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Everything posted by cnsunshine

  1. When I got my pup I acted like rain was no big deal, we still went out in it as normal for walks and bathroom etc. A lot of people train their dogs to be fussy about rain by acting differently, changing their routine, not going out in it etc But when you gotta go, you gotta go - as long as they go out in it in the end and don't pee inside etc Now if there is frost on the ground it's a different story, and I get the "can you please take this off my grass so I can go and pee without my little toes freezing" look. She was a summer baby, this is only her second winter haha i guess its our fault, we don't like walking her in the rain. (and I'm worried she'll get sick from being wet haha - yes, a very paranoid person )
  2. May as well add some pics of her from last night :laugh:
  3. Hi everyone, Not sure if anyone really cares but thought I'd give an update anyways :D. We had our beahvioural consultant with Steve from K9 pro a couple of weeks ago and WOW! Best money every spent, we got a lot of clarity on her behaviour and had a lot of guidance on how to change her behaviour and take back control. We've implemented the new training program given to us by Steve for about a week now and it feels like we have a whole different puppy. She's more calm (a long way to go but I am stoked to see the change in her) and its been 1 week since she has bitten me haha.
  4. I'd love to know how everyone gets their dogs to pee in the rain. My dog refuses to get out in the rain unless we wait until we know she is busting to go.
  5. Lhok, Raiden is gorgeous! do you have any updated photos, they grow so quickly so make sure you take plenty of pics (and share them hahaha)
  6. I have a 7 month old Akita and I've been feeding her Vets All Natural Complete Mix Puppy, and I add in Kangaroo meat, so far I think its been working well with her. Each day I give her a tablespoon of yoghurt and a can of sardines a week. Just be careful with changing their diets because they get upset tummys really easily. I've previously had her on Eukanuba large puppy breed (like someone said, too much corn) and Canidae (didn't agree with her, smelly farts and poop). Maybe consider buying smaller bags of food to see which one agrees with your puppy. I've done a lot of research and I monitor her (poops, fur condition etc - i know, its weird) to make sure she is as healthy as possible.
  7. The toy thing is pretty important I think. When Tank gets a bit frustrated in his crate, he plays with a cardboard toilet roll and there is also one of his favorite soft toys in there. Plus he has the SnugglePuppie which he just lounges all over. He's currently chilling out in his crate watching me do a university assignment. haha I feel your pain. I've been trying to do uni assignments and study for final exams but my little one wants to play all the time. I give her a raw meaty bone in her crate and that entertains her for an hour or two.
  8. I think its normal for them to cry a bit. Just ignore him until he settles. Maybe consider having a radio or something on so he has noise and doesn't feel lonely? Make sure his crate has toys in it for him to entertain himself.
  9. My puppy got desexed at 4 months, which was recommended by our vet. Can't remember the reason he gave us but since we didn't know better we went along. It was a good and bad thing for us. Unfortunately she was very active so her wound got infected and it took longer to heal. but on the other hand, she was already 12-15kgs at that point so we could still carry her up and down the stairs to go toilet. if we had waited later (she's 25kgs at 7 months) I don't think we would be able to carry her. I guess you can make the decision based on your puppy's weight, temperament etc.
  10. Hahaha that is adorable, what a cutie.
  11. Likewise, there is a groomer in Fairfield (Doggies Pet Boutique) that takes large breed puppies. My puppy is 7 months old and approximately 30kgs and there was no problem. Last time they kept her there for about 3 hours so we had the chance to run errands and eat lunch while we waited.
  12. I still put my puppy in either the pen or the crate to sleep at night and she's 7 months old now. The other day I left her for 2 minutes... 2 MINUTES and she managed to havea tissue party. So I doubt she'll be ready for a while, but isn't it good for the puppy to sleep in a crate anyways?
  13. +1 for plastic bottles with food in them. Although my guys will spend hours pouncing on an empty bottle and being amused when it flies across the room, so it doesn't take much :laugh: +2 for plastic bottles with kibble in them. My dog's new favourite toy is the cheapest one of all. She has a blanket in her crate which she doesn't really lie on so I fold up the sides, tie up the ends etc and hide kibble in it so she smells around, nudge her nose to get into the folds. haha thats about 5 minutes entertainment for her. I hope that made sense!
  14. ;) That's a bit like being 'a little bit' pregnant . You either are or not. :) Look at it maybe as not a dog dominating you ...but more a language barrier .The dog is getting a reward by using a paw , or a nose, or barking ..as a puppy would to another pup /its mum...Mum, stop, ,I need to suckle ...... Mum, I just need to touch you , ....Hey littermate ..I poke, you chase, ok? .... That sort of thing :) The other pup, or mum would turn & walk away , or if the behaviour kept up, would give 'THE look', maybe followed by a growl/nip. Humans are not quite fluent in dog ...so need to do other things to show dog what makes everyone happy :) Haha alright guilty. Not implementing it properly. I get what you mean, it's important to be consistent with her which is something which has been lacking on our end. I think every time I see an improvement in her behaviour it gives me a lot of hope. To be honest, I haven't through about the whole nipping this as a communication tool... It does make more sense, maybe that's how she gets us to do what she wants.
  15. Agree with what you're saying. But I just feel sorry for those kind of people because they don't feel the love that we feel and get from our dogs.
  16. She has a dominant nature and its easy to give in because I adore her, but its a bad habit! I've just read that article again, we have been using NILIF but I have to say, we're probably not as strict as we should be.
  17. That is a beautiful story Jipsi, I'm glad everything worked out for you.
  18. Thanks persephone! This is one of my favourite pics of her, right after obedience school.
  19. :D I was just going through my phone and found some photos of my pooch to share
  20. I think she's becoming very attached to us, she doesn't seem to relax. My partner keeps telling me that that is just how puppies are. I think this saturday I will speak to the obedience trainer and ask her if she can show us how to get her to relax. haha i definitely agree with the toddler thing, she is always nudging us for attention. earlier tonight, she kept nudging me until i sat on the floor and she just chewed on her bone anyways
  21. I saw some rottweilers this weekend and oh my gosh, I didn't realise just how beautiful they are!
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