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Daisys Mum

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Everything posted by Daisys Mum

  1. Awww how cute! I hope they dont fall from the nest... they have grown since i took the photo, there eyes arent open yet so it will be a while yet before they try to fly
  2. Thats a point... would hate for the dogs to get at them. Only other place is out the front, they have access to the whole backyard
  3. I cant help but love these little chicks they are so defenceless at this young age.... i guess once theey are able to fly they will dissapear
  4. Not a very good photo but she had flown off to get some food i think so didnt want to disturb the nest or anything As you can see my plant has died never mind :nahnah:
  5. I just checked just then, she flew off and she has 2 eggs in there She is really nice, doesnt seem to be too bothered about the dogs coming and going :D I wasnt quick enough to take a photo , the mummy is back in her nest.
  6. I have had a good look and there doesnt seem to be any eggs :D I have a Sibe here so i can imagine her thinking its a snack If it is still there before it gets dark i will move it
  7. Ooooh thanks It is still nesting there, i cant seem to see any eggs yet but it is happy enough so i am going to leave it there. The flowers had finished flowering so i guess it has found a new home :D
  8. I went outside earlier to water my hanging plants and was about to water this one when i got a suprise to see a bird nesting in the middle! :D I have been watching it for a while and it is still there so i am guessing it either has eggs underneath or its just comfortable I am about to Google to see what type of bird it is... i have seen some of them around here lately, does anyone know what they are?
  9. The next meet is the 1st November... come hell or high water i am going to be there Sasha is missing all of her friends :D
  10. Awwwww he is soooo cute! I just want to smoosh his little face
  11. I have just woken up so i dont think i will make it sorry I wanted to come today ... it might be my pain killers i am on too, they make me drowsy.
  12. i will be there this time... its not a lunch meet is it? do we need to bring anything?
  13. Wow the last photo of the eagle is stunning! I have been to Currumbin Wildlife and its up there of one of my favourite Wildlife parks
  14. I tried my dog on Uncle Albers .... she did very well on it to the point that she put on too much weight so i took her off it There will always be debates on what food to feed but if your dog does well on it thats a good thing
  15. As in Cujos thread i am so sorry ILDD :(
  16. God how awful for you .......... Bella was a beautiful girl R.I.P Bella
  17. Good luck with the results tomorrow.... i hope your day wasnt too stressful for you She will be a lucky girl getting lots of treats and cuddles
  18. I have often read your posts about Chloe but never posted myself because i never had any advice to give. But Chloe for some reason has pulled at my heart strings so i just want to say ....... GO CHLOE GO CHLOE GO CHLOE!!! im wishing all the best for her ongoing health :D I love the oldies they are really special.
  19. Of a morning for breakfast i have porridge with chopped up banana .... i cut off a tiny bit both ends and that is Sashas :rolleyes: she loves banana I guess its ok in moderation... but i wouldnt give her a whole one... not sure why though.
  20. Happy birthday!! what a gorgeous smile How do you keep him so white!! beautiful.
  21. PMSL :D Its the funniest thread i have read all day :D I am glad i dont have boy dogs
  22. Well i wont be shopping there then I will stick with Petstock i think
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