have to experiment with the dosage to find what works.

    Did the breeder give you much background information about her? Has she had much to do with men before? It sounds like she is very uncertain of your OH - perhaps she will come around with time. The breeder may not have realised how badly Misty would react to being taken from her "pack" in a kennel situation and placed in a home. All the more reason for people buying a "mature" dog from a breeder to opt for one raised in a home environment if possible.

  4. The pastor from the church behind me built a house next door to me a couple of years ago.

    The older pastor in talking to me once told me the younger pastor did not like dogs.

    The young pastor moved in with his wife and 4 children, they are terrified of dogs.

    When I walk past with mine onlead the children stop, scream " dog" and run to a parent, who I have heard say "good, well done".

    I have passed him on the street with the kids and he huddled around them arms shielding them as I walked by!

    Its very sad as initialy the youngest child would stand and watch me go by and even took a few steps towards me once.

    The worst was one weekend we were all out on the road watching the kids play and skate,with the dogs all onlead, and they had guests who wanted to leave who were parked outside our house, they kept looking out of the window.

    Then the hubby ran as fast as he could to his car and drove it up the pastors drive where the family rushed to get in!

    I don't agree with putting your fears on kids, and in my case he has actually taught them how not to behave!

    I very much doubt the girl has been attacked, a dog rushing over to say hi is not attacking.

    Sounds like they may be of a different culture??

  5. According to the article - the laws only allow for certain maximum sentences so the magistrates can only impose whats legislated. The four steps look reasonable to me. That story about the little pugs being killed is heartbreaking - poor little dogs.

  6. I can imagine people using a buyback as an excuse to get rid of their unwanted dogs, regardless of whether the dogs have actually shown aggression or not.

    This article reminds me of the discussion on the mix 101.1 facebook page now, but Chrissie Swan has taken it even further by questioning the need for any large breed dog. Chrissie's comments in the past indicate she's not an animal lover anyway, but she's another one that really needs to do a bit of research before she speaks.

    Isn't this the same idiot who thought the story about the woman who died and arranged to have her guide dog PTS was hilarious? Enough said really - total nonentity looking for some relevance.

    The article is playing on the principal of banning deadly weapons because of the potential for misuse. Its the way our society is structured really. The problem - as always - is with people.

  7. I heard an interesting comment from a Cesar Milan that Seperation Anxiety is a cause the human not being pack leader. In a case where there is seperation anxiety, the dog appears to be the pack leader in the house, its humans/pack leave the house, this causes the dog to become anxious and stressed because "HIS" pack has left him, a pack doesnt leave without the pack leader.

    To me this makes quite a bit of sense and is an interesting concept

    From what I have seen of Cesar Milan every problem is caused by that reason in his opinion. :)

  8. Bark royal boutique pet resort. Best kennel ive ever used

    I had a look at their website. Plenty of pictures of the "luxury suites" but none of the standard accommodation. Extra charges for administering medications, food etc whereas a lot of kennels will not charge extra for that. No info on whether they feed once or twice a day. Not saying it is not good but it is expensive and I would want to know what I was getting for the extra cost.

    Mr Lexmark let us know what your wife thinks.

  9. That place looks good Mish - worth a look.

    Mr Lexmark - I would be looking for somewhere the littlies are kept totally separate from the larger dogs. It can be intimidating for them to be around big dogs if they are not used to them.

  10. Its no use quoting what "professional" dog fighting rings do - either here or overseas - to disprove that idiots are stealing dogs for fighting purposes here. Whether they are "professionals" or not doesn't change the probability that dogs are being stolen for dog fighting purposes in this country.

    Note the comments from the RSPCA in this article regarding the "depth of the organised crime".


  11. I think there is a lot of pent up demand for doggy day care. I use a kennel that offers day care at the moment and am quite happy with that as all the kennel facilities apply. I look for separation of small and large as well.

  12. Thankyou to all for your advice.

    Rosetta do you really think groomers everywhere know about Buddy? When I made the appointment I did try to explain why I was concerned that she had left the dog unattended and I wanted to know my boy would be safe. I just got the glazed expression and then she murmured something to the effect that everyone loves their dogs.

    No, realistically, I guess not but I am sure the word was spread within the industry. I hope so anyway as I am sure that was one of Caz's goals.

  13. Good on you, nawnim. You did the right thing. You would have left a tiny seed in that young woman's mind, that someone noticed a potential problem & had the gumption to mention it.

    Sadly, I doubt it.

    I doubt it also - more likely she just thinks Nawnim is neurotic. I get the same looks at groomers and kennels when I try to explain my dog's problems - you can tell they are not really taking it in and think I am over worried.

    Nawnim did the absolutely right thing in cancelling. You would think there would not be many groomers who have not heard Buddy's story by now. :(

  14. Not commenting on anyone's particular circumstances but I think sometimes when a new baby arrives the rest of the family needs to step up a bit and take over some of the dog caring duties that the female of the house has always taken on. Its not always possible around jobs etc but surely a walk around the block once in the morning or at night would be better than nothing and doesn't take long and many dog groomers are open weekends. People these days don't seem to have the family support that was common years ago.

  15. I was pleased to see in a segment on the "Today" show the other morning about "pocket pooches" that Katrina Warren encouraged people to only buy from registered breeders to ensure the health of the pup you were getting. I would have liked to see her ad something about the appalling conditions some breeding dogs are kept in to supply pet stores as well. Though Ben Fordham did say something about not liking to see pups in glass cages for weeks on end - so that was something anyway and I almost liked him for that comment :)

  16. The only tinned food I would consider feeding occasionally is Natures Gift - and only as a back up. If you do not intend to feed tinned in the long term I would suggest that it would be more useful to give it to rescue where it would be most appreciated :)

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