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Everything posted by palski

  1. yup I did tell the RSPCA and council about the pup's age. I'm in agreement that they do works wonders with the right training and I personally think from 4mths old depending on the puppy. Yeh shouldn't have taken it off, a quick reaction when I felt the pulse.
  2. Soo I contacted RSPCA again about the collar and yeh they just said its great I put the fact sheet in their letter box but because its legal in QLD there is nothing they can do. I cannot honestly determine if there are physical injuries from the collar- hard to see. Same with council. As there is a actual fence around the border, electric fences are not illegal no matter the age of the pup. I will do what I can, I'll put up a visual barrier. Really like that idea, thanks persephone. Its hard because even with the barrier I will still 'know' he's out there- It's harder for me lol! This is so bummed.
  3. yess lol! I'm concerned, really can't help but have a quick look from my window :laugh:
  4. Like I said with my first post I don't go near the fence but this ONE TIME curiosity got the better of me and I put my hand through to see if it was a constant pulse. It was and I didn't think- I just took it off him. I like the idea about the visual barrier but its not just my back fence that I'm concerned about. Their neighbours have two dogs where I can see the pup likes to also sit and watch them too..
  5. Funny you say that because I did contact RSPCA and they emailed me a fact sheet to put in my neighbours letter box about how they do not support the use of electric collars in QLD. That was all they said to do so I'm not sure what would be the next step with them. Umm and the council... Would they do anything as they are actually legal here in QLD?
  6. My back neighbours have recently got an approx 6wk old gsd pup (he is A LOT smaller than my now 4yr old gsd - he was 8wks from a Breeder). I work from home and have noticed that unfortunately his owners are rarely home to socialise and look after this puppy. I woke up one morning to find that the pup had gotten through the back fence and was running around with our boy. Luckily he didn’t hurt himself and our gsd is friendly! When the owner got my note and picked him up, I assured him that my partner would look at our side of the fence and fix any loose panels and that it didn’t bother us that he had got through and that we were just happy he was safe. Anyhow, the next day I saw yellow wire laced up to their side of the fence and an electric collar on the pup. It’s one of those systems where it beeps when the dog is too close and then it constantly zaps when he’s at the perimeter. As you can imagine, the pup is still always at the fence just wanting attention. Doesn’t even care that he’s getting a constant electric pulse through him. I don't go near the fence, yet he's still there. I’ve now been sneaky enough to put my hand in between the fence panels to see how strong the pulse is on the collar. It was so strong that I just went ahead and took the collar off leaving it just near their side of the fence hoping the batteries would just fry. Naughty! I just didn't care at that point lol. Its again back on him. My partner thinks I should just mind my own business and it’s their dog and they can raise it the way they want. It’s a frustrating situation! Please give me your feedback, I would like some reassurance on what to do and if in fact I should just "butt out of it" P.S Just so you know my stance- I'm not against electric collars with the proper training and in my opinion the right age of the pup/dog. I feel in this situation the pup is too young and is getting no training
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