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Daisys Mum

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Everything posted by Daisys Mum

  1. Oh no Teebs poor At! ... i am so sorry and i have all my fingers and toes crossed for him :)
  2. What a beautiful girl Emma is :) all I can do is give you a as one dog owner to another
  3. Oh no not Riley! I am so sorry for your loss wagsalot RIP Riley
  4. Wow she is gorgeous ... i love the colour :)
  5. Yes thats the one thanks mel :)
  6. I use Pet Products and they are cheaper than Budget and they have free postage :)
  7. You are such a brave fighter ... I am always here for you xx
  8. I noticed 2-3 weeks prior that Lacey my Cav was scooting but not excessively and so of course on Easter Monday she ended up with a abscess that burst.... She hasn't had a problem with them since.
  9. I guess the next time she wants advice she won't be surprised that no one has given her any ... I also don't get why it's so complicated , I feed mine the same everyday because they do well on it.. even down to the weight of the food so then I know I can control what weight they are :)
  10. I am so sorry for your loss.. What a lovely photo of Cowboy that you will treasure :)
  11. Thanks for the link lavendergirl ... I might check it out , I have been looking at doing some volunteering and this seems ideal :)
  12. Oh dear I am sorry to hear this ... You must be frantic I hope someone up your way finds them
  13. :laugh: Once I had made a ham quiche from scratch even the pastry and I left it on the bench to cool and about an hour later I noticed Sasha was very quiet and went looking and her she was in the kitchen with her front legs on the bench eating my quiche she only managed to eat a quarter of the top cheesy bit and some of the filling so I was able to salvage most of it :) Naughty Maddie
  14. I will do but I don't have the details so can someone pm me please :)
  15. Hey Jaybeece if you can send me bank details I can deposit a donation to help towards what they need.. Was going to get Steve to send me details but I guess it would be easier for someone already in Vic ... Let me know if this is ok , I want to help any way I can :)
  16. Steve I want to make a money donation.. Can you pm me bank details please :)
  17. I joined just before my mum passed away and I can't express in words what Dol has done for me and the friends i have made... they pulled me through my darkest days and loneliest of nights :) I could never thank them enough and you know who you are! I don't post very much on the forums and only stick to certain threads but I have made some awesome friends :D Sometimes threads make me or make me or and But I wouldn't want it any other way :D
  18. I am just speechless Poor little Cookie You are a true angel K9Angel I am so b**** y angry that someone could do that to a kitten ... They are scum of the earth!
  19. I don't see any homeless people with dogs in the CBD but I see homeless people sleeping on cold concrete without a blanket, pillow or anything Before I go to work next I,ll chuck a couple of pillows and a blanket in my car... What I have observed too is most of the homeless people I see are men! So does that mean women are provided with shelter and men aren't? It's a real shame if that's the case
  20. He is gorgeous! He suits the beanie so well :D
  21. My two love banana...... Everyday for breakfast I "have" to share my banana or they won't leave me in peace :/
  22. I am sorry you are going through this yellowgirl I hope there is good news for Raffi tomorrow :)
  23. Love the 1st and the last one ... Sid looks like he just did a bottom burp :laugh: and Lola looks like she has lost her best friend :laugh:
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