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Her Majesty Dogmad

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Everything posted by Her Majesty Dogmad

  1. Poor little boy, you tried so hard for him. RIP Spike.
  2. So sorry to hear your sad news, what a beautiful girl she was. Hugs to you.
  3. What on earth is someone doing with 3 pitbulls off the leash at the same time, if there is an issue there's no way you could physically manage the situation. Shame they weren't shot dead. Mind you, the moronic owner would probably just go and get more.
  4. Oh that is just horrific, poor old pony and poor owner. I'd like to rip the throat out of the irresponsible dog's owner ....
  5. And then there are those fundamental Christians on TV wishing evil on all Australians and celebrating our disasters. Think they are on 60 Minutes on Sunday night. Where is the love?
  6. I rushed one of mine to the vet for a lump on his neck and was sure it was going to be lymphoma but it turned out to be a burst salivary gland. It did require expensive surgery and never did find out the cause, the vet said it would always be a mystery. Not that common but not uncommon either. Unfortuantely in my dog's case, the surgery was done and then the lump came back so surgery had to be repeated within the month. One of the PAWS foster dogs had lumpy glands recently and again we thought of lymphoma and it turned out to be an infection. Good luck with your little chap, I'd be trying to find a vet out of the area with an appointment available or you will just sit worrying all weekend and the sooner you catch these things the better.
  7. Your poor old foxy needs to be kept separately from any bigger dogs, this is likely to be worse next time. Hope the housesitters know all about these things and will take great care. the foxy could be getting cataracts or dementia making him worse, the foxies always have attitude no matter what. Just not safe to be in combat with a younger, bigger, stronger dog.
  8. I have found some of the breeds you have mentioned to be particularly vocal - Rough Collies, Samoyeds and some Shelties. If you are going to mix the sizes you really need a bullet proof second dog that won't hurt the Maltese in any way. I'd recommend that for anyone in a townhouse situation that they get a dog from someone who knows the dog very well and whether or not it woudl suit the townhouse environment. This could be a breeder or a foster carer. Also, sometimes when you get a second dog it can set the other one off that was previously quiet. There's a bit to think about so that you get just the right dog. Some of your choices are working breeds and I wouldn't normally recommend a working breed for a townhouse situation. My friend has Bearded Collies and they are great dogs but love to tear around and bark.
  9. I really doubt he'd allow you to kill his own dogs too. You need to move your sheep I'd say, that is a terrible situation for them to have to exist in, if he can't be responsible enough to keep his dogs from attacking them, I don't know how he can offer agistment to anyone.
  10. But if they are your animals there, then surely you'd be entitled to protect them? Can you check with the council of similar?
  11. I would have thought it was legal to shoot the dogs under those circumstances? In Sydney at least, if dogs do something like this they don't get a second chance, my friend was in court over her dogs but they were declared dangerous and now spend all their life in a concrete, roofed pen.
  12. It's the attitudes that "dogs will be dogs" and "dogs will sort themselves out" that leads to all the problems and in many cases severe injuries or death. It happens because people seem to think that their dog must go to the dog park whatever. I won't rehome most of my dogs to anyone that goes to dog parks, littlies and submissive types are in great danger. Even when people can see their dog behaving in that way they just don't get it, they keep going to the park regardless and putting their dog through it, it's madness. And staffies and staffy types seem to be perennial offenders I'm afraid and I don't think it's because they are fairly common, it's the nature of the beast. People really should be well educated when they take these types of dogs on althought quite often they don't appear to care either which is a major concern and cause of problems in the community. Staffy types are over represented in the pounds, I'd like to do more research as to why they are dumped so frequently. I do know that they require good fencing normally but would like to know other reasons.
  13. Glad to hear the herbs worked for Mac! I wish everyone knew about them, I was on the verge of letting one of my oldies go as he was keeping me up half the night but obtained Chinese herbs and he was brilliant within a couple of days. He was with me another 8 months or so before succumbing to illness.
