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Daisys Mum

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Everything posted by Daisys Mum

  1. Thanks pers .. When I have a free day I will pop into my local op shop .. Will give me an excuse to see what else they have :laugh:
  2. Lacey ended up with her anal gland so full it compacted and turned into an abscess which burst , the blood dripped onto the floor ... It was gross :/ she had only started scooting a couple of days before and it happened on a holiday weekend the day before we were due to go away. That was over 2 years ago and it hasnt happened again.
  3. Thanks again Jules I,ll have a look :)
  4. Just had a quick search and I can't find the threads ... But then I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to searching things I don't come in this forum much so it could be pages back. I just Googles mobility harnesses but it's not quite what I was looking for ... Picking her up with my bad back wouldn't be ideal.
  5. Hmmm that's an idea.. Never thought of that .. Thanks :)
  6. Hi :) About 4 weeks ago Lacey (CKCS) had surgery on her left Patella (Luxating with a Grade 5) and she is still on strict limited exercise for another month or so... We have started taking her to the beach and let her swim for about 5 minutes , but she really misses her nightly walk with her best mate (Kelpie) So I have been Googling because I had the idea of getting a pram thing which once finished with will convert to the car as a booster seat, I have seen a couple of them on EBay but don't like the look of them Is this a good idea or am I just wasting my money ... I have a bad back so carrying a 8 kilo dog isn't feasible .. Does anyone know where I can source one from?
  7. My two love bananas .... As soon as I pick one up they are hassling me for a piece ! It's like crack to them, they will do anything for a piece :)
  8. Oh no not Mr Wilson I am sorry pers dont be sorry for letting him go.. It was his time. You have had a sh*t of a year:(
  9. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and you get spoilt :) Lots of loves and kisses xoxoxo from Auntie Marg.
  10. I don't have a set amount I put in it ... But my Cav had a Luxating Patella op recently and I was thankful that I had it there . Now I have to start building it up again.
  11. I only use it when i have to give them medication ... they are buggers when it comes to taking tablets. I dont care what people feed their dogs... as long as they are fed and well cared for :)
  12. We have a real mix of breeds around here .... Siberian Huskies, Malamutes, GSD , x breeds .. I haven't seen any other Kelpies or Cavs arounds here except my own.
  13. Yep this is me ..... I won't go to anywhere else, and if I eventually move I will still go there . They love my animals ... sometimes I think my dogs love the vet more than me :laugh: Whether they are cheaper or more expensive I don't know because I have never been anywhere else to compare.
  14. My CKCS does the digging thing too when she wants attention and if you don't give it to her quick enough she play growls too ... she is a little monkey :laugh: she also does it on her bed when she wants a comfortable position , or wherever she sits or sleeps :) I have had dogs all my life and Lacey is the first dog of mine to do it .. the first time she did it I thought it quite bizarre lol.
  15. Thanks :) just after my previous post she used her leg! just briefly but it's a start :)
  16. 100 . Lacey is on 20mg ... she is only 8kg though. She doesn't seem to be in pain, only when I pick her up the wrong way I will talk to Andrew about it next week ... hopefully she starts putting weight on her leg by then.
  17. Only the Tramadol and the Carprofen , but I dropped the Carprofen because both were too much for her tummy... I wonder she is favouring that leg? Andrew did mention maybe some Physio once she is healed from the surgery .
  18. Just an update: Lacey had her surgery Tuesday last week... she came through it like a trooper, I picked her up the following day. She is on Tramadol every 8 hours which seems to do well for her. A couple of times when I have picked her up I must have done it the wrong way because it hurt her :/ she is confined to a pen but mostly my bed :laugh: she seems the most comfy there so I don't mind :) she gets her stitches out on Monday but the surgery site is really good, he did a good job. She still isn't putting any weight on her leg but it takes time so I am not overly worried about it.
  19. It's not somewhere I would take my dog ... she doesn't like people coming up close to her, give her an area by herself and she is fine, just not in busy crowded places :) even though we may know how our dogs are and how they react its too big a risk IMO.
  20. Oh Jules I am so very very sorry for your loss of dear Joey . take care of yourselves and I am always here if you need a shoulder to cry on
  21. She is gorgeous! I want a puppy but I am at my limit of two *stamps feet*
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