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  1. The pup was crate trained when I first got him but ever since his flight from Brisbane to Adelaide when I bought him he HATES his crate. I tried for 2 weeks to change this but he howled for every single second he was in there each and every time. Maybe this is a good spot to put him for timeout?
  2. I have cleaned and sprayed with one of those dog pee spray repellents each time. I will try vinegar from now on and see if anything changes. I don't really have another room/area to put him in which would be a suitable timeout spot. Especially unsupervised. Outside is the only other alternative and from what I have been told that is not a good place for timeout.
  3. Put him in there twice today. He did a poo for the first time in there. Pee the second time he went in. Really don't know what to do. Any help?!
  4. Oh and one more thing - I plan to continue obedience training with other classes once puppy school finishes. Being my first dog and being a Sib which are quite difficult to train I think it's best to continue to get professional advice. If anyone from SA knows of quality trainers please let me know! Cheers
  5. Apart from biting too hard occasionally and jumping up while sitting he is very good! rarely bites furniture. Will occasionally jump up on the bed but he knows he is not supposed to be there as as soon as he sees me approaching he will quickly jump off and go to his own couch or bed.
  6. I carry him in there and close the door behind him. The only times I have placed him in there is when he has been either biting too hard or constantly jumping up on me while I am sitting in a chair (usually while I am eating). I must add that I give him up to 5 warnings each time before I put him in there. When he bites too hard I will say "No!" and then give him a toy to chew. After a minute he will drop his toy and begin to bite hands/wrists. After a few warnings I will put him in timeout. The same goes for jumping up on me. I will try to ignore him as best as I can (hard to do when he claws at me and causes pain). I will try and turn my back on him or say "No!". If it continues then into timeout he goes. By "Love/hate" I don't really mean hate! As I'm sure it is with a lot of puppy owners they can become frustrating when continually doing the wrong thing. I must add though that he is pretty good for the majority of the day. He just has his moments where for 25 minutes or so I feel like I cannot control him. He is through 3 weeks of puppy school. One more week go to. He is getting quite good at "sit" and "stay" but mainly only when he knows I have a treat in my hand. He is gradually getting better without a treat. A week ago I had no chance of making him sit when he was in one of his extremely crazy/playful moods but over the last few days I have seen improvement there.
  7. Thank you all for your responses. I now have a Siberian Husky. I got him at 9-10 weeks and he is now a few days short of 14 weeks. It has very much been a love/hate relationship but he is definitely getting better each day. His toileting is generally very good. He knows to only use grass in the backyard. I have not had an inside accident on carpet for a few weeks now. However, when he has been naughty in the past I had been throwing him outside (which I now know is not a good idea as there is too much fun out there). I have now turned the laundry into his time out area. The problem I have found with this is that for some reason he pees in there on the tiles almost every singe time I throw him in there. This is now making me not want to send him to timeout because it means cleaning once again, something I do not want to be doing 4-5 times a day. Also, I only have him in there for 1-2 minutes so it's not like he has to hold on for long? Does anyone have any ideas for me with this? Here are some photos of him. His name is Zack :) http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/155237_10151204728606141_995176064_n.jpg http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/250445_10151208538951141_201322045_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/385618_10151208539341141_1015837543_n.jpg http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/400218_10151228940926141_296566798_n.jpg http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/282332_10151228941011141_2084287347_n.jpg (All tuckered out after his first walk! I have since got a proper water bowl too haha :p) http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/69759_10151228941061141_2116721760_n.jpg (His first night at home. No longer sleeps on the bed!) http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/544678_10151244939751141_11213627_n.jpg (On his first holiday, couldn't get enough of the stairs in the house)
  8. Thanks to everyone for the replies :) I have told my girlfriend and whoever else comes to the house that they must be as firm as I. It seems to have worked alright so far. He has been much more well behaved so far today. Puppy school starts next week for him and I have also contacted a Husky kennel in my state which does specific Husky training which I believe is a must. Especially for an inexperienced owner like me. I'm sure I'll come across more problems each day and I'll know where to come for help. Cheers
  9. So I got my Siberian Husky pup (10 weeks) 2 night ago and has been adapting pretty well. Has toilet training pretty much down now. Knows where to sleep (apart from the occasional nap on the bed when I am not looking. The first 2 days he was pretty good with his biting. He would bite a lot of objects, not just his toys which I know is very normal for a pup. However, today he has lost the plot. He has been biting absolutely everything in site. Metal cages, wooden cupboards, grass roots, toys and for some reason he has been biting every girl that has come to the house so much more than any of the males. He wont bite me and or of my male friends but he will not stop biting my girlfriend or any other female who comes to the house. I have sent him outside many times today as punishment for biting too hard. Whenever he bites anything he is not supposed to I put one of his toys near his face and encourage him to bite that. That lasts a whole 10 seconds before he moves onto something else. SOMEONE HELP!!
