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Her Majesty Dogmad

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Everything posted by Her Majesty Dogmad

  1. I would change photos, he looks lovely but very sad.
  2. This is another enquiry on the older dog I'm rehoming but I think this one is ideal. Just need to check it out further. Thanks!
  3. I've had a wonderful enquiry from Point Cook and it would be great if I could get the homecheck done within the next few days but next weekend is OK if noone can help till then.
  4. I am helping a poor old dog find a home, his owner is in a nursing home. I need an experienced rescuer for this homecheck if someone is in the area.
  5. Please send me the details - I have physio at 9am but will join you after that!
  6. I would housetrain both puppies in the same way - one won't understand why the other can go inside and they can't. I have a housetraining method which I'll happily email to you if you pm your address to me - puppies do take longer than adult dogs of course. Get yourself a doggie door and prop it open for the Pom to follow the JS or leave the door open until the Pom's big enough to get out of a doggie door. There'll be lots of accidents for the first few weeks but it pays to start early. I have a friend who has raised many litters of small rescue dogs, they are all rehomed around 3-4 months of age and all are housetrained by the time they leave her home. She works on it from day one and has easy access via a doggie door. And for everyone who doesn't know - it is PEDIGREE - not pedigreed .....
  7. Poor sweet girl, she deserved so much more of her happy life.
  8. Just one of my vet bills this year was $3000, financially it's hard to manage but I would never deny them vet treatment. I would draw the line at chemo though.
  9. We have been in regular contact with their new owner, they have completely fitted in to the household, all the dogs get on very well and cuddle up together. Dusty loves going to work with her, he's a very outgoing boy! Phoenix has come out of his shell even more. It's all good! I'm not sure if there are any photos we can post up but I'll check with Ella, their foster carer.
  10. Sorry that you were refused but organisations all have to have rules and some are in place for very good reason. How can they know that YOU are different from all the rest. Perhaps if you showed them where you'd be living in Singapore and that you knew how much it would cost you to get the dog back, all the regulations etc you'd have to follow to get the dog there then maybe you'd convince someone to let you have a dog. Make an exception for someone (if you can) and sometimes you are making a mistake on the dog's behalf. I live near a university with many overseas students. Many of them go to petshops and buy dogs that they then get euthanased or dump or rehome to other students, when they are leaving to go back. As unpalatable as that may be to you and other readers - it is the truth, I have seen these unwanted dogs many times - advertised, sitting in the vets waiting for the needle unless a rescue group takes them (and that's only one vet in the area that deals with rescue, we haven't heard from any others) or running round the streets until they get hit by a car or picked up by someone or the ranger. I have a suggestion for you, as you love dogs why not help in a different way by foster caring for a dog - that will help the dog find a home in Australia and when you return to Singapore you can help another dog there. I did see a news feed about cruelty to dogs in Singapore so there must be refuges over there or organsations that help stray dogs?
  11. She looks like a feisty JRT! God love her and great that you could take her back.
  12. Poor little mite, she had such a sad little life and never got to have the happy life she deserved.
  13. T - could we have some pics of Bluey from Canberra too please? :D
  14. I have been through this situation far too many times in the last few years. I rescue old dogs and often only have them for a year or two. My vet says it is better to go too early than too late. I lost my Cattle Dog Sally to liver cancer in 2010. I was having trouble accepting it, she was obviously sick and this went on for a week or more but I took her to the park as I did every day and on the last day, she no longer wanted to play with the ball. It was her obsession and in spite of her illness she still wanted a short game with the ball but not that day and that was when I knew it was time to let her go. Her best friend Pepper the Keeshond cross, died 5 months later. Most unexpected. She hadn't been right for a while but the vet could not find anything wrong, she was still walking, still eating but I felt something wasn't right. And then one day she was coughing, I thought she might have kennel cough but the vet examined her and said he felt it was lung cancer possibly. I was so shocked, I got antibiotics from him and took her home, sure that he was wrong. 2 days later, I woke up in the night to find she was struggling. She could no longer lie down. She was falling alseep and as she touched the floor, she dragged herself up again. I can't tell you how terrible I felt. I should have let her go 2 days before or even the day before, this was terrible. However hard it is on us, we should never let our best friends suffer needlessly. I have often wondered if i made a decision too early but I did what I thought was best at the time and second guessing myself isn't going to change things. We have to let them go, we only hold on to them for ourselves, it's not for them. Be strong and be there with him. I have taken treats with me to the vet on the last few occasions and my darling dogs have left this world enjoying a tasty treat, they were happy and this helped me cope. Hugs to you.
  15. Oh she is gorgeous! Think she needs a squeeze of those anal glands while she's at the vet!
  16. Utterly GORGEOUS!! What a lovely thread, it's wonderful to see how the dogs are now.
  17. Thanks very much, I had a very kind person do this for me and forgot to update the thread. :)
  18. I expect she'll be going up and over the gate. Italian Greyhounds are great escape artists (5 kilos) and they can scale very high fencing. We lost one last year from a home with a gate like that, it is def. where he got out.
  19. Definitely contact the council. I still regret not calling the council when I saw a pitbull behind a knee high gate in the next street. A few weeks later when someone was crossing the road with a small dog the pitbull jumped over the gate and straight into the road to attack the small dog. The police were called but it was too late of course. I'll always regret not taking action.
  20. I need a homecheck for an Italian Greyhound in Corinda this weekend please. Thanks!
  21. Poor little mite, hope she comes back soon. Someone's probably got her. We lost a dog in Canberra twice and both times people had taken him in and wanted to keep him. Luckily they saw our posters and returned him but he was gone for 4 and then 2 days, such a worry.
  22. PAWS need a homecheck in Coffs asap please. It's for an ex Renbury boy and the home sounds lovely. If you can help, could you pls pm me asap? :)
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