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  1. This is a worrying comment to find - I don't understand why there wasn't enough space and why there were too many people - We have an enormous oval and there would be plenty of space. In fact we generally encourage space between dogs that aren't comfortable with other dogs. We don't have a large membership so I am not sure where the people came from either We are at Lucknow Recreation Ground - is this the place you went to? Please contact me Lorna
  2. To Yvette and Bianca. Hello I am from the Bairnsdale dog obedience club, I am not sure who you spoke to from the club Yvette but - we like to see the dog and keep it outside its reactive zone and then desensitize. Would love to talk to you about your dog. There are two NDTF trainers at the club, people should contact us and ask lol. One is myself and another is also available. Please look at our website bairnsdaledogobedience.yolasite.com or contact me by text on 0413109921 - reception is bad so calling is not always possible. I would also like to speak to Bianca about her problems, what class were you in and did you let the committee know about your difficulties? Sometimes you need to do some work outside club times but we can't arrange this if you don't let us know. We are always upset when someone leaves or can't get the help they want/need. So girls please contact me so that I can talk one on one with you. Thanks Lorna
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