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Everything posted by Greylvr

  1. Wow! Marketing dogs like they are on the home shopping network now I have seen it all why are they going to do once the new year comes an all these free dogs come flooding back?
  2. This is why the cat we adopted was dumped at the shelter. She is so pretty and loving but at least she has a good home now that will keep her forever.
  3. Hardy you seem to be very together and looks like you are doing a wonderful job kudos to you. Alkhe i didnt feel you were picking on me, your suggestions and thoughts were great.
  4. My contracts have always stated that an adopted dog must be returned to me if they no longer can care for it no if ands or buts. I have had a few people who have had family that want to take the dog which was fine but the dog had to come back to us be reassessed and then the family had to go through the adoption process with us. I have never had a dog kill another persons pets but I am very aware of the dogs we put out there. In the case of Sm staffs we placed they couldnt have other small pets nor have neighbors that had cats or dogs on either side of them. The risk of another animal being hurt because I wasnt diligent just isnt worth it IMO
  5. Oh these are awesome thanks. I am toying with the idea of putting all the rescue dogs thru the greenhounds program I know there is one in Victoria but I cant for the life of me find it right now. I know in some states you can do in home training and then have them tested but in Victoria I am sure they need to go to a kennel for a week so still looking into that. What do you think? Worth it to be able to send the dogs out with a green collar or better to let the owners go through it with their pets? We have one adopter who moved to Victoria and she's having her girl assessed through GAP. As far as I know, this does involve the dog being kenneled there for some amount of time but I'm not sure of the exacts. I don't think Victoria has quite the same thing as NSW but it's worth seeing if you can become an approved assessor. Greyhound Safety Net would be best able to answer questions there. Perhaps send them a PM. http://gap.grv.org.au/Portals/16/GAP%20Fact%20Sheets/GAP%20Fact%20Sheet%20New%20Green-Collar%20Assesments.pdf They have to stay there for a week :) There's a wait though, to get them in. Another thing to consider is that if you put all your greyhounds through the Greenhound assessment, in addition to the cost ($150 non-refundable) it will add to the waiting list for dogs that will go through GAP. Ie, for every dog that has safe backup with a rescue and goes through it, one that doesn't can't. It isn't as simple as that I'm sure, but it's just another thing to think about. I suppose it depends on what your aims are for the rescue you operate. If your aim is to get as many dogs into good homes as possible, it may be better to spend money, time and effort elsewhere. One of the good things about greyhound rescues is that they are able to pick up dogs that fall through the cracks, and end up in pounds/on gumtree etc, rather than going through GAP. GAP only takes on so many, and there is a waiting list for that as well, which is a deterrent for some owners/trainers. I suppose it depends on your I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, just .. there are a lot of elements to think about, I guess. Also, I really don't mean to be rude, but it sounds like there are a few things to think about before you set it up. Whether to register as a charity, what that means and requires.. there are a lot of things to get your head around, and it's not for the faint hearted. Greyhound Safety Net are based in Mornington already and I'm sure they are always in need of foster carers - I've never seen a rescue that couldn't use a few extra hands, PARTICULARLY if they are able to foster.. Perhaps it would be better to join with an established group and foster and get involved in the running of that before starting your own? I know I said this in another thread a few days ago, about starting a rescue, but I really do think there is value in helping existing groups rather than having a lot of smaller ones. The less competition there is between groups who have broadly the same aims (ie, to help greyhounds), teh better - you don't want to have to fight for people's attention, money, support, time, effort.. and it will invariably happen, because an organisation is an organisation is an organisation. Each has aims and requirements, and particularly when they're involved in dog rescue, there is always a need for more money for vet fees, transport, marketing, .. everything. The less double up there is in terms of admin and overheads among people who want to work for the same thing, the more each dollar can do. Kay's Greys is another Melbourne based greyhound rescue group - I fostered for Kay in a former life, when she was part of Greyhound Rescue. Which is Sydney based but had a branch in Vic at the time (not sure if it still does). There are others too, perhaps get in contact with them and see what would be really helpful for them? I do understand the desire to do it yourself and run things your way, etc etc- trust me, I'm an introverted control freak. But I just often see little rescues starting up here and there and think, all the time and money spent trying to establish yourself could've gone so much further. If the aim is to get more dogs into good homes, a critical mass is a really good thing. If the general public need to know more about waht great pets greyhounds can make (and I think they do!), then if people worked together to get that message out, it's better than each group trying to get their own name known. It's better to have a broader focus, I suppose, and focus on the bigger picture. Despite all of that - if it's possible to become a Greenhjound assessor that would be BRILLIANT. You could do SO, so much good work for all sorts of people. I'm sure all greyhound rescue organisations would love the chance to get their hounds assessed without the requirement that they send them away, pay $150, (and in most cases, I doubt they want to co-operate and give $$ to the industry....). I really don't want to be a mean, rude person to come and burst your bubble, but I really, really love greyhounds.. I guess I just think in many cases, people's time and effort would be better spent bolstering the things already in existence instead of starting new ones. There are very good points but I have fostered in the past and just had too many bad experiences. Dogs placed in homes I didnt think were acceptable and had no say. Rescues knowing I had children sending me dogs that were not good with kids, being stuck with vet bills that the rescue should have paid but never did. I ran a successful rescue for 11 years and love it. I am very picky on where my dogs go, I had humane societies shipping me dogs that would be put down if I didnt work with them. Some took 6 months to a year to rehab but I was very successful. I have seen rescues bad mouth the race dog owners and I do not think that is the proper way to help these dogs. I want the dogs to come from the track to a home where they are worked with to get over fears and learn to live with a family. I dont ever plan to board a dog or have them in kennels, just a nice warm house :) I just want to be a small organization that helps dogs. I have a trainer that is willing to send me the dogs they can no longer keep and she may have friends too that need our help. I want to focus on ex racers and getting them into a retirement home instead of them being euthanized. On the other subject I may look into becoming an assessor it would be great to be able to offer this service free to rescues, I think it would go a long way to helping more greyhounds than just those that find themselves at my house.
