Beau Beau
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3 months for only 3 dogs? I cannot imagine why? There isn't much evidence to gather except that they needed their teeth cleaned and that one has cataracts, the other has cherry eye.
If that is all it is just lodge a complaint with his bosses. My friend has already employed a solicitor to represent her. She has spoken to the bosses and they have not put a stop to this. I can vouch that these dogs are much loved pets and were well looked after, the only thing that was required was to have their teeth cleaned and that was already on the agenda.
Exactly. In this case it is nothing more than spite and all to do with the RSPCA inspector in question. Then it really is irrelevant what anyone thinks of any branch of the RSPCA (as per your topic header) as it is a personal issue and not related to the organisation as a whole at all. Basically I was asking about other people's experience with the RSPCA, it need not have been a personal experience. In retrospect it has everything to do with the organisation. The RSPCA inspector may have gotten the ball rolling but the powers that be are the ones to ultimately decide whether to prosecute and in this case there is no reason to prosecute but it appears they are going to do so, strangest thing of all is it's taken them 3 months to get their brief together and all for only 3 dogs. I'd suggest you google "RSPCA corruptions."
Is that 4 THOUSAND dollars? How does a vet, any vet, justify that cost?
Exactly. In this case it is nothing more than spite and all to do with the RSPCA inspector in question.
There are nice people and there are not so nice people in every facet of life. It just so happens that my friend stumbled upon a not so nice RSPCA Inspector whose power has gone to its head and it has become obvious that if it takes a dislike to someone it abuses that very power
I agree, there are two sides to every story but I can assure you what you are hearing is exactly what has happened; personally I don't see the point of asking advice based on a lie and that is why I'm here :)
Sorry, I'm new to this so I hope you don't mind if I ask why posts have been deleted?
My friend is middle aged but not exactly little or old, lol. The ranger makes it a point of going from house to house checking out that all dogs are registered. When I say 'ranger' I mean the shire ranger.
There were two occasions in which my friend had the same discussion with both the ranger and the RSPCA inspector and both times the ranger became quite angry as well as the inspector. I was present on the 2nd occasion when the ranger & the inspector insisted the blind husky should have been put to sleep; I am not exaggerating when I say the local ranger was shouting; this took place a fair while ago. Recently my friend was out shopping when the ranger and the inspector walked into the backyard upon realising they had access and also heard the dogs bark. They turned up again a few days later with a compliance note giving my friend 6 or 7 days to address the issues previously mentioned. Meanwhile my friend had made an appointment for the vet to come to the home to view the dogs especially in relation their teeth and book them in for treatment. My friend had kept in touch with the RSPCA inspector and told her of what was transpiring, there was never any suspicion that the inspector was secretly conspiring to have the dogs seized!
To be perfectly honest I'm a bit dubious about the racing industry, be it horse racing or greyhound racing due to hearing too many negative and heart breaking stories but I must say I totally agree with you in that the RSPCA is very hypocritical, whining about certain issues whilst totally disregarding other more important situations. I will never forget the story about a knackery in Laverton Victoria which was guilty of inhumane slaughter, video footage of the callous treatment of horses was provided to the RSPCA, what more could you ask for??? The end result was that a Senior Inspector by the name of Daniel Bode concluded there was "insufficient evidence to support animal cruelty" yet they seize 3 elderly dogs who were treated like royalty and shared their owner's pillow!
This friend happens to also be a neighbour. I have seen her dogs and I can vouch they were not ridden with fleas, in fact they had no fleas, they were not matted, they had been clipped as per usual; I believe their teeth may have needed cleaning but I also know she had made arrangements with a vet to attend to this but they were seized before she had a chance. Someone did report my friend, sour grapes due to an online disagreement which was had nothing to do with animals. This person is vindictive and was out to hurt my friend and did so via her much loved pets. She is not certain as to what the RSPCA were told but due to a disagreement she had with this particular inspector in relation to different views on a blind dog my friend owned 3 years ago and which has since passed away. The dog had glaucoma and was seen by an animal eye specialist, the specialist diagnosed glaucoma and supplied my friend with eye drops to delay the onset but did say that this was only going to delay it not cure it. As time passed the dog became blind; my friend then had her dog's eyes removed as this condition is painful. This inspector thought it was cruel to keep the dog alive, said that blind dogs should be put down. My friend was appalled at this suggestion and explained to the inspector that the dog was happy to be alive, was healthy in every other way and that she was going to let it live out its life. The inspector was not happy. The local ranger was of the same opinion as the RSPCA inspector and it was due to the local ranger that the RSPCA inspector was first brought into the equation.
A friend had her 3 elderly dogs seized by the RPSCA. Reason? They had ear mites; one also had cherry eye, the other had cataracts. My friend was issued with a compliance notice and was given one week to "fix" these problems. She had no idea the RSPCA were going to confiscate her much loved dogs. The ear mite issue had already been addressed before the RSPCA came into the picture. In relation to the cherry eye issue, my friend had sought advice from the vet, either have the glands sewn back in place but risk them popping out again or remove them and risk dry eye....my friend decided not to proceed with surgery besides which she was also concerned in putting her 12yo dog through general anaesthetic. The other dog is a 14 yo toy poodle with a cataract in one eye and once again my friend did not want to risk losing her little girl via general anaesthetic. All 3 were part of the family and much loved. It has caused her a lot of anguish to the point she is now on antidepressants. RSPCA have told her they will be prosecuting her for animal cruelty.
What is your opinion of the RSPCA? I have heard many rumours, some not very pleasant. I've googled RSPCA corruptions and was shocked to discover that all that glistens isn't gold.
Hi, I apologise if this topic has been done to the death but.....I want to pick your knowledgeable brain on which clippers are best and which blades you favour and what is the best way to keep blades sharp. Thank you