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Everything posted by Gertrude139

  1. The first link I provided, MN herself. Although quite a few anti PR names in there as well so IDK what the go is. Not trying to make this another PR thread though so that's all from me :) I don't think that would be right at all Gertrude. MN would not be involved with NARGA. I agree something is definitely not right! She is posting in there so..... ETA - It's kind of hard to miss her with her PR profile pic
  2. The first link I provided, MN herself. Although quite a few anti PR names in there as well so IDK what the go is. Not trying to make this another PR thread though so that's all from me :)
  3. You will notice who is an active poster on the Narga Forums FB page...
  4. They appear to have a fair few FB pages, could be more I just did a quick search Narga Forums Narga Foster Care Training Narga Network Partners
  5. When you click export and the export window comes up scroll down to the metadata tab, select "All" from the options, this will include the star rating. I use Lightroom 4, not sure off the top of my head whether it is different in previous versions.
  6. 7/52 - Tahoe (Rescue) Tahoe by Gertrude139, on Flickr Tahoe flies out to her new home in Perth tomorrow :) had to get a photo up of her before she goes. I have really fallen for her, such a sweet girl, she is going to a wonderful family where she will be so loved and I couldn't be happier for her. tlc - I seriously have no idea how you manage to get 4 dogs in one photo, let alone so many photos of all 4! They are great, keep them coming, I particularly like the windswept ones, very cute. helen - Absolutely love the valentines day shot, so beautiful. I would buy that if it was made into a card. dogfan - Abbey definitely looks like a teddy bear in that one! I have a soft spot for Airedales but I have only ever met 3 so I am really enjoying seeing Abbey's personality come out in all the different shots. salukibel - Fantastic action shot! Bella even looks elegant in mid air, very impressive! I think she is very photogenic and you capture her so well. Weibritty - Clay is just gorgeous, I think I could stare into his eyes for hours, mesmerizing. hankdog - Sitting and waiting for his treat so well, how could you ever say no to that face :)
  7. I can't stand people hair in food but dog hair does not faze me at all. I would probably have literally starved to death by now if I wouldn't eat anything with dog hair in it. Last night I baked a cake for my OH, just a little one for us two to share. After I had poured all the mixture into the tin I was licking the beaters and there were 3 dog hairs! 1 is normal, 3 is a bit of an extravagance. But that is exactly why I don't bake for other people anymore. I always used to bake cakes, slice, biscuits etc for work and friends but I don't anymore. Non doggie people are horrified at the thought of eating dog hair. I also don't invite anyone ever to my house for meals anymore so some people invite themselves over, that's fine by me but they are all given the warning that their food may contain dog hair and no it is not a joke it is unavoidable. They never believe me. It doesn't matter how spotless the place seems, dog hair definitely has a homing instinct.
  8. Thanks Impatiens :) believe me he uses them to his advantage all the time! Harvey looks like he's enjoying that walk tlc - it took me a minute to find number 4 as well, someone was camera shy that week hey. 6/52 Braxton (rescue) Braxton by Gertrude139, on Flickr
  9. I really feel for the family that raised the dog as well. Having raised 2 for guide dogs NSW it is so hard to part with them and the only way I can do it is to be thinking at least I am getting to say goodbye to a dog which still has the rest of a happy life ahead of it. I would be devastated to find out it died to soon and under those circumstances. Whilst I have never forgotten about my dogs I have forgotten other important things before when plans have been changed in a hurry, a distraction or emergency has come up etc. I think this guy will be beating himself up enough as it is, what would gaol time achieve? In reality I think he would already be one of the people most likely to never ever leave a dog in a car again after this as he will probably be paranoid... If he ever even gets in a car with a dog again.
  10. Mine both sleep outside on their beds on the deck which is sheltered.
  11. We have an outdoor zoomie track and a slightly more challenging indoor zoomie and obstacle course track. The outdoor track is characterised by a lack of grass. The indoor track also doubles as an 'I've been naughty and now I am going to run in circles so you can't put me outside track' The indoor track normally ends with both sibes launching into the bean bag for a game of extreme bitey face, simultaneously crashing into the axolotl tank and causing a tsunami for poor Lucy the axolotl.
