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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. Then only feasible solution I can see that will resolve the issue once and for all is - as others have suggested - to make sure the dog is elsewhere for a few days. If you don't have a friend or relative who can take her then boarding is the only alternative - worth the expense to bring the issue to an end. Once you have provided council with that proof then they will soon give her the message not to keep complaining.

  2. Poor little thing :( Could be heart problems perhaps? Did the vet check the eyesight for signs of stroke? Hard to say if a thorough exam showed up nothing mechanically wrong. If an older dog it could very well be a stroke.

    Good that your Dad took her to the vet straight away - I hope her regular vet can help explain and she improves.

  3. She obviously enjoys it so you won't easily stop her doing it - the bell is a good start. Perhaps you could put some things around the yard to deter the birds from ground perching - such as those owl statues, whirlybirds etc and keep her out of the yard early morning and evening when the birds are around more. Also trim off any low tree branches. I would be upset about her killing parrots etc.

    Also - what other things does she have in the yard to amuse her - any challenging toys etc?

  4. Ever seen what small dogs can do in a fight, I have. One small Aussie terrier cross was attacked by two Tenterfield Terriers - they all were from the same home. The little Silky cross survived - just.

    I don't care what breed of dog you have keep it on lead where it should be, have it off lead but under control in off lead areas and we will all get along just fine. Personally I don't care on the size, with a Whippet a biting JR can cause a lot of damage as can a Kelpie or bigger.

    Just this week down here a Cavalier was killed by a dog at our off lead beach. The other dog apparently saw the small dog from a few hundred metres away and ran at him at speed with the owner running and calling frantically. The attacking dog paid no heed. Two young children and their mum saw their dog mauled and that badly injured before them he died. The owner of the attacking dog said - oh he has never done that before. Now I believe that is crap either they are lying or have no bloody idea what their dog is telling them. That dog was not under effictive control and should never have been off a lead. This really strikes a cord with me as I occassionally take my Whippets to this beach, it could have been them.

    And there you have it ....poor litttle dog :cry: That family will never get over that trauma. Did someone say it is "crazy" to carry a stick? Crazy not to if you have been through that type of trauma. People should follow the law - but you have to expect that they won't and protect your little dogs as much as you can - yes even carrying a stick! I don't go to off lead anywhere - not worth the risk.

  5. Re the Proplan. Why do they always put beet pulp in dry food? It's nothing but a sugar & when I mentioned it at the pet barn I buy my pet products the storeman said it was to lessen the smell of the poo. Although in this one it's at the end, but Vit C is mid-way & dogs don't need it because they produce their own.

    I've heard & seen on youtube wonderful things about coconut oil too. I bought some but haven't used it enough to see it's benefits.

    I always thought because it is a cheap fibre source.

  6. I second Natures Gift canned. It smells quite OK. Is it the cheap PAL type food she has supplied?

    That is the problem with feeding home-made - it becomes difficult if dogs are kennelled or cared for elsewhere. Thats why I still feed some kibble each day.

  7. I think it's insulting to say that you 'train your vet' - I let my vet do his job and don't tell him how to do it.

    X2... :mad

    While "train" may not be the best word we should feel we can question vets just like we question our own doctors about treatments etc. Long gone are the "doctors are Gods" days of yesteryear.

  8. I agree OSS. But at the same time if i have made a clearly thought out and considered statement as to why i am following a particular course of treatment with my dogs I don't think it's her place to basically talk down to me as if I'm going to kill my dogs. It may be that I choose to go elsewhere next time as a result.

    If she is talking down to you - which is unacceptable anyway - refer her to this AVA site.


  9. Slghtly O/T. But it was good to see on Brisbane TV News, police doing something decent for a little StaffyX.

    Owner among teenage boys who crashed a car, while hooning. Ran off, but the lad carried his dog with him.

    Police officers found him & the dog in bushland. Handcuffed the lad to take him for questioning.

    But one officer looked after the dog, cradling him in his arms so it wouldn't be distressed. The little dog looked as happy as can be. :) Last comment in the news item was that 'the police will look after the dog.'

    Meaning that they'd keep it safe, until the lad was released from questioning... or some family member came to get it.

    I saw that too and my thoughts were that it was nice of the policeman to look after the dog but here was another staffy with bogan owners - only a pup too :(

  10. Stand outside the fence each day when the kid goes past and let him know in no uncertain terms that you will speak to his parents if he does not desist with what he is doing - apparently the soft approach is not working. Its very hard to stop a dog reacting to that type of provocation I would think.

    Sorry don't have any suggestion regarding the paperwork.

  11. I see the point in MUP's case is the inconsistency in allowing some dogs in but not others. It comes down to having no guidelines in place and people - who often really have no proper training - applying their own illogical "rules" on the day.

  12. It would hardly be a loss this election if the dogs paw printed a vote or two or ate our ballet papers. I think this election will find a greater percentage of unusable votes than any previously.

    All the trees that have suffered in the name of politics. Now where are our dogs going to pee?

    :laugh: The dog ate my vote!

  13. ProPlan has a new sensitive skin and stomach formula which I will try when I can get a hold of it


    I've been really happy with it. It is a bigger kibble size than current one and must taste better too. I've had my dog on it for the last 4 weeks.

    Thank you for the positive feedback! Will definitely be giving it a go! Ingredients list looks promising.

    Is it an Australian made product? I agree the ingredients look quite good.

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