  14. Report it. The owner whose dog of the staffy x did not have it under effective control and also is liable to pay the vet's bills. I'm told that councils can't obtain that money but they should assist in the process. The person will be in more trouble if their dog isn't registered either but also harder to trace. Dog parks are dangerous places, hard to break up a dog fight if you don't have a clue. Putting hands in is dangerous and you really need two people. The staffy's owner should have pulled the dog away by the back legs and quickly controlled it. I went to visit a friend who goes to the local dog park recently, whilst she was there with her dog. What I saw was a real worry, I spoke to a few of the owners - some didn't appreciate particularly but they were also clueless about their own dog's body language etc. There was also two small children dragging a terrified little fluffy round on a lead, no parents, just there alone. Fluffy was petrified and on its back most of the time as the big dogs came over to investigate. I've seen these two kids around before with all kinds of dogs on a lead - they advertise they do dog walking - kid is about 9 yrs old and his sister is about 6. What can I say? A real worry.
  15. Very sad and very unfair.
  16. Thanks so much everyone, I've passed on all the replies/suggestions to my friend!
  17. A friend of mine has recently adopted a little 6 yr old female Pom from a pound. She's beautiful but has been to the vets for a stomach issue which has been diagnosed as chronic colitis. I have experience of inflammatory bowel disease and kidney disease and had good results with my dogs on meds and special diets but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions of what she can do? She is feeding only on rice and meat with Nutrigel and calcium powder which I'm presuming is what the vet has recommended. Any other ideas or experience please? Does Chronic Colitis go away?
  18. I've adopted a lot of old dogs and lost a lot, since 2005, sometimes 3 in a year. Hard on my heart and I always pray that the end won't be terrible, I feel so sorry for your friend and anyone that has to experience what you described. I have been relatively lucky. one of my old girls had to be given gas, her back legs had gone but this dog's fighting spirit was amazing. She was about 14 and had had a terrible life, I'd had her for a couple of years. She needed grooming and required full sedation. without it and only a small pill she once took 3 of us (inc a prof groomer) 2 hours to groom. She was a small dog, a Westie cross. She fought against the gas and in the end I just became too distressed to stay, they came out to get me once she'd gone but I didn't go back in, I was so upset. At Christmas i lost my beloved Pepper to cancer of some kind, she was very unwell when i took her in and they took her away to put a catheter in, they had lots of trouble and were gone a long time because she had low blood pressure by then. Eventually she came in with a catheter in a back leg. She was happy enough and went quietly whilst munching on some schmackos .... I was very distressed with another dog I took in, he had a brain tumour, but the vet would not let me hold him (it wasn't my own vet as she was suddenly called away, I couldn't not have it done as it took so much for me to get there and do it although it was the right thing). I always hold my dogs and was so upset I couldn't speak and insist. I'll never forget that either.
  19. Better get a very secure dog run. Not fair to risk anyone or anything being attacked. I'm afraid that seems to be a constant issue with certain breeds, if anyone takes one on they need to be very well prepared to quickly deal with any issues. Staffies are known for their escaping and climbing abilities and they are often unfriendly with other dogs. You can be sued/fined bigtime - I would sue any owner whose dog attacked mine or me. You know you have an issue, you need to deal with it ASAP.
  20. What a beauty Tiy was, I just know they are together again.
  21. In January I told a stupid woman off for leaving her poodle in the car, it was a cooler day but it was getting on for lunchtime, two windows were down half an inch. Dog was fretting. I was just about to call the police when she appeared, in a panic as she'd lost her car. I said well you almost lost your dog, don't ever leave them in the car like that.
  22. This has happened on a couple of isolated occasions and I haven't been able to work out what it causing it but today she was worse. She keeps trying to go, has produced some loose stools but then continues to try and go and just a few drops of poo come out usually. Today she was crying at the same time and straining. I'll be taking her to the vet of course but just wondered if anyone had any thoughts. She's on a low fat, good quality diet with plenty of roughage, she was constipated when she first came. She'd been fed on no frills canned dog food all her life.
  23. Hugs to you, I still miss some of my beloved dogs and wish I could see them again.
  24. Hugs to you, sounds like he had a wonderful life full of love and fun. It's hard after 11 yrs, leaves a big hole in your heart.
  25. It's about time that owners that cause the death of another person through their dog(s) escaping and killing them served many, many years in prison. Ultimately their stupidity and negligence has caused another person to lose their life. What a terrible way to die. Shame the guy in the car couldn't have run them down, I presume it wasn't possible but that would be an option in some scenarios.
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