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Everything posted by Ridesabikealot

  1. Thanks for that BC4ME. Yes i agree it is critical to tie things down to make sure they are secure. And i agree about dogs travelling in crates. The only time pretty much i have a dog travel out of a crate is when my little parson russell comes with me to run errands etc. The two larger dogs are always crated. For their safety and mine. I guess what i'm wondering about is if there is a way to have the crates raised so the dogs are nearer the windows. My dogs sleep when travelling too, but i've noticed when they have the opportunity to see out and enjoy a bit of air, they really relish it... i have also thought of the same thing re giving the dogs somewhere to walk around when camped and not having to be always chained. I think it is much more relaxing for them to have an area they can walk around in. I have a three sided market tent that i am thinking of using in a way similar to what you describe, only using fence netting that the dogs are used to me using to keep them away from vegie garden and poultry when i need to. That seems to work pretty well.... Re sleeping, i must be one of the few who often sleeps stretched right out. I think i do need that length... Thanks again for the great ideas! You are very generous!
  2. Yes that might work. Only thing is i would like the dogs to be able to look out of the van when travelling, enjoy the air near windows etc.... Haven't worked out how to do it though....
  3. Thanks everyone for these great responses and please keep them coming... I am replying to all of them i think, but am new to this kind of forum and a bit confused about how the replies work. You can do it like i am now, by clicking on the reply thing on the top right hand side, or by clicking reply under individual posts. I can't really figure out which is best. Hope i have not missed replying to anyone... Thanks again!
  4. What a great setup! Thanks for sharing it... Definitely some good ideas there... I would love to be able to sleep across the van like that but i am 183cm tall, so just wouldn't fit in a medium sized van... Pity cos it leaves a good amount of room near the sink... . I love the flywire at the back, and the kitchen bench. I imagine too that lining and insulating the walls and ceiling would make it look and feel much more comfortable. Do your dogs travel in the crates under the beds when you are moving? I want the whole experience to be really enjoyable for my dogs, and while currently they tracel in comfy beds in fixed crates behind the cab on my ute, under a canopy, they don't get a lot of vision out of the vehicle, unless i open the sides so they can get some airflow through the flywire in milder weather. But in wet or cold weather i only open the back part. Just at the moment though i have a collapsible crate set up at the rear fir s dog i am looking after, and i put my two little dogs in it yesterday, and i noticed they were sitting up looking around and seeming to be really interested in what they could see out through the flywire. Usually they just go to sleep. They really seem to enjoy being in friends cars too. So with a van, i am trying to see how i can have their crates higher up, so they can look around and enjoy themselves... Haven't found the answer yet though... Not in a way that seems easy that is...
  5. I have a tent, but i don't use it much. I prefer solid walls around me. I like the idea of a van where i can get into the driver's seat without leaving the vehicle... Just feels safer if i'm travelling alone...
  6. thanks for that Zeebie... I will definitely have to look into that setup... :-)
  7. Thank you Zeebie. I like the idea of the mattress held up against the wall when travelling... That could work well. I have thought of a false floor too, with storage underneath, but want to be able to remove it when am just using the van for everyday use. Do you think this might be possible? Is that what the custom tracks were for? I might have to look at a kanga... Not sure their cargo area is long enough for me to sleep though... I am 6ft...
  8. Sorry Esky the Husky'...accidentally replied to you below... :-) Sorry, i meant 'above'.
  9. It's great to hear that people with larger dogs like huskies manage to do this ok with more than one dog. I love my foxhound and beaglexbasset but at times i do dream of travelling with dogs that don't need quite so much monitoring and care as scenthounds do and that i don't have to worry about being offleash, even if just for a few minutes. This challenge is one of the reasons i want to make my setup work really easily, whilst keeping them safe. Travelling with these kinds of dogs is enough effort in itself, as well behaved as they are... Think it will just take planning to work out the best arrangements for me sleeping, and crating the dogs...
  10. Thanks for all that pebbles. I have also thought of a portable bed with storage underneath. And the clothes rail... Great to hear from someone who has done it a lot... Gives me a bit or reassurance about how it can work...
  11. Hi, i have three dogs - a foxhound, a beaglexbasset and a jack russell. I would like to be able to travel easily with all three in a van like a hyundai iload or similar, and also be able to sleep and carry my own gear in the back. I want to use the vehicle for every day use as well, and be able to easily use it to move large items like furniture. So am wondering what the best set up might be. I prefer for my dogs to travel in cages for all our safety, but am also open to other options like the grills i have seen that people have in cars to confine the dogs to a particular part of the car. Or other options like tie downs if people can convince me. With scenthounds it's particularly important that they can't jump out when you open the door as even though well trained, if they do jump out in a new area, you might not get them back for a while.... Suggestions for both sleeping/camping and dog travelling set ups, preferablu combined, are invited! Also smart ways to avoid getting dog hair throughout the van and in all my bedding and other stuff.... Thanks in advance!
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