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Everything posted by Greylvr
I looked after a Grey for a while and sought advice from a Grey person on here about my cats. If I am wrong hopefully a Grey person will correct me, I would be interested to hear it. She said things to watch out for were not the things I would normally watch for with prey drive. The Grey I had would freeze, her ear would flicker and her mouth would quiver. I decided never to trust her as it just wasnt worth it for minding a dog short term, but found it interesting that they seem to show different signs other than lunging and barking and general over excited behaviour. Yes that behavior is what I was referring to as focused where they seem to go into a zone of focus and stare them down, tense up and just focus really hard on them I am not explaining it well I know That would be the prey drive the other person was talking about. I use focus as it seems more people would understand that than prey drive which lead me to another idea, giving the adopters handouts on prey drive and understanding it.
Pounds are not advertising themselves as Rescue Groups. No they arnt your right I was just thinking that like the lady above some people do think that the pounds have done things much like a rescue but then again its on the adopter to ask a lot of questions.
They are really great dogs if matched in the right home and with responsible people I can see the potential for great disaster if not placed right. On another note we got a call today with interest in Lucky if she passes with the cat. She has only seen the cat from afar looked interested but not totally focused, no pulling on the leash, no barking, jumping any of that just kept walking with us but that can mean nothing. She also had no interest in the ferret hopefully she is cat safe and can look forward to going on trial in January if the home check and vet check are ok. If not she will make a great pet for a non cat family she is really great! Just want to point out that if ever there is a dog that I am not 100% comfortable with cats small dogs, then I wont place them with cats small dogs even if they do well with the test because gut feelings can be right. Rather be safe than sorry.
Glad you offered hope did she get it through a rescue or the pound? One thing I find interesting is that we are all on PR butt (not defending them at all) but pounds generally let you walk in and out with a dog with very little questioning and very little temp testing should pounds be held to a high standard or not allowed to adopt out dogs?
Very true she really is special renaming I have no problem with just coming up with a worthy name of such a great girl is not gonna be easy Lucy is nice though any other suggestions a name change wont be too hard because she will be with us for a bit so plenty of time to get use to new name.
Oh she is so wonderful. She will get up on the bed when invited, and get off when asked too. She loves the children eats up all the attention and is so laid back she just goes with the flow. Everyone has fallen in love with her. She sees her muzzle and leash and gets so excited to go for walks.
They are all so beautiful my heart goes out to them all. I hope she gets her angel
I was just pointing out how gorgeous he was thats all. Wasnt promoting or anything just simply pointing out that he was adorable
Yes just weaned them and they were going to destroy her I am glad we got her she is so awesome, loves the kids very laid back am interested to see her personality when she feels comfy here.
Poor babies I hope his owners come for him.
removing personal things from forum
I know he looks great, how can anyone just leave their dogs at a shelter that kills them? He looks like a real lover but looks like he has a bit of spunk in him too.
Have you guys seen this guy. He is so handsome. I really hope he gets saved just wanted to share this beautiful dog in blacktown.
Ok thanks
Nope was just going to wait for the paperwork.
Sure will, she was a good girl though. The vet loved her and when she brought her back from the urine collection she said she was a very good girl.
She has a urinary track infection and the vet said she has a bit of vaginitis and tense stomach (could be due to nerves) so they ran a urinalysis and said there was a lot of blood in the urine and some white blood cells so they have her on antibiotics and pain medication. If it doesnt resolve with the medication we have to take her back in to check for polyps or something else going on with the bladder but she said it would be very rare given the age of the dog etc. So I am hoping that its just a UTI.
The paperwork is on its way here. Cant really rehome them now anyway. Lucky cant be desexed until after Christmas and Ina is now getting medical care and is on medication and may still need more medical care (although the vet said it not clearing up is a rare case),so it will be some time until they are ready to be rehomed still so much to do with them. The paperwork should be here next week depending on the postal times. I will stay on it though.
