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  1. I gave up on toilet privacy long ago, sigh. I have a pug. Toilet privacy? Lol. She loves eye contact, with everyone she meets.
  2. Our girl is our first pedigree breeder dog. I'm shocked at the amount of times I've been asked since we bought her home (two months) if we plan on breeding her. Because why would we bother buying an "expensive papered" dog if we weren't planning on making money off her? I try and explain that we wanted a particular breed for the traits and we wanted a good breeder so we know the history of the dog etc, but no. The consensus is I've wasted money on a fancy dog that's useless.
  3. I have one for my 12 week old pug. So it hasn't been tested by a determined escape artist, but I'm happy with the quality. :D
  4. Happy Gotcha Day Lucy! What a gorgeous girl she is. No doubt due to the work and love you've put into her Megan.
  5. lol. No she isnt. Shes a highlighter sniffing junkie. Get thee to rehab, max! I was letting her sniff it last night, thinking maybe the smell is why she kept attacking me everytime I'd sit down with it, and my OH said if she turned to harder substances later in life it was my fault Lol, she will be onto liquid paper soon. Highlighters are a gateway drug! :laugh: Max is just gorgeous- I want a black pug just like her.
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