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Everything posted by Justrace

  1. http://au.news.yahoo.com/video/nsw/watch/cbd10fcc-5bc2-36a4-b7e8-de610f6fc8eb/puppy-breeder-under-attack-from-activists/ just found this link - hope it works
  2. I hope that Steve can see you really soon, you sound like a very caring owner & your pup is very lucky to have you. I bet you will learn alot from her (might not seem that way now), my naughtiest dog taught me so much. Good luck
  3. I had been keeping my 14 week old puppy in a play pen inside when we are not home & only allowing him to play in the garden when I was home. Over the last few weeks I have been gradually allowing him more outside time by himself building up to longer periods. This week I started leaving him outside when I have been going out, this has resulted in his nipping being so much better and when he is inside, he is much more relaxed. I am in & out all day with school & kinder runs and the longest that he has had to be left outside (so far)has been 3 hours. We also can section off our yard so that he is safe. I have only had two pups before this one & never had them confined through the day and I can't remember having had much issues with them nipping. (Not saying that this is the cause of it, I might have had not nippy pups before) I wonder if you could have an area set up outside to keep her busy to get rid of some of that excess energy.
  4. Thanks tlc Here is Murphy, his head was too small to hold the ears on LOL
  5. I'm new to the forum & have no idea how to post pictures I have some really cute ones of my 3 month old Brittany puppy
  6. Very inspirational, love the way the both give you their full concentration. Here's hoping that my puppy will one day be like that
  7. I haven't read all the replies so I apologise if some one else has suggested this. Could you offer a refund on proof of sterilisation OR offer to have the dogs de sexed for free at your vet clinic, you could add the cost of the op onto the adoption fee. Maybe even offer to pick up & drop the puppies off for the op. Most people are very motivated by money. Good luck in which ever way you decide to go.
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