I had been keeping my 14 week old puppy in a play pen inside when we are not home & only allowing him to play in the garden when I was home. Over the last few weeks I have been gradually allowing him more outside time by himself building up to longer periods.
This week I started leaving him outside when I have been going out, this has resulted in his nipping being so much better and when he is inside, he is much more relaxed. I am in & out all day with school & kinder runs and the longest that he has had to be left outside (so far)has been 3 hours. We also can section off our yard so that he is safe.
I have only had two pups before this one & never had them confined through the day and I can't remember having had much issues with them nipping. (Not saying that this is the cause of it, I might have had not nippy pups before) I wonder if you could have an area set up outside to keep her busy to get rid of some of that excess energy.