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Everything posted by the_good_dogs

  1. Hey all, what are your thoughts on Ian's workshop today - myself, bloody fantastic! Ona & Buddy
  2. Hi all, I just have to say, I have had the best day at the Ian Dunbar workshop, fantastic - they didn't lie when they said I would 'have a blast' Learnt so much in just a couple of hours, dogs are stuffed, not to mention the handler. There is a pretty poor turnout of dogs and spectators, I heard from the promoter that they are still accepting anyone who wants to come down for Sat/Sun or even just 1 day, you can pay by credit card when you arrive, I certainly recommend it. Ona & Buddy
  3. I read on the website today that the 'Early Bird' bookings have been extended for Sydney.
  4. yes. But in Sydney you obviously need a working spot to bring your dog. They're looking for a range of dogs, but want sports dogs (ie trained at a decent level of OB or agility) too. ETA: My understanding of the sports dog criteria is more about having dogs that understand how to train/problem solve, are engaged, focused and their owners have a communication system with them. Hey Megan, yes you need a 'working spot', they certainly are looking for a range of dogs, but mine is not a sporting dog! I think the thing that got me through is that my dog gives great focus towards me, we can do the basics and then some extended work. I'm figure that I might not be able to enter in all the games because they will be a bit more than the training I and my dog have but I really want to join in on Day 1 & 2 the most, learn how to get the reliability from my dog and to quantify, how to get speed in learning etc. I figure that by day 3 - K9 Games if I think I can do any of them, well I will give it a shot. I think if you are in doubt you should email the promoters, Colleen - I spoke with her at length about my dog and my reservations about bringing him and she helped me realise that I could engage with my dog as much as I liked or as little as I liked, that took the pressure of me a bit. :) Ona
  5. I hope this works, but I thought I would attach my copy of the questionnaire they sent me. Ona Dog workshop questionnairev2.doc
  6. Hi ya, yes in answer to your question event organisers are aware and it's not always far for those who live in other states I went to last years SBDTwF (I'm from Perth) and the best thing I got was a great network of trainers & industry reps from other states, I can tell you how useful some of those connections have been in the last 12 months.
  7. Melbourne is about Social Behaviour & Aggression for people, no dogs. Ian has done a 30 year study at Berkely University on the topic and I can't wait to hear what he has to say about it all. Imagine being out the other end of a massive study like that and what information he would have gained. Hope to meet some of you there :)
  8. Hi, from what I understand of the questionnaire your dog doesn't have to be titled or magnificently trained, the workshop is designed to teach reliability of exercises, how to fun with the dogs using games as a strategy to teach and then the sunday is the K9 Games - the part i'm looking forward to - having mega fun with my dog, we are not hugely trained, but he is well behaved around other dogs and that seems to be enough. Ona
  9. Hi all, I just received this email - it gives me permission to cross post, so I hope it's okay. If your into Ian Dunbar, agility, rally O, obedience or good companion dog training then I think the sydney one is a must, the girls and I have just booked our tickets and heading to sydney in 3 weeks.......can't wait! Apparently he is also doing a lecture in Perth SBDTwF. Join Ian as he brings to Australia 2 new seminars in his lecturer series. Sydney - 'Reliability & K9 Games' Workshop - Learn to establish baseline behaviour, quantify - response, reliability, speed & precision and this…….is just day 1 Melbourne - 'Social Behaviour & Aggression' - Understand dominance or so called dominant behaviour and lets debunk the 'dominance myth'. Learn about the social hierarchy of development in litters and the complexity of co-operative social structure - and this is just day 1. Places for Dog & Handler are filling quickly at the Sydney Workshop (questionnaire attached). Spectator places are still available with the 'Early Bird Specials' closing on the 15th of Jan. We welcome all enquiries and group discounts are also available. www.dunbarinoz.com
  10. So i'm guessing no one from Sydney is going or no one has heard of Ian Dunbar before or you've just got nothing good to say about him ???
  11. Hi, is anyone going to any of the Ian Dunbar seminars - i'm undecided and interested to hear other peoples thought if you want to share? Ona & Buddy
  12. Hi Everyone, I am just checking to see if anyone is going or thinking of going to Ian Dunbar's Sydney Workshop - the one with dogs - 3 day reliability & K9 games. I'm still deciding if I want to take my dog, would love to know if anyone else is going or has been to 1 of Ian's seminars before, I would love to know what you thought as I've not seen him before. Ona & Buddy :D
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