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Everything posted by mallakoff

  1. Thanks for taking the time to look that up for me much appreciated ,I'll try these different herbs/foods for sure. I did google search like you said and found that many people have had success with various these foods/herbs and other homeopathic remedies Great info thanks
  2. Cheers ,yes thanks to all. The info has been very helpful. I feel I'm on the right track now to help Freya
  3. yeah Bearu has a knack of falling asleep with funny faces and in odd positions. It looks like a hair bomb exploded on his face :D
  4. what was herbal treatment ? Sounds interesting
  5. I had many clients that used Proalin or stilbestrol intermittently. When put on either of these drug the muscle tone of the bladder sphincters increases so that the urine leakage stops. The "proper" use of the sphincter muscles probably actually strengthens the muscle, so after the drug has been used for a while, the muscles are strong enough to act normally should the drug be stopped, but gradually deteriorate again and the incontinence recurs. Propalin is considered the preferred drug because of the potential side effects of the stilboestrol. The side effect is rare, but nasty. So I would advise going back to use the propalin again. Regards, Thanks guys for this information it's very helpful , will try different vet and see about the Propalin. The intermittent nature of the problem was confusing...but your description of how Propalin effects muscle tone over time makes things more understandable. thank you
  6. Thanks looks like you've got one yourself? your Avatar?
  7. Yes i hope so... it's been very confusing and these are the first dogs I've owned so all the more troubling for someone with no experience...
  8. Heheh probably wouldn't of received any shit if I took the time to thoroughly explain the situation and remembered the important bits These things happen when you're at the end of your tether... Your girl is lucky to have such a committed owner :) Thanks ...just wish I had asked some questions on the forum earlier ....writing and forums make me nervous , silly I know but I'm not the best at writing it takes all my concentration and all of have us have an ego and don't like looking silly, which is even sillier! but men can be stupid! Seriously you wouldn't believe how long it takes me to compose a message that sounds literate. :laugh: My girlfriend is always shocked to find out an hour later that I'm still composing the same message! even now shes laughing at me for taking so long. Oh yeah my bitch is named Freya but mostly we call her Wee Wee... her wee problem has become her nick name ,she even recalls to the name Wee Wee :D And my dog is named Bearu. Just to clear things up ...seriously though I could barely bring my self to correct her for her weeing. It took me months to do it and not before I had exhausted all other options that I could think of ( my mistake there, I know better now and will not be afraid to look silly and ask questions ) and I was not consistent nor hard or loud about it ( the only inconsistency in her training thank god)...deep down I knew that something wasn't right and that corrections were not helping , that's why I'm here i guess. Yeah so enough about my life story....hope my honesty comes through
  9. Thanks, yes i will ask for an x ray too. Hoping very much that the vet can find a solution
  10. thanks I love 'em so much ...now I'm off to give myself a correction and stern word :laugh:
  11. yes for sure booking into vet now . Thanks again for all the swift replies
  12. *nods* You know now , for next time :p :) hehe yes
  13. Heheh probably wouldn't of received any shit if I took the time to thoroughly explain the situation and remembered the important bits
  14. the problem stopped completely for a while... day and night and this was before i started correcting. But yeah back to the vet to see what they think again
  15. Ok cool just read a few of the other posts . will take her to a different vet to see what they... thanks to all for the advice Again sorry to be so hasty just feelin a little bit defensive ...but I'd better drop that nonsense or no one will want to give me any advice and i will learn nothing..
  16. yeah i forgot that bit oops ...sorry my fault... that's why i did a quick edit when i realized i forget to mention some important stuff....didn't mean to be so reactive ..just did you know how it goes ..
  17. just saw all the other posts ..before you judge this situation understand that i have been agonizing over this for months and racking my brains to work out then problem . would have put it up on the forum sooner but knew that a barrage of shit was going to fly my way...... BUt yeah probably should have included the bit about the vet etc.... sorry forgot to mention it
  18. Hi yep i discussed spay incontinence with vet and he recommended stilbestrol etc...because she was spayed early stilbestrol gave her rashes all around her bum etc.. she then went on another drug Propalin which helps tone the muscle around the bladder. I gave her this drug for 2 weeks slowly reducing the dose to 1/8th of what the vet recommended and was having good results so good i decided to stop giving her the drug completely to see what would happen .The result was that she didn't start wetting the bed again but had stopped wetting her bed day and night even without the administering the drug. I asked the vet how long Propalin stayed in the system he said only for a very short time that's why regular doses are needed and the tiny dose that i was giving 1/8 of recommended her was unheard of to be effective. vet was baffled how my dog had gone from wetting herself alot to not at all and being completely off the drug. The bed wetting day and night stopped for several months after these initial trial of drugs and then taking her off them completely ,we were all baffled? she went for several months with no problems then it started up again..? The problem went away ...it came back again still I did not correct her for another month after the problem came back.... i hate correcting her she's a very soft dog and hates it... I started to correct her after watching her very carefully while she lay on the couch ..she would relax and let a little wee out... I would go over to her and lift up her tail and watch at her quickly contract her bladder muscles and stop the trickle ...that's when i worked out she was being relaxed/lazy I then proceeded to correct her. So she has been off all drugs for 6mths now she does not wet her bed at night anymore but continues to let trickles out during the day when laying around. This does not happen on long car trips at or at other peoples houses or for the 10+ hours she is asleep at night..... its weird i know.
  19. Hi to all, I have been visiting the forum for awhile but this is my first post I have a weeing problem with my 2 year old rescue Ibizan X Staghound (staghound) She's a lazy girl and decides that she'll relax her bladder and let wee trickle out when shes on her bed or just lying round. At first I thought she had a medical problem. But she has been checked by the vet for bladder problems etc.. and was ok'd so nothing medical just lazy. She is house trained and has never squatted to do a or wee or poo in the house. But When I first got her I would repeatedly find her and her bed wee soaked in the morning, not much fun. I gave her corrections (spank on the bum and a stern word) for this after finding out that she had no medical issues, and the night time bed wetting has stopped. So she can hold her bladder for up to 10 hours +. Never had it happen in the car on long trips either. Just seems to happen when shes relaxing round the house outside and inside. This problem is still happening during the day, she gets lazy and does a little trickle. enough to make her bum wet. So my days can often go like this... I take her for a walk and she has a wee ,but an hour later after we get home I find her on her bed doing a little wee trickle. She could just get up and take a wee on the lawn when she's outside. And when shes inside she could go the door and scratch on it to tell me shes needs to go for a wee. (she will scratch on the door to let me know when she occasionally needs to do a poop in the middle of the night) So when the wee trickling happens shes not busting to go ,because I take to spot where she likes to wee on lawn and she doesn't wee straight away she just wanders round and doesn't wee ? So then I then take her for a quick walk around the block and she do a wee at some stage on our short walk. But I can't be walking round the block every hour. ( i work at home) She gets plenty of opportunities to relive her self during the day, if she's inside she gets to go out every 2 hours for a wee. She knows that wee trickles are not allowed as when she has done it and she sees me she jumps off her bed and looks sheepish. She has her good days where there's no problem and she has her lazy days where this may happen several times in a day... There was even a couple of month period when the weeing problem stopped completely. But has started again... really not sure what to do to fully correct this this problem ,its tricky. Other than this wee problem she a great girl and a very funny happy dog who loves to play with her best friend my other dog who is a 3 year old male Greyhound X Deerhound (Staghound). Does anyone have some suggestions? Thanks - Mal.
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