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  1. Rest in peace Sooty. Sorry for your loss, she sounds like she was a beautiful girl! xox
  2. Yeah I completely understand all of that... I guess I'm feeling guilty because she had her brother who kept her busy during the day when we have to go to work, and now I look out there when I'm leaving or get home and she is usually just lying around, looking bored... I just want to do the right thing by her, I want her to have the best life I can give her. I guess if that means just giving her all of our attention then I just need to get over feeling guilty!
  3. Some of you may have seen my recent posts about our baby husky Jed who passed away due to a complication from liver shunt surgery. We bought Jed and Kirra from the same litter. We bought them together so they would always have each other when we had to go to work. It has only been about 2 weeks since Jed passed away and I feel horrible even thinking about getting a new dog. The thing is, Kirra is just such a beautiful girl, and it breaks my heart to think of her being lonely during the day. I don't by any means want to replace Jed- he made such a huge impact on our lives even in the short time we had him - I just want Kirra to have the best life we can give her. So basically I hope people can see where I am coming from, and my question is, how soon is too soon to start looking for a friend for her? As Kirra is 14 weeks old, we are also wondering if we did get another dog, should we get a puppy or a dog that is a little older? My other question is, would you be looking at a different breed ? Do huskies get along better with certain breeds? Thanks for reading and any advice is appreciated !
  4. I hope Everything is ok with Jasper. So scary when they get so sick Is he at essendon emergency ?
  5. Sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Toasty xox
  6. We lost our little baby Jed far too early. We didn't have you for very long, but in the time we did spend with you, you bought so much joy to our lives. What a beautiful little puppy, taken way too soon. We will miss you dearly, but take comfort in knowing you are at peace now. Rest in peace baby boy. We will never forget you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  7. Our baby was taken off the life support machine at 1am. We are absolutely devastated. Thank you for all your prayers and kind words.
  8. He has to have a blood transfusion. If he doesn't start breathing on his own soon, it's not looking good
  9. Just an update.. Not great news unfortunately. There was a complication , Jed stopped breathing and his heart stopped, they think this was because he vomited and it obstructed his airways. They resuscitated him, and he was breathing on his own again. He is critical at the moment, but stabilising.. Surgeon saying it is about 50/50 at the moment. I'm terrified, we are in for a rough night.
  10. Woofnhoof, he will be there and monitored for the next 3-4 days, but he is in intensive care for 12 hours to be watched really closely.
  11. Jed has had the surgery. They said it went really well and he is now being closely monitored over the next 12 hours. They will call us soon to let us know how he is going but sounds positive at the moment! They even asked us half way through if they could castrate him so he doesn't have to go back in for another operation! So far so good :)
  12. Yeah definitely have to look at the positives. Another day to get stronger and he will be the first surgery of the day. Keep you all posted!
  13. Looks like it has been pushed back to tomorrow They had a few emergencies and couldn't do Jed. First surgery tomorrow morning...
  14. Thanks guys. I have asked around and got some advice and everyone has told me he is in the best place he can be. It's in fates hands now. Definitely got everything crossed that it goes well tomorrow. Hoping I have good news to share tomorrow.
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