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Everything posted by orrd

  1. what this person said; Because they aren't domestic dogs? They haven't been selectively bred for many of the characteristics people expect in a pet dog and the challenges of keeping one safe and happy would be beyond many potential dog owners.
  2. orrd said that?? i remember asking a bunch of questions and got a bit name cally....??? and there is a difference between living and existing, but i won't go into that
  3. so as long as the dingo traits that no one can state specifically are of interest to some certain individuals even tho they can't put those specific traits into words is justification enough to own one, i have the right to own one because i want one, enuff said - how much more ego-centric, selfish and immature can people get - not labelling. on a behavioural level - not a dictionary level - can somoene explain the difference behaviourially to a "feral" animal living and surviving completely in the wild and a "wild" animal doing the same thing. behaviourally there is no distinction so moot point. weird logic: a wild animal is not a wild animal if a group of people classifiy it as a feral animal even tho its living in the wild and surviving as one???
  4. sorry about the grating - goes with public opinion forums, hardly a forum if everyone was just going to agree with each other. can someone just answer me these simple uncomplicated 2 questions; what personal need are you (dingo owner) satisfying by selecting a wild species as a pet. i don't buy the difference between wild and feral, wordplay. what trait/s are lacking in the possible hundreds/thousands of purebred, designer, cross-bred domestic breeds available to choose from that would have you consider a wild species as a pet. no labelling, no agenda, no doubt more grating.
  5. where no tourists are? they are evrywhere, especially where they are not supposed to be. they do cull, prolly not enough but the public reaction to culling is hysterical. yes emotional but definately fully rational and objective. yes i was referring to frazer island but it could be any national park with a number of different species other than dingoes, the bunyas have same problem with tourists feeding native birds you have to see piles of birds who's stomachs literally explode after eating various flour based products and rice that swell untill the birds split open - all the tourists knows is they got a great photo, always ignore the clear signs telling of the dangers. the birds also lose their survival skills so the argument is irreleevnt to a particular species whether its wolves, dingoes, parrots, wales, dolphins......exact same problem, exact same stupidity and painful waste of life. wolf hybrids thankfully are not avaialable here as they are a a huge source of exploitation, most are just malamutes/GSD crosses etc,real hybrids make horrible pets as they dig huge holes to hide in if they can,they are timid fearful escape artists. sorry my opinion differs from some, nothing personal but surely there are enough domestic dog breeds and crosses to pick from to satisfy your needs - what the hell need are you satisfying anyway????? what will your dingo do??? novelty ornament?
  6. yes i should read the whole thread as basic manners - nothing will shift my opinion tho that people fixated on owning animals that are better left in the wild where they would be much happier is WRONG & STUPID, always ends badly for the animal after the human has had their fix. totally THE SAME idea with wolves and wolf hybrids AND..., sick, sick, sick people. if you admire them, respect them and LEAVE THEM ALONE, again this is not disneyland, slap yrself and wake up to reality. dingoes die becuase tourists want their fix and keep disobeying the rules and keep feeding them, keep feeding them, bring them closer, get a pic of how you tamed the wild beast FACT - THOSE ANIMALS THEN DIE - cos some idiot wrote their death sentence by insisting on feeding them.
  7. haven't read the whole thread as new here, similar discussions with wolves and wolf hybrids - fundamentally if you love these animals then leave them alone as much as possible, they don't want yr company, they are not happy as pets, this is not disneyland. will read rest of thread now, i was horrified with the thread title and thought aussies had more brains.
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