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Everything posted by Brandiandwe

  1. Cuteness overload!!!!! Let me know which post-Christmas shows and we'll wander out! I'll be at one in early Feb definitely.
  2. Pm sent with email address. I'm waiting anxiously here! Will you be going to the show just before Christmas?
  3. If you're going through that page, my Brandi is pictured on the Health & Safety Fact Sheet. :) Sadly, she is not a Greenhound!
  4. When I went out to show to see a particular breed, I started by contacting breeders that I liked the look of, and they told me where they would be showing, and very kindly invited me to come up and introduce myself. I did, and also managed to meet breeders of several other breeds, one of which I have fallen in love with, and another which is confirmed as my DH's favourite!
  5. The other option might be Taste of the Wild. It's a bit cheaper than the others but is made by Diamond so it depends how you feel about them. I used to feed it and my greys did well on it (though with 3, I've gone onto Costco which is the same but half the price - not possible for you). For shipping, the Natural Pet Store do flat rate shipping of $5 to regional NSW for up to 20kg and then $5 for the next, which might be worth looking at.
  6. Thanks for all that. She's had everything introduced very slowly but anything mor than about a tablespoon results in a reaction which only worsens. I've tried her on beef, lamb, pork, and roo. Chicken, fish and turkey seem to work best. I'm a bit jworried about trying rabbit o venison because I like a couple of protein sources she hasn't had just in case she decides to become intolerant to the other stuff too. Grain also doesn't work well for her. I might get some liver and see how she does. If its ok, I might be able to work something out.
  7. I'm a bit scared to try - the results if it's wrong are fairly dramatic..... I could give it a go though and see.
  8. A silly question. My three greys are all on kibble. One, the largest is also on the Big Dog Raw patties, because he couldn't eat enough kibble to maintain his weight. All of them seem to be doing well. However, I'm interested in moving to RAW feeding. It would have to be homemade, but one of my princesses really only tolerates white meats - chicken, turkey or fish. Anything else produces bloody diarrhea. She's also quite picky, and didn't enjoy the raw patties when fed them. She loves cooked chicken though. Sigh. So my question is whether it is possible to feed raw only using white meats? I would mix it up, but the grass being greener in other bowls just means squabbling. They have antlers to chew on, and their teeth aren't bad, but could be better. They also get fish oil, and glucosamine every day, along with homemade natural yoghurt.
  9. Stepping awaaaaaaay from the Evil Shopping Machine (aka the computer). I could definitely find a few things for 'Christmas' if people need to make up the numbers in Sydney.
  10. I don't have any IGs - my greys are more the 'economy sized' larger ones, and I think definitely listen to the others but I wanted to tell you that my little black girl took a very long time to warm up to DH. About four months till she'd acknowledge him on the couch, then another 12 months or more (so 18 months from the time we got her) until she'd willingly approach him for affection, pats, be happy to see him and so on. She was never abused, was fairly well socialised, her trainer adored her and stays in touch with us. And it still took a very long time. Our others sleep with us as often as possible. Paige prefers her own space beside me on the floor. I guess I'm saying that time and patience are needed even with dogs who come from solid backgrounds. My DH really was just patient, acknowledged Paige at times but mainly ignored her and he's now reaping the rewards (or is sharing to annoyance of a cold squeaking nose in his ear while trying to have a sleep in). At 7 months, he really wasn't on Paige's radar. Good luck!
  11. Have you taken her to any shows and encouraged her to talk to breeders? Maybe it's a case of not listening to you (because what would you k ow) but will listen to a stranger who seems competent and has some completely awesome dogs. (I'm suggesting this because I know I'm guilty of this -somehow DH is never as competent as other people! Even if he is.) You never know, she may fall in love with a particular dog and want one just like if, at which point you can point out that she might be able to get one from the same breeder.......
  12. Except that a long way into the future I might try to get dogs of uniform colour. Trying to co-ordinate a dog-hair-free or do-hair-invisible wardrobe is impossible with one white dog and one black one!
  13. MMTS??????? (More money than sense?) Or, from P.T. Barnum, there's a sucker born every minute! And in this case maybe I'm the sucker having gone into the wrong business...... Up to $3500 for a puppy????? Am I missing something?
  14. I'm at the very start of this process and I would like them to pick though I'd like to meet the pups. We're in contact, I've been clear about what I want and need. I also have told the breeder which puppies I like. I suspect that if a puppy that is right for my little family it won't be one of the ones I've liked! :laugh:
  15. Is the scream comparable to the Greyhound Scream Of Death (GSOD)? This is a puppy. They get louder and more disturbing as they grow up. And my three are now looking under the computer desk for the source of the sound!
  16. I suppose it might happen at some stage, but in none of those pictures is the puppy restricting the boy's breathing. I see a lifelong love affair happening . No I couldn't either, and the pup is so small still that I don't think it's a problem. More the wonder that toddlers (and puppies) can sleep in positions that for adults are completely impossible!
  17. OMG!!! Too cute! But I can't understand how the toddler is able to keep breathing. I woke up this week unable to breath to find that Hermon had decided to nap with me, and buried his head into my neck, which was lovely except one of his ears was covering my mouth and the other blocking my nose.
  18. Malinois? (Or a miniature horse! Go the mini horse!!!! )
  19. Right. So it's the same as horses. That being the case, my hounds look happiest in a working trot. They don't tend to walk, and cantering is less fun than an all out sprint.
  20. Are we all talking about the same thing? I called trotting pacing because I've never seen my hounds truly pace.
  21. I would imagine, based on nothing more than watching my hounds, that the pacing would be a more natural gait over a long distance than a canter or run. But this is because I watch my dogs and, given the preference, they all pace as the default gait. Even on the rare occasions I've run with them, they still pace. Though I call it their 'working trot'. :laugh:
  22. We have a Forrester which I love and which fits three greys and us comfortably but one objection to dog four is that it won't take four big dogs, so an alternative is needed. Sigh.
  23. They are inevitably left right where dh is going to stand in the dark on his way to work. Most mornings I hear a trip, then swearing and a bang as he steps on a toy and grabs the wall for balance just beside the light switch. Really good mornings involve a squeaky toy.
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