  10. Cheers for that info. I may have to go one size down then to make sure it definitely fits in the car. Yep, all of the breeders who I have been speaking to have been extremely helpful and have said they will always be there to answer any question when needed. My fences are about 7ft high too :)
  11. Thanks again for the replies :) I am getting a Siberian Husky (8 weeks old), so a medium sized breed. So I guess I'll just spoil the pup rotten and get him all sorts :p Alright, that sounds like a reasonable idea. I will only take the pup out if he wakes me :) On crate size - One Siberian breeder who has been very helpful with everything suggested getting the biggest crate possible as long as it fits in my car. I was thinking a 42 inch? Will this be too big for the pup while house training him? I do have an old cat cage which I could use early on while the pup is still small. But as the pup gets bigger will he/she be reluctant to change to a new crate? SO MANY QUESTIONS! hahaha :D Cheers
  12. Thanks for all the replies so far! :) It seems I am learning so much every single day. I hope I can handle it when the real action begins haha. Could someone please list some good toys other than Kongs? I will still buy one to see how it goes. I have also heard hollow bones are great, especially when they are stuffed with kibble. The books I have read constantly recommend stuffing toys with food to reward them for using those toys so that they still to these sort of toys forever. Regarding the pup needing to go to the toilet during the night - Is it best to just let them try and sleep through the night and to no wake them every few hours to take them outside to the toilet? Will the pup make distressed noises if he/she needs to go? The pup will be in a crate in my room so I should wake up easily if I hear the pup becoming distressed. Or does the pup just go without making a noise? Thanks again for everyone's help :)
  13. Hey all, This is my first post here! I am also soon to be a first time dog owner so I am trying to get as much information as possible. I have read numerous puppy books as well as contact 20+ breeders of Siberian Huskies. Regarding toilet training and confinement I have taken some notes. Could some experienced dog owners please let me know If I have everything covered and that it is correct. • Crate to be used overnight and when I do not have time to give the pup 100% supervision. • Play Pen for when I am out of the house and the dog is still young (needs to have crate, toys, water and a toilet area) • Take the dog out to go to the toilet every hour to hour and a half. Use leash. • Stand still with the dog until it goes to the toilet. Once it has completed going to the toilet make sure to praise and reward the pup. Usually pees very quickly then poos a minute or two after. • Best time to play with the pup is right after it has been to the toilet. Play with him in the play pen. • No food or water 2-3 hours before bed. Chew toy with kibble in crate is fine. • Play with the pup right up until you want to go to bed to tire him and to make sure he sleeps well. • Toilet right before bed too and first thing in the morning. • During the night wake the pup every 3 hours for a toilet break. Do not praise the pup during the night, other than a quick “good puppy”. • If you wake up during the night and hear the dog crying/barking take him outside to go to the toilet. Again, no praise. • Every 3 nights increase the time between toilet breaks by 15-30 minutes. As long as the pup has not had an incident over those 3 nights. • Gradually give the pup more space the better he is potty trained. Do not give him free run of the house until you are 100% sure he is well potty trained. • The pup will sniff, circle when they are feeling they need to go to the toilet. Must pay attention at all times. • Only allow the pup to chew on a kong chew toy which is stuffed with kibble. This will teach the dog to only play with this type of toy and by stuffing it with kibble will keep the pup busy trying to get it out as well as being rewarded by using this toy. Thanks in advance! Any help would be fantastic! Cheers Michael
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