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Her Majesty Dogmad

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Everything posted by Her Majesty Dogmad

  1. My vet told me it only takes a touch of a sprig of WJ - it's a bloody nuisance. I used to go out every week and search through part of my garden where it grows amongst other plants so it's hard to spot. I had to do this because otherwise my dear foxy boy used to be in terrible discomfort, I think you need to be very vigilant or try and close off access to areas that you can't manage.
  2. Desexing is a much better choice - far less risky for them getting prostate cancer etc. They will also be far less inclined to lift their legs - I've had desexed and undesexed dogs here as fosters and undesexed dogs, particularly males, are nothing but trouble. Other dogs will have a go at them just because they are undesexed. Please don't be tempted to put human values onto a dog's testicles, I'm sure he'll be a lot more settled ... As for the heartworm injection - I won't ever do it, either to my own dogs or fosters - too risky.
  3. So sorry to hear about Bo, poor old boy. Glad he had so many happy years with you and you have so many memories to treasure.
  4. The OP received some great offers of help for a situation that appeared desperate all within a relatively short time from the original posting. I do wonder what has happened to prevent her from responding as I would have expected someone in dire straits to have leapt at the assistance on offer .... And there is no need for anyone to start leaping on one another. If someone asks for opinions, they will receive a diversity of responses, it wouldn't deflect them from the main issue which is the wellbeing of a puppy.
  5. Do you know what Wandering Jew looks like? If your puppy has gotten into WJ, they could suffer some of the symptoms you are describing. Send the breeder an email, leave messages - not sure why you have purchased a puppy and don't have any money now for subsequent vet care or even a flea shampoo??
  6. I read about this yesterday and would love to book one of my dogs in there!
  7. I agree with SAS and Nekhbet, great care needs to be taken with any decision, do so with all possible information to hand from a reliable source (Chow experts) and it may not be fair on your dog either to rehome.
  8. Pfizer have brought out a new tablet for this, it was advertised at my vet recently and I picked up a leaflet for a friend whose dog can't go for more than about 10 mins without a vomit. I don't think it's cheap so will only suit if you put them in the car every now and then. Ask your vet, can't remember what it's called now.
  9. so sorry to hear your sad news.
  10. I have the cutest looking little dog here, she's been bred from - she's most likely a Papillon / JRT cross - the two breeds are very apparent in her looks but if you are expecting the Papillon - look out!! She's all Jack in her character ....
  11. so sorry to hear this sad news, hard at any time but particularly around the holidays. RIP Abbie, she was a beautiful girl. Take care of yourself Robyn.
  12. I'd also remove access to the horse but how about desexing the dog as well?
  13. LostyJai - I'm in Sydney too. I'm happy to give you a housetraining demonstration during a home visit, which I will do for FREE. I never charge because I like to help dogs. I'm also happy to give you advice on how to make your yard a suitable place for your dog to come and go. Bindis should be removed - you may have to do a bit of work but unless you are prepared to, you shouldn't really have a dog. It is like taking on a child - you need to look after them and ensure their happiness and quality of life. As for breeding your dog - please don't when we euthanase 150,000 dogs every year in Australia - please pause to catch your breath because you should have sucked in a deep breath of shock here. Please do not contribute to this statistic further.
  14. I am also a fulltime worker. My dogs are also indoor pets but they have a dog door to come and go. Having access to getting outside during the day provides relief from boredom, plus they have each other for company. Being left in a kitchen for 9 hours is way too long, unless your dog is old? You haven't mentioned an age. It is also a very long time to leave a dog without access to the toilet if you housetrain a dog. I understand the dog has pads now. Male dogs are easier to housetrain, providing they are desexed first otherwise they have a very strong desire to continually mark territory. Is your dog desexed? What is the reason you don't wish your dog to be able to go outside? I have a method which I can post but would like to know a little more information.
  15. When does he eat the poo? Does he turn around and eat it as soon as he's pooped? Best if you can go in the garden and clean up every morning and night and middle of the day if you can. Or if you see him poop, pick it up asap. My dogs eat poop, not each other's but they love something that's dried and crunchy in the park. If only other owners picked up after their dogs, I wouldn't have that issue.
  16. I don't think a dog will start using a litter tray necessarily but I have had this before and just cover the floor with newspaper along the normal route to get out. I'm presuming she's heads towards her normal exit and doesn't make it rather than randomly going anywhere. Vets also have medication that can help if it is incontinence. You should also get her kidneys checked - blood test required.
  17. Cazstaff - sorry to hear about poor Tammy's results. She will need to be on a special kidney diet from the vet possibly. I went through all this with a tiny old chook I rescued from the pound. I went to a vet that has alternative therapies. Pippa was only expected to live a few weeks but the alt. vet put her on CHinese herbs and she really came good within a couple of months (with dental, special diet) and lived a good quality life for the next 10 months. Let me know if you need any info.
  18. Yes Clyde, I agree, the shihtzus are generally nicer than the malts!!
  19. I can't agree with you here. I've fostered a few and had a lot to do with them generally and found them to be very nice little dogs actually. And just for the record - I have a strong preference for foxy type dogs but I've learned to appreciate what nice little dogs some malt crosses can be and how much easier they often are than foxy types to foster! Whatever the crossbreed (designer dog for f---wits who have nothing better to spend their money on), I want to see petshops and backyard breeders all stopped in their tracks - VERY SOON. Far too much death and irresponsible pet owners and they are largely responsible.
  20. I have dogs with excellent natures that I'd consider suitable for visiting nursing homes etc. They are wonderful with other dogs and each other. However, we walk in a local park and a few times we've encountered people with small children who let them run full pelt towards my dogs with arms flailing and screaming. Watching my dogs' body language - they are unsettled. There is no way in the world I would let the children approach them, they must do so calmly and slowly and only if I say it's OK. I don't put my dogs in that position and as much as I love them and know they are wonderful, they could still be frightened enough by a toddler to react in an unpredictable way. The salon owner was very much at fault for putting her dog in this position. Due to them generally being prime carers, women are going to be likely to bring their kids into a salon. Enough said. Hope the child recovers with no scars. RIP poor dog.
  21. I used to buy a food called "Ecopet" and my dogs loved it. But the shop stopped stocking it and offered me Scotty's instead. I didn't like it at all, hated the consistency and smell. I had a long gap without anything I was particularly happy with before finding Ecopet again recently - I'm over the moon! I haven't tried tucker time.
  22. I had a blind foster dog and used lavender oil to show her where the dog door was, she was an amazing little girl and got it straight away, she was about 14 or so years of age as well ... Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks??
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