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  1. Hi all, I have moved to Forest Lake, Brisbane and am in need of a great vet that knows how to handle my Rottweiler, he has had bad experiences with them and I found a fantastic vet(I think he prefers female vets)but have now moved from Christchurch. He arrived a couple of days ago, has a lame leg and have since found out that some thugs tried to break into our house overseas and threw a rock at him so am in need to get him checked out. Please anyone advise of a vet that is not scared of a big dominant dog. Thanks
  2. Hi all, I have moved to Forest Lake, Brisbane and am in need of a great vet that knows how to handle my Rottweiler, he has had bad experiences with them and I found a fantastic vet(I think he prefers female vets)but have now moved from Christchurch. He arrived a couple of days ago, has a lame leg and have since found out that some thugs tried to break into our house overseas and threw a rock at him so am in need to get him checked out. Please anyone advise of a vet that is not scared of a big dominant dog. Thanks
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