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Everything posted by littlesev

  1. I recently insured with Petplan, which is basically run by Allianz. Haven't made claims yet so I can't say anything on that. However, at my vet's place, they gave out brochure that includes 4 weeks free Petplan insurance for new puppy, so you might want to check that out. I was also reading up on different pet insurance and several people mentioned that pet insurance policy in Australia is written by the same company. I chose Petplan because the rate is affordable and they seem straightforward enough (as far as insurance company goes).
  2. Mine loves strawberries. Fruits are high in sugar though so I feed them in tiny portion (puppy kibble size). I always crosscheck first before I feed him anything new. In that sense, Google is my friend :laugh:
  3. Dancinbcs, he hasn't though I've looked it up and this is weird to say but I'd almost prefer that to IMPA since LCP has a cure. The vet said he won't rule out other possibilities like hip, disc problems or infection just yet. Also, glucosamine apparently works for osteoarthritis but not IMPA. Danois, I'm sorry to hear that and can't thank you enough for your vet recommendation. I agree. If it comes down to taking medication, I'd want him to have the least pain as possible, and at the same time try to keep his internal organs healthy. I'm afraid to jinx it but he seems to improve after the second antibiotic + meloxicam combo.
  4. You know what, you're right. Thanks for the advice :) He's my first dog in 10+ years and I want to do everything right by him.
  5. No, I haven't gotten in touch with the breeder yet. The vet just called to say that the blood test shows inflammation and high white blood cell count. While there could be other possibilities, polyarthritis is likely. The medication (cortisteroids etc) would be prescribed after he confirms the diagnosis and he would do joint fluid test on Monday. Meanwhile, he advised to continue with Meloxicam and antibiotics for now. He seemed more alive when we have people coming over or during short car trips and going outdoors, so we'll try doing that for a bit and let him rest. I'm also a bit worried of the long term side effect of the medication and the potential liver failure. Does anyone have experience with Polyarthritis and the treatment?
  6. Sorry for my lack of updates. I held off on responding because G would get better for a while, and then he'd get worse. He has had shivering episodes ranging from a couple of minutes to 15. I also caught him sleeping while sitting - he never sits unless asked to - and while the vets who saw the video I took of him shivering said it was mild, likely normal small breed tremor, I became convinced he was in pain, stemming from his hind legs. So I went to Dr. Ian. He was the first vet who did a thorough check up on him and wanted to do a blood test. Without showing him the video, he noted that G seemed uncomfortable when his hind legs were being handled. He said we need to rule out Polyarthritis, either immune mediated or bacteria and we were given antibiotics. We won't know the blood test result until later today but I'm preparing myself for the worst and did some reading on Polyarthritis. He just had his final C-5 vaccination on 29th Nov and had no reaction to it. If it's IMPA, could it be the vaccine causing his autoimmune to change? I read that that's possible. At this point, I wish it was ticks!! While I wait for updates, what could I do to relieve his pain at the moment? He's reluctant to walk/eat and he's shivering still. Would glucosamine help or is there any other home remedy?
  7. Just want to update that it's not tick!! Possibly that's why he was sent home without antiserum. I hate to say this but could it be perhaps to sell tick meds? Anyway. He's slowly becoming active again and has started eating his regular portion, pooping and most importantly, chewing our stuffs. He still shivers sometimes but I'm told that it's either because of the cold or small dog thing. Either way the shivering stops once I get him an extra blanket and feed him. I will go to Dr. Ian next time we are due for a vet visit. Will also get him insured. For some silly reason, I wanted to wait until he's 6 months old to get him registered and insured at the same time. Big mistake since this one sickness already costs half year's worth of insurance. Plus, after hours vet consult is so expensive and he seems to get sick just as the vet is closed. Thanks for all your wishes folks. It has really helped a lot :)
  8. Eastwood. My experiences so far has been with those who push me to buy brands they promote or can't get me and my dog out fast enough after 5 min consult.
  9. Thanks Persephone and everyone else :) I've been spending the day reading more on this so I really appreciate the info. He has started moving about - albeit slower than usual and hasn't tried to chew the carpet. He's also eaten a bit of chicken broth and hopefully he won't vomit again. No more fever / shivering and now he's resting. I'm really hoping that this is just a bad case of fever. I've rechecked for ticks several times. I guess it's possible that the tick dropped off / he ate it but we'll see what the other vet says tomorrow. There's also the question of finding a really good vet in Sydney, but that's a topic for another day.
  10. He still growls and were barking at the big dogs at the vet today (napoleon complex) :) I make him drink water regularly. He can't seem to keep his food down though. The vet skimmed his body and ears to check for ticks. She said his lymph nodes were fine, heart beats steady but he had high fever. Have to note that the place was busy with sick pets this morning. I went home assuming that Advantix is the normally prescribed cure. Thanks. First thing tomorrow, I'll call them and ask what they'd do. Otherwise, I'll go to the another vet.
  11. Thanks everyone. I keep giving him water and he pees regularly. The vet gave him Meloxicam injection and Loxicom for oral. Both are for the fever. She told me to start on Advantix now and that she had 3 tick cases last week. Made no mention of antiserum. I really hope the tick did drop off. I'll return tomorrow so we'll know for sure. He just walk more slowly and chooses to sit a lot. It's just so different seeing him like this when he's usually very hyper. Anyone who has experienced this before - what's the recovery process like?
  12. Yesterday, my 4.5 months Silky puppy suddenly started shivering, lost his appetite and energy and had fever. Brought him to the vet first thing today who thought that it's paralysis tick. She gave him injection and oral medicine for the fever, and his temperature has gone down. I've also given him Advantix. He was looking for food so I fed him some chicken and broth but he vomited it later, complete with yellow bile. I read that the most important thing is to remove the tick but I've checked him repeatedly on the face, body, paws, anus, ears and found nothing. The vet said it could be nymph tick that can't been spotted easily and he might get shaven I'm very worried that he's been without food for so long. He turns upbeat at times but mostly just lies down now. What else could I do to help his recovery and keep ticks from my home and yard? He likes to eat strange bugs in the backyard but I've kept him inside for now.
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