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Her Majesty Dogmad

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Everything posted by Her Majesty Dogmad

  1. What a lovely story, tears in my eyes. Dear little Patch, RIP sweetheart.
  2. Definitely DO NOT allow the dogs to work it out amongst themselves. The staffy's behaviour is totally unacceptable and must be stopped. This dog is NOT suitable to mix with other dogs, especially in places like dog parks because it will cause a fight and not necessarily just between two dogs. Dogs can act as a pack and all attack one dog and so on. Although you don't say they take this dog to a dog park, so many people do so I feel it it prudent to mention this. I would also recommend a behaviouralist is contacted - I can recommend a few different people, including a couple on the central coast. Let me know.
  3. Can you smear a bit of tabasco sauce on your kids' pants?
  4. Tying up a dog is never a good idea, you need either a very large crate or two smaller ones for safety. I also wonder what she eats. Another thought is that she simply does not like being in a crate on her own and the weeing is a sign of distress perhaps? You could get a doggie toilet for the balcony or wee pads for inside the crate.
  5. In my experience, don't get puppies if you want a lie in! I'm talking about young dogs generally - it's like having toddlers, they don't like a lie in either. 7.00 am is quite a late start! If you want to stop them going into a certain room, perhaps consider a baby gate but I don't think it's fair to expect them to stay in one room. Not a good idea to let them anywhere that is unfenced, you say they wander? Wandering dogs get lost. Do you spend much time with them yourself?
  6. Can you get a doggie door? I have old dogs and they don't cope that well with the heat but I would never leave them outside in it, they come and go as they like and the house is cooler than outside. I also have the air conditioner on timer to come on for a few hours in the afternoon! Same in the winter, comes on to heat.
  7. Life is so very cruel sometimes, poor little girl.
  8. I have small dogs and generally a lot of Asian people don't seem to like them, crossing the road to avoid them. I normally step off the pavement when I see them coming, if they like dogs they usually say something but most of them don't speak at all. Some people have been very fearful and started to make scared noises and we haven't been all that near! It's a cultural thing, a Chinese colleague told me that many Chinese people were brought up to be fearful of dogs due to rabies etc.
  9. What a lovely story, you could not have known she was so tiny from the photo! For meals, nothing too rich and probably 4 small meals a day until you can't feel her bones. Maybe there's an underlying medical condition that her former owner can tell you about? Just because she was in a home doesn't mean she will be in the best condition - old dogs sometimes cannot eat differnet foods because they have bad teeth that haven't been attended too. (many pounds just feed dried food). Stick to soft foods - basmatic rice is really good, also try sardines/tuna which is tasty and will tempt her. Have a good look in her ears - they may never have had a clean in her life. I'm always digging potatoes out of the oldies' ears!! Wait until she's through quarantine but only a shortish walk of up to 20 mins at a slower pace each day and she'll probably be as happy as Larry! You may know this but don't leave an oldie alone with the pack. I never thought she'd get out, thank you and your family for having a big heart.
  10. Definitely the stress she's been through can cause these problems - I often find for the first two weeks I have a foster dog that they are right on my tail as I move around the house/garden and are desperate to follow me out the front door. They do settle after a couple of weeks generally. I have other dogs so they aren't alone but they are often very focused on me anyhow. Try leaving your dog with a Tshirt that you've worn recently or a nightie etc. Pop it into her basket. Leave plenty of toys (they should be rotated every couple of days). Give her a good walk before you leave as well and perhaps a bit of brekkie (mine get a sardine and a biscuit). She should settle into a happy routine!
  11. So sorry, poor little chap and poor you.
  12. What a beautiful girl, so tragic. I hope someone rang the a---hole owners and gave them a serve. Far less than they deserve. Lowlife scum.
  13. I stand by my comments. I am not going over the top as you suggest, you are not being vigilant enough - you have described what I know to be potentially life threatening problems for Nate. You might be happier for now if you keep thinking "she'll be right mate", but it will be Nate that pays the price for your rose tinted glasses.
  14. Anal glands for sure - pls get to the vet asap for a squeeze before they get infected! Dogs don't clean their bums particularly (not like cats), unless she was scraping her bottom (aka scooting)?? That is a sign of full anal glands too.
  15. No, definitely NEVER leave them unsupervised, not even for a minute.
  16. Personally, I'm very concerned by the description you have given. I would be giving Sarge his marching orders, back to his breeder. This whole situation is completely unfair to Nate and I believe it is unsafe. A friend took on a young GSD puppy, she had an older maltese and the situation you've described is very similar to their relationship. One day, the GSD aged about 7 months, turned on the maltese and killed him - my friend desperately tried to save her little dog and got him onto her lap and the GSD came after him and finished him off. All in front of my friend and her grandchild. I'm not trying to scare you but I believe this situation will only escalate as time goes on. For an 8 week old large breed puppy to display the behaviours you have described, he is not suitable as a companion for your small breed dog.
  17. Can't see for the tears, I'm so very sorry for you all
  18. Such a shame, there are so many worthwhile things that a person could do - help their community, help animals. If you have a family yourself - you are a lucky person, you could spend your time with your children, teaching them about life and what's right and wrong. And yet some people cannot appreciate what they have and go out of their way to make other people's lives harder - when they don't even know them. Cannot understand the motivation of such an individual. As I said before, it's the sign of an absolute lowlife.
  19. Obviously no sense of guilt over the missing money or wasting the time of decent people who are doing their best to help animals. Get yourself a life lady and pay the money back!
  20. Definitely chiro work needed, I've had two of my dogs with bad necks and they were fine after a visit!
  21. Pretty sure I've had an enquiry from someone who fits this mould. What a moron, screwing things up for innocent animals and people with good hearts - Narelle you are simply the very lowest of the low.
  22. Cushings is terrible, I've lost 2 of my dogs in the last year because of it. My condolences to you and your family. RIP Kip.
  23. I've never had a dog turn it's nose up at either Royal Canin food or a dried biscuit I buy on line - the only brand from www.pricelesspets.com.au. Think it's called "All Natural" and mine love it, comes in 15kg bags only for around $80, takes 2 days to get to me in NSW from Qld.
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