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Her Majesty Dogmad

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Everything posted by Her Majesty Dogmad

  1. Just saw these firemen rescuing a puppy stuck down a storm drain. Was pleased until I saw him being taken away in the "Lost Dogs Home" van. That will be the end for him most likely, Lost Dogs Home is a pound with the highest possible euth rate. He might have a chance if the fire brigade remain interested in his welfare. I hope so.
  2. Two little dogs are dead, they didn't deserve to die that like, I'm sure their owners loved them. That's the story.
  3. Got an email from a friend last night, her friend and husband were just walking their two little shihtzu crosses down the road on their leads when they were attacked by two dogs described as Bull Terriers - I'm not sure what sort of dogs they were. Both are at the vet currently, one of the dogs will recover but the other is critical with massive puncture wounds. Apparently someone opened the front door and let these dogs out, people make me sick - why would you do such a stupid thing? They must know what their dogs are like. Thankfully they've offered to pay the vet bills but I'd still want their dogs euthanased or declared dangerous so they cannot do this to any other dogs.
  4. Females fighting don't always get over it. They are worse than males.
  5. I wouldn't put an IG with a staffy, they are far too solid and boisterous for an IG. My IG was smashed in the chest by a staffy once as he was running to say hello, the staffy kept coming, thought he was going to die, you could hear the noise from yards away. No matter what size the dog, more importantly to consider are the exercise needs of a particular dog - ie will they match what your mum wants to do and secondly, the grooming issues. Does she mind a shedding coat (many people do). If she wants non shedding, is she capable of putting in the effort and/or paying for the professional grooming (many people are not). Is the dog that she chooses, going to be OK with the staffy - important if either of you need a holiday perhaps. What does she want from a dog - does she want a lap sitter, an independent type and so on.
  6. Poor sweet Bobby, RIP little one.
  7. Excellent idea. The address to send cards to etc and the address for MDBA contact/membership could also be included, right at the top. It keeps getting lost in the other thread.
  8. I've had 3 dogs with dementia in the last few years. 1 made life more challenging and changes in the house and re what we did had to be made, that I could cope with. 2 made my life unbearable through lack of sleep, after a year of being very sleep deprived I feel asleep on the way to work, at the wheel. I thought this can't go on. One of them passed away of natural causes shortly after. The other remained. What to do, I thought I would have to put him to sleep - unlike the other dog who got "lost" in the night and would start barking, Luigi decided he needed to be fed at all hours of the night and would disturb me constantly. Giving him food wasn't the answer - believe me I tried everything. Then I was talking to a lady with a young dog who had anxiety, she'd had fantastic results with Chinese herbs from the All Natural Vet at Russell Lea, inner west of Sydney. I took Luigi along and got a prescription of herbs and within two days, both of us were much happier. You can do a phone consult if you can't get there in person, they will talk to your own vet as appropriate. If I hadn't have tried it, I wouldn't have believed it but Luigi was able to be with me for another 8 months before he passed away aged about 16. Dementia started at about age 11 in one of my other dogs but it can start earlier. Whether this is dementia, anxiety or whatever, if the changes you are prepared to make don't work then I would try Chinese herbs.
  9. Oh my God, poor boy. I hope to God these dogs are put down. What type of dogs are they? They must be strong to get through a fence like that. My prayers are with him for a full recovery, physically and pyschologically. Last weekend I was doing a homecheck and the whole time I was there, a German Shepherd was pounding against the fence. The applicants had already had to replace the fence once, they were terrified that the GSD would come through and kill their poodle cross. The GSD had loosened a paling on the new fence and I alerted them to it. The neighbours do nothing to prevent this, the dog is never walked and is obviously aggressive. It was really worrying.
  10. How unbearable for Jed, losing so many loved ones at once. I was so hoping that Magnus would come back to give her the strength and will to battle on.
  11. 1. Border Terrier 2. Italian Greyhound 3. Whippets 4. Greyhound 5. Sheltie 6. Keeshond 7. Affenpinscher 8. Borzoi 9. Welsh Terrier 10. Fox terrier Hmmmmmm now that was hard!!
  12. Why would you have the poor little mite outside in the first place, let alone when someone had managed to do that to it on your own property - you just wouldn't do it if you had any common sense, compassion or sense of your dog's value. I hope they catch the oxygen thief but I also hope that the family starts trying much harder to protect their little one.
  13. I was hoping it wasn't someone I knew. I don't know Jed personally but she always seems to have a great deal of common sense to contribute. Burns are so very painful, coupled with the enormous grief and sense of loss she'd be feeling. My thoughts are with her.
  14. I can't paste the pics here, wrong format. There is a thread with pics of Russell in the Urgent section under the Rescue Forum. He is good with other dogs, his two little friends were surrendered with him.
  15. AWL in Queensland are very active. You could have a look on Petrescue and see which rescue groups are advertising and see if they can suggest what to do. Active breed rescues are another suggestion.
  16. A poor little 8 yr old Yorkie boy was surrendered to Hawkesbury Pound today, he had fleas and matting and the kind volunteers have tidied him up and put a coat on him. I tried to reply to the Yorkshire Terrier thread but they are so rare that noone has posted since 2008 and it's closed therefore. Can anyone help?
  17. Tim Bailey should know better, he has supported Doggie Rescue in the past, a group that has a trillion unwanted designer dogs.
  18. I'd suggest a week in the pound, people are simply unaware of what happens when they surrender their dogs to the pound. They often think they'll "find a nice new home", their toothless, hairless, 12 year old dog on its last legs.
  19. What a prize a---hole. Tough man he thinks he is. I hope he gets to spend some time rotting in prison and chokes on the first thing that enters his mouth .... His parents are guilty too I'm afraid, they should have put a stop to it long before - after all, it was actually happening in their own backyard, wasn't it?
  20. What a moving story, I am so sad for you. RIP beautiful Stormy.
  21. No to a staffy!! My friend had two and they scaled her fence and killed some sheep in next door's paddock. Declared dangerous dogs, required a fight in court etc but they are in a concrete bunker for the rest of their days. Very sad, they are only young.
  22. Teach him to wee on command (I can email you if you don't know how to do this). Take him out for a short walk down the road last thing at night (if grass is wet) and let him eliminate for 5 mins. Before putting belly bands on etc, you need to eliminate a bladder infection etc. My Westie x won't go outside if it's raining ... so if rain is heavy, I put him on the lead and drag him up the drive, don't need to go far!
  23. Well said. I get sick of reading how lovely they are with people, so are my own dogs (all rescued) and so are many other breeds. My dogs are also bulletproof where other dogs are concerned and that is a trait that I seek in any dog I take on. I won't be popular when I say that I would like to see the back of any breed that is generally dog aggressive. These dogs frequently attract the wrong sort of owner who don't care about the lives they may ruin through their dogs' uncontrolled actions.
  24. So very young, I'm so sorry for him and for you. RIP poor Miko. Take care of yourself.
  25. Aahhhh so this is why I can't pay off my mortgage more quickly ..... wouldn't change my dogs for anything, they are my very faithful friends and mean the world to me.
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