No its random positions (but kitchen is only other room he has access to other then our bed room n the den (where me n him spend most of the time)
Eycalipytus anti bacterial disifectant
O n vet check was fine
We stat outside untill he does h deed sometimes half hour sometimes 5min (depending on situation)
No lead no create
He has 100% acces to us n vs versa as my misses doesnt work and is always in view of one of us unless sleeping (his decsion he stays near us 99.9% time)
Im always outside with him and majority 8/10 times he pees instantly then sniffs around if number 2 if not he goes to the door n sits waiting for me to go inside with him, misses reports same.
He doesnt do everytime mainly after dark around 8 oclock, although its only if im not outside at this time (im an amataur stargazer) so majority of nights im out back with Ghost n my telescope, that was the reason i thought he might be doing it to tell me i should be looking at stars not cooking tea. I spend 3-4 nights a week outside depending on weather, rest of the time hes great smart n gets the idea n we dont have many problems beside slight urination when excited (expected) i was just conserned with the frequency n amount, at times, as its not a daily thing but a few times a week,
Thankyou for you replys just making sure my baby is fine