Yup we had them scanned yesterday and got it documented on the vets paperwork they gave us. I did notice that they did not come up on any of the databases.
No I have no problems with anyone here except one who has proven to just want to be nasty. I mean if you dont like it and have nothing to give the conversation but rude, snarky comments then just dont reply thats easy but like you said have to take the good with the bad so no worries. I have been reading the thread but boy is it long lol I know, but you have to also separate what you think of a person from what they say. There are people on this forum whose opinion I really respect and value, but who at the same time I kind of hate. Sometimes I open a thread, see someone's avatar and groan, roll my eyes, or read a post and think ".... b*tch" or "wow, I can't believe they just wrote that" but also.. yep, fair point. Or, yep, I bloody hate *insert name here* but they know a hell of a lot about whatever breed/condition/etc. There are here who I'd NEVER be friends with in real life, and people I'm friends with in real life who I'd hate if I saw them posting here. There are also some people who I can't make up my mind about - on one hand I think they're completely tactless and rude, but on the other hand they're extremely knowledgeable and experienced, and if I needed advice on something I'd go to them and would be confident in their opinion. So sometimes it's not about being friends with someone - there's no use surrounding yourself wiht yes men who will pat you on the back and be supportive all the time. Sometimes you need tough love, a bit of a wake up slap, someone to tell you to pull your head in, or someone to give you the cold hard truth. If you want to have a good, well respected and longstanding rescue that does good work for dogs, you need to learn from these people and take on board what they say, even if it's not what you want to hear, or isn't delivered in a friendly tone. ETA - and if people are rude TO you, so much the better. It's the ones who don't tell you what they really think that you need to watch out for. Yup and to tell you the truth there are a few here where a few days ago I was sure I could slap them but now I do respect their opinions and are taking in what they say and do know I can learn a lot from them. Well most everyone now but 1 person who hasnt offered much other than snide comments so I just ignore it but erst assured to those that I found rude and grumpy I have come around and see their points as harsh as they may present them.
No I have no problems with anyone here except one who has proven to just want to be nasty. I mean if you dont like it and have nothing to give the conversation but rude, snarky comments then just dont reply thats easy but like you said have to take the good with the bad so no worries. I have been reading the thread but boy is it long lol
Yeah I knew that sorry my husband put the information through.
Euthanasia its far more humane than having a unsound dog live a life of misery. OK - you've given me another thing to like about you... *grin* None of my questioning in this thread has been done in malice. I am just genuinely trying to offer advice to help you get the most out of your venture. Rescue isn't a competition - even though sometimes it feels like it is - we are all trying to do the same thing, rehoming dogs well. Not everyone is going to agree with the methods we use to achieve the goal of rehoming our charges to great forever homes, but the goal of all good and honest rescues is the same, yes? Those of us who've been in this game a while can get a little jaded and appear to be suspicious of new ventures - but you just have to look at groups farming out dogs willy nilly like PR does, and you can probably start to understand why we act the way we do. I'm willing to bet that PR didn't check out anything about you or your new venture before happily sending you a dog (or 2) - surely that should ring some alarm bells? Would you send a dog to anyone you hadn't checked out quite thoroughly, and most probably in person? The 2 dogs they shipped to you don't sound like they had spent any time together - what if they decide that they DON'T like each other and you are stuck contending with that scenario around your young children and your cat? I truly hope you don't get stuck with an untenable situation if you deal with PR. T. yes I do think we all want the same thing, and farming out dogs are not what is best for the dogs. No I wouldnt send a dog out without the home check and visit with the dog among other things
Simple is as simple does. I have followed this thread thinking you were doing the right thing BUT you have just sunk your rescue group before it even started Good luck Greylvr I would NEVER recommend a rescue group that has anything to do with PR. No problem its not like you would have given us a chance anyway. The whole PR thing is understandable and I will be off to read the whole thread. Ah yes I would...read post #4 Sorry got you mixed up with someone else. My apologies
Euthanasia its far more humane than having a unsound dog live a life of misery.