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Her Majesty Dogmad

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Everything posted by Her Majesty Dogmad

  1. Good news! Especially as the temps are going to hit the 40s there this weekend, he'll be so much more comfortable thank God.
  2. I remember her, she's so adorable - i LOVE those teefies! Well done Rachel, it is so worthwhile to wait for the right home, sometimes you begin to wonder as it seems to be taking so long but it makes all the difference to the dog if you can hold out. Happy news that has made my day! :D
  3. Oh no, I'm so very sorry to hear of Oscar's passing. Hugs to you.
  4. On Facebook I received a share about a shelter in Korea where sometimes the dogs die in the freezing conditions. Many people there buy animals but don't keep them very long. A very sad state of affairs. Australia is not much better - I met someone on Sat night who is a byb and comes from a family that has always gotten rid of their pets for various reasons. I tried to explain the whole situation but the person was not remotely interested. I don't feel that it is an excuse to come from a family that dumps their pets, someone can still think for themselves once they reach adulthood.
  5. I use Advocate on the 1st of every month. On the 1st of every quarter I use a tapeworm tablet. I buy online to save money but often get the tapeworm tabs from my vet. If i'm going into a tick area then I buy a collar but it's unusual, i generally avoid the areas where i know my dogs will get ticks. When I get foster dogs, I immediately use Capstar and once bathed, after 24-48 hrs I use Advantage because it works for fleas but then I get a Heartworm test done and providing it is negative then I switch to Advocate. I have found both products to be very effective with fleas. I also wash all the dogs' bedding every week and don't have carpets.
  6. What a terrible thing to happen .. poor dogs. Hoping for a miracle for them both.
  7. So sorry, RIP Roxy, what a beautiful girl
  8. This happens a lot... and I reckon it's lovely that they think of the rescue dogs so kindly in their own time of grief. Yep - this one happens a lot too - but you have to admit, we do see a lot of things in rescue that the average pet owner doesn't. T. Absolutely, none of this is an issue for me. :)
  9. From my experience, you ALWAYS need to do a yard check. Sometimes people answer the question that they have 5 or 6 ft fencing. Great you say, that's ideal. Can you accept that is all good and place the dog without a worry - no. When I do homechecks, I may find that in spite of the fact there is 5 or 6 ft fencing as per their answer, I also find that there is a 3ft gate, or a gate with a huge gap under it, or an uneven landscape where in one part, the dog could jump and get over - the list goes on. I've found yards full of Wandering Jew and many other hazards. I also don't beleive in having people to the house, last time I did they wanted to adopt one of my own dogs rather than the foster LOL. Depending on the situation, I will go to them or I will meet them in a local park. (not dog park)
  10. Yay Arcane, you have done a wonderful thing for Sally - a new home for Christmas!
  11. 24. When neighbourhood dogs pass away or change diets, they bequeath their worldly goods to you, the dog lady. I often come home to find things on my doorstep. If there's a lost animal then my neighbours or work colleagues will come to me for advice, also on ailments or behaviours their pets might have. I'm currently helping an old neighbour with a 60 kilo mastiff boy, he's had a hard life but I'm trying to help his last years be a bit more comfy. He's a dear old boy who is outside all the time without a bed so his limbs are all arthritic from lying on concrete.
  12. My mum has a Lurcher (hairy Greyhound type) that she adopted from Battersea Dogs HOme 2 years ago. He has a rear leg missing and noone wanted him. He's the most beautiful dog and mum takes him for runs in the local field, unfortunately he is still swift enough to catch rabbits ... He can fall over occasionally so she watches how she's interacting with him when he's on lead, she does need to pay attention more.
  13. Try getting a Jack Russell or a Foxy - i currently own both and have owned and rescued many. Quite a few of them are growlers. Last week i rehomed a very Poodle like cross but he was crossed with a Foxy I thought and he was also a growler. For rescuers, it is very important to point this out to new owners and for dog owners, it's important to know that growling at certain times can be problematic and those situations (ie with other dogs) have to be managed. There is nothing you can do about it unfortunately, except manage the situations that you take the dog into. My old Foxy who died of a brain tumour was a phenomenal communicator, by growling. He was talking to me but in the dog park, you could see how it could become a problem so i only went to very large ones and kept away from other dogs. only fostered gentle dogs that soon learned he was not nasty ... just vocal.
  14. We have 7 working border collies here that spend the day in a crate while we are at work. They cope with it just fine :) Honestly, that does amaze me :)
  15. Whilst I don't like debarking, a friend of mine had 2 large dogs and received many neighbour complaints of barking whilst she was out at work. In the end, it was euthanasia or debarking and that's what she did. She truly loved her dogs and wanted to own them until the ends of their lives, they were already rescued by her previously. I also would not put a Border Collie, of all dogs, in a crate, they'd go crazy unless perhaps they are elderly. There has to be another way ...
  16. That's the wrong sort of Collies for Judy. How about contacting the AWL in QLD - they are very good. Border Collie rescue in NSW is run by 1 person and always full, perhaps there is one in QLD? Have a look on Petrescue for some of the rescue groups there. Problem is, we are approaching Xmas and the dumpage in NSW has already begun so best to move asap.
  17. Whilst I'd have the foster carer involved in letting me know whether they think the home I'm investigating might suit the dog, this is not a responsibility i would leave with my foster carers. They also wouldn't want to do it.
  18. So horrific, I felt ill after reading this and later said a prayer for the little dog, I can only imagine the suffering endured. Was it the dog of the person that did it or was it someone else's dog I wondered ... I hope whoever it is, gets locked away but the sentences never match the crime if they can even find them.
  19. I have a friend who has just moved there and might be able to help.
  20. I shouldn't be surprised ....the number of people breeding staffies ATM is astounding. It seems everytime someone says to me "I am getting a puppy"...9 times out of 10 it is a Staffy & never any mention of reputable breeders. I have to bite my tounge & walk away, otherwise I get myself into all sorts of trouble...the same with people getting oodles Agreed, someone at work wanted a "Groodle" and said they had found a proper "breeder". I explained carefully about it all as a concept. I also found 2 Golden/Poodle crosses, chipped as Groodles, in rescue in the last few months but no, they want a puppy and it has to be a certain colour. They will def. be a good owner but it still sticks in my craw.
  21. He's gorgeous! I think maybe a bit of Scottie in there but am not an expert on Skyes!
  22. Annandale Vets are fantastic and hopefully achieveable except in peak hour?
  23. Poor little chap and poor you. Do you know if/where there is an eye specialist nr you? Are you in NSW?
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