  12. We were all going stir crazy cooped up inside! The photo was from last week I was just slack putting it up cos I didn't have any good photos. So we are all good now :) back to sunshine mostly.
  13. 5/52 - Salt Stuck inside pretty much all of last week with the terrible weather, so had to get an indoor photo. I live in a granny flat which is terrible for photos, too much clutter and no nice furniture either. So Sorry for the crappy photo but I liked this one best as Salt's "I'm bored, when can we go outside again?" expression pretty much summed up last week for me. IMG_4827.jpg by Gertrude139, on Flickr
  14. That is absolutely ridiclous. I also don't have FB so can't vote
  15. 4/52 - Athena Spying on the neighbours
  16. I am not familiar with behavioural assesments at BCC though under the circumstances you have mentioned above BCC have a duty of care and responsibility to ensure this dog is pro assesed PRIOR to release. If BCC are unable to assess they may release this dog RTRO. They need to then ensure the rescue group will meet all set criteria in assesment. The group will be forced to report back to council on the otcome of the dog. If councils work with reputable groups they everything is adheard to. If they work with unreputable groups, the group will not get back to them. It should be followed up upon, though often it is not. Is this just wishful thinking or is it legislation? Councils have a DOC. RTRO dogs have set conditions and rescue groups must adhere to them. All of the conditions are in writing. Rescue must agree and follow those conditions if they would like to take on these dogs. I may need to speak with you Julie as I am not able to go into the whole lot online. So I assume that if PR have taken on any of these dogs they have complied with the conditions or they would no longer be able to get them is that right??? Agreed though not complied. So if they havent complied and its provable why / how can they continue to do it or dont they care once its changed hands and its no longer their responsibility. If thats the case would seem they benefit a lot by pound rounds. Law suits initially (simply put) MN has threatened legal action against council and god knows how many others. Law suits were already in place way before I met with them. There is a fine line between where council/pound/rescue care finishes and where it begins. The line appears to be very blurred. Are you ready Sheridan...... I can take that dog (even though I am a tosser and have no clue and drug dogs etc, etc, and if you pts this dog all hell will break loose (legally and via the media) So give me the dog or else! To me, if this is true, then it implies that PR don't fit within their criteria and were approached about it but when MN threatened to sue it was all too hard and council gave up.
  17. Very interesting indeed, thanks for posting redangel.
  18. Helen. Tilly is gorgeous! I love that there are so many different breeds being photographed in this thread.
  19. Me too. I am determined to meet one soon. My OH keeps complaining I never shut up about the lappie puppy photos. It certainly shouldn't be too hard with your location to meet up with some :) That's what I thought but I don't want to appear like a stalker :) Stalk away - why not join the NSW Lappie FB page? http://www.facebook....75845299125571/ We are having a picnic some time in Feb I think- but feel free to ask when we are at shows etc. Demi looooooooooooooooooooooooves pats so would greatly welcome additional fans Oh and I flat out refuse to comment on the pictures- I have been avoiding looking at them as I would probably be on my way to sydney airport to try and steal one if I allowed myself to have a favourite!!!!!! I am not lappie puppy clucky at all I don't have facebook but my OH does so I will ask him to keep an eye on the page for me, thanks :) I would love to go to the picnic. Hoping to join the hills training club too when they resume in Feb so I'm sure I'll meet one soon. All the pics are soooo gorgeous, they are all so incredibly cute.
  20. Me too. I am determined to meet one soon. My OH keeps complaining I never shut up about the lappie puppy photos. It certainly shouldn't be too hard with your location to meet up with some :) That's what I thought but I don't want to appear like a stalker :)
  21. Only if they have it .Since PR have not had to renew their CFN yet they may not have any audits on record (CFN issued September 2011). Unless they are requested to they don't have to submit the audits, they just have to have them done. I more want to see if they will produce it or kick up a big stink about it etc
  22. I know but I don't have a PO box I felt email was my only option. But I think the automated response is enough to prove they received it. Anyway sounds like some others will be requesting documents as well so if they don't supply I'm sure someone else here can lodge the complaint.
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