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Daisys Mum

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Everything posted by Daisys Mum

  1. I remember the photos he used to post of his dogs all dressed up in their Christmas gear ... He was a lovely man :) Good news for his family.
  2. We have bench seating at my vet .... I usually have Lacey on my lap or on the floor because the seating is quite slippery , it's safer for her to be sitting on the floor. But seriously I would rather have a dog on a chair than a small child ... Children can be dirtier than dogs. I have never seen dogs on the seating either unless it's a small puppy but they are in their owners arms.
  3. Aww that is so special! She will love it :) expect a few tears too .
  4. My CKCS gets a trim around the feet and I trim a bit of her ear hair when it gets all scraggly but the rest I leave alone ... She had Luxating Patella surgery just over 3 1/2 months ago and they shaved her whole flank and it's just grown back, you can still see a bit where they shaved but it looks good now.
  5. Awwww those photos made my heart melt I love it when they go grey, they look so wise :)
  6. Sasha my Kelpie hates storms ... She paces , pants and carries on , Lacey isn't as bad as Sasha but she does pant a bit.
  7. :) she is gorgeous anyway .. Give her a hug and a ear scratch from me .
  8. :laugh: Callie has it going on! She isn't silly , she thought she was doing them a good turn by taking the groceries out of the 4WD and taking them to the house ;) I love the oldies , they just melt my heart :)
  9. Depends on the time of day .. At night I will only allow a couple of barks before I tell them to be quiet, during the day a bit longer but I don't let them bark in excess ... Our next door neighbour works nightshirt until 5 am so I try to keep the noise to a minimum.
  10. thanks Marg, these one's are mini me whippets, well not quite, they're Italian Greyhounds. A bit like whippets on speed. Oops sorry they look so similar, well to me anyway :laugh:
  11. God she is beautiful Whippets are one of the breeds I want , my list is far too long!
  12. I know i shouldn't come in here but I can't help myself :D Nala is gorgeous and those ears :)
  13. I am sad that I can't come on Saturday... Stupid work but the weather looks perfect!
  14. Aww look at Stan the man! Your dog is gorgeous HW :) your whippet looks like a right poser :laugh:
  15. They are gorgeous sm :) I am trying to grow basil it hasn't died yet but it's not looking healthy .. Everything I touch seems to die
  16. She was stunning :love what a beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl
  17. My wait is probably going to be at least 5+ years but it doesn't stop me from oohing and aahing over puppies lol... My next dog is going to be a Miniature Dachshund :D I had one a few years ago , he lived until the age of 17! He was my heart dog and I have been wanting another one since :) I have been looking at the Dachshund breed pages here and also a rescue.
  18. My Cavalier barks mostly at dusk .. I wonder if it's the roaming cats or she just likes to bark for no reason.
  19. This thread reminds me of when I was a child and mum and dad used to cook it for dinner on a regular basis ( the white not the green) blergh I couldn't face it now , the smell would make me heave :/ I'm no help though :laugh:
  20. Only you know that answer ... Not an easy one I know
  21. When my housemate had a Sibe we would purposely leave clumps of fur in the front and backyards and the birds loved it... I don't think they ever plucked fur from the dog though :)
  22. Thanks Staffyluv.. I will have a look. They are amazing aren't they :)
  23. Aww Ziggy looks comfy :D OT I really love your bedspread ... Where did you get it from? I have been looking at getting one but the ones I have seen are quite boring, I love the patchwork style.
  24. Exactly.. Regardless whether it's illegal or not why wouldn't you make it safe for your pets? Everyone else in a car wears a seatbelt or seat in the car.
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