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Everything posted by Existence

  1. Ty for you posts an ideas i will impliment a fee and take note,
  2. Yes Vet said hes healthy, little hyperactive but physically fine
  3. No its random positions (but kitchen is only other room he has access to other then our bed room n the den (where me n him spend most of the time) Eycalipytus anti bacterial disifectant O n vet check was fine We stat outside untill he does h deed sometimes half hour sometimes 5min (depending on situation) No lead no create He has 100% acces to us n vs versa as my misses doesnt work and is always in view of one of us unless sleeping (his decsion he stays near us 99.9% time) Im always outside with him and majority 8/10 times he pees instantly then sniffs around if number 2 if not he goes to the door n sits waiting for me to go inside with him, misses reports same. He doesnt do everytime mainly after dark around 8 oclock, although its only if im not outside at this time (im an amataur stargazer) so majority of nights im out back with Ghost n my telescope, that was the reason i thought he might be doing it to tell me i should be looking at stars not cooking tea. I spend 3-4 nights a week outside depending on weather, rest of the time hes great smart n gets the idea n we dont have many problems beside slight urination when excited (expected) i was just conserned with the frequency n amount, at times, as its not a daily thing but a few times a week, Thankyou for you replys just making sure my baby is fine
  4. Hey all first time posting cant wait to share stories ???? But first i just adopted an all white malamute into our home he is 11 weeks old now n we have had him for 3 weeks hes a great dog fun loyal and a turd, but im after some medical type advice. In the last few days we have had trouble with him urinating exseesivly (we are working on housetraining thats not the issue) the issue is its not uncommon fot Ghost to urinate in exsessive amounts extremly frequently, i understand that puppies bladders last hourlyish but after taking him out for his busniness he enters the home goes straight into the kitchen while we watch and leaves a puddle on the floor (standard size puddle) we as we do stern no and lead him back outside where he will sniff and dribble again on grass so we praise him n let him back in the house only for him to go back into the kitchen while we are watching and leaves a second large puddle (cleaned and disinfected the first) and we repeat the training with nO and take him back out side, this happens again for a few more times. Most was 4 large puddles within the hour aswell as the dribbling outside Is he being defiant towards us or should we seek medical treatment for bladder problems, i dunno how he has so mych liquid to leave as the puddles are full stream full puddle Any advice would ve greatdul The internet doesnt have much on this topic only how to train
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