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Everything posted by Horsegal98

  1. I thought it looked good but I will stick to my Canidae, thanks!
  2. I love blue cattle dogs too, they remind me of blue roan horses
  3. So obviously a good dog is never a bad colour...but that being said, what is your favourite colour? I love blue brindle and sable the best, but I have only owned one sable and no blue brindles at all.
  4. Poor toddler, poor dog. Where were the parents and owner?
  5. Our pets coped quite well, but they wake up kids as well. I hate the whole tradition full stop.
  6. This could be a possibility, but I think either way the cat needs to be contained in its house. I've never seen it inside, only on the lawn or verandah. It doesn't wear a collar.
  7. Last night was a PITa, there were fireworks at 9 and 12 and a load of people let off presumably illegal ones at 10.30. Hate being woken by fireworks.
  8. Yes it tries to climb up your leg while going at you with claws and teeth. Never seen another cat like it.
  9. Ta I will talk to some other parents and contact council
  10. The thread with the lady taking the staffys photo made me wonder if you can report agressive cat behaviour. There is a well known cat in my neighbourhood which is extremely antisocial/agressive, it is a large white persian type. It is on the same road as the public school and no one will walk past if they see it in the yard as it comes out, yowling, and will savage the legs of anyone who doesn't get out of the way fast enough. It seems to particularly hate kids and has made bloody puncture wounds in them in the past. It seems to belong to that house as it always on the verandah or in the front yard. If it was a dog doing this, it would probably be PTS by now. Is there a double standard with cats or can nuisance cats have restrictions placed upon them?
  11. I haven't had much trouble with breeders(collie) I did have a breeder say that they would not "adopt" an adult dog interstate, but the same breeder was keen on me buying a puppy from her. I've had breeder's who know that I am interested in showing who have been happy to offer a mains reg pup, though the understanding is that I will desex as I have always made it clear I am not interested in breeding.
  12. Off topic, but yay- another teacher?
  13. Ive looked online and on gumtree but no luck except super expensive thoroughbred spelling places. Wellington would be best but would consider all the way to orange, molong, dubbo, goolma and surrounds. Just for the one horse, be nice if there was an arena, wash bays etc but when it comes down to it a paddock with fences and water is enough.
  14. Hi, nice to meet you! It is a pretty big move. Don't suppose you are horsey as well- we need to find agistment in the area.
  15. Thanks for all the hard work on the Coota thread MUP, I am not local but often read it. It's wonderful to have an insight into the different types of dogs that end up in pounds in different regions.
  16. When I worked as a vet nurse In my sister's practice when I was finishing high school, we had a lot of pensioners through who couldn't afford treatment for their animals. We generally worked out payment plans that they could afford ($10 a week was pretty standard) and then proceeded with treatment. The problem is with this age bracket, not many took out pet insurance. It may have changed by now (this was early 00s. Most of them had geriatric pets that had more complex health problems too. We never had any homeless people come with animals, but I would think the boss would have offered the same system if they could demonstrate need.
  17. I loved The Mask as a kid-- so much that I was obsessed with all Jim Carey movies. Didn't he do that pet detective one, too? Maybe they would like that.
  18. I loved Napoleon!! I saw it at the movies when it was released and watched it obsessively too.
  19. I have been posted in and will be moving in 2013', just wondering if there are any DOLers in Bathurst/orange/dubbo or surrounds. I will hopefully be training with greater western dogs on a Saturday too :)
  20. This link discusses breed 'corruption' further, quite thought provoking: http://rufflyspeaking.wordpress.com/2008/10/15/568/
  21. The law doesn't differentiate between adults and children when it come to photographing them on public land. The only protection afforded to children is that you cannot take indecent photos of them if they are under 16. Just so people are aware, you can also be photographed legally when you are on private property if the photographer is on public land. So, if you sun bake in the nude in your front yard and can be seen from the footpath, you can be photographed and you have no legal recourse. Thanks, wow our rules are so lax.
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