  6. I had a cattle dog dumped for chasing the neighbors chickens. Never touched them or killed any just liked running them around I guess keeping the dog in the yard was all too much.
  7. Actually I do have another question. Should we go for 501c3 Status charity or a incorporated association or just go it alone but keep all records like we were one of these?
  8. Thank you for all your help. Who says this forum is scary you have all been great.
  9. Oh these are awesome thanks. I am toying with the idea of putting all the rescue dogs thru the greenhounds program I know there is one in Victoria but I cant for the life of me find it right now. I know in some states you can do in home training and then have them tested but in Victoria I am sure they need to go to a kennel for a week so still looking into that. What do you think? Worth it to be able to send the dogs out with a green collar or better to let the owners go through it with their pets?
  10. I would assume they do more. I cant speak for all but I wont just get a dog and place it. IMO you have to have some time with the dog especially since sometimes dogs into a new home can act very differently day one then day 12. A lot of times in my experience the behavioral probs don't come out until the dog feels comfortable in its new place this is why its important to me to have a dog in a home environment for a bit. I am not saying any rescue who doesnt is bad but just throwing my 2 cents in. I think I probably would go as far as saying that. In my opinion, dogs should be held for at least 14 days after the pound, if only for the purposes of disease control. This is very true, especially if there is a high rate of Kennel Cough or Distemper in the shelter. The last thing you would want to do is have an adopter spending money to treat their pets because you were in a hurry to re-home. IMO quality placements trump Quantity placements I mean sure its great to re- home a ton of dogs but if you are not making sure they are in a home that is good for them you are just adding to the problem in the long run.
  11. No I don't think so. Friends Of The Hound are a greyhound rescue here in NSW. Thats good, do you think the Homes for Hounds is too close to the one in NSW I dont want any one upset thinking we are ripping them off. I do like On The Right Track Rescue but would that be a mouthful? Anymore suggestions? You guys have been great
  12. I would assume they do more. I cant speak for all but I wont just get a dog and place it. IMO you have to have some time with the dog especially since sometimes dogs into a new home can act very differently day one then day 12. A lot of times in my experience the behavioral probs don't come out until the dog feels comfortable in its new place this is why its important to me to have a dog in a home environment for a bit. I am not saying any rescue who doesnt is bad but just throwing my 2 cents in.
  13. I haven't read all the replies but wanted to say I talked to them about a dog a bit back and it was $150 plus $130 for transport to Victoria.
  14. Thanks for the warm welcomes. I love rescuing its such a rewarding experience. Our long term goal is to buy a house with property and be able to house more greys. The kids are really excited too. The cat maybe not so lol but she does really with dogs.
  15. These are great. How about Homes for Hounds although there is one in the US so would that be a problem when we went forward for our non profit status? Or does it seem like we would rescue all hounds?
  16. I was on a forum where someone said thy rather eat them from byb I was shocked this is a good post
  17. We are trying to come up with a good rescue name. We will almost exclusively be rescuing track dogs so hoping to come up with a cute catchy name any suggestions? Thanks
  18. This may have been done before but its always interesting to see the stupid reasons pet are surrendered. I had one because the owners had gotten a new couch and the pet didnt match it. Another on was that they locked their chihuahua puppy in the bathroom for 12 hours and when they let it out it got blood on the carpet from the nails because it had been scratching the door all day.
  19. Hey guys wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I are starting a greyhound rescue in Victoria and will be re-homing retired track dogs and dogs that dont make the cut to race. I did rescue for 11 years and am now settled so that I can do rescue again here in Australia. We will be a small rescue that will rely on foster homes and having dogs in our own home. All dogs will be de sexed, vaccinated and temperament tested prior to being adopted. We have met a trainer that is willing to give us the dogs that no longer race and hope to be able to place all sound retirees into their new homes. We will also be educating the public on this wonderful breed and how they can easily adapt to family life. We have 5 kids and a cat so the dogs will be exposed to these which will give us a great way to see the needs of the dogs and test them with kids and cats. Well jsut wanted to say hi and hope to get to know you all. If you ever need a home check on the mornington peninsula or frankston area please dont hesitate to ask we will help where we can. We will have a site up soon and our mission statement should be written up by tonight.
  20. I agree that everything you know about a dog should be disclosed, also there are too many good dogs dying. Sadly we cant save them all.
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