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  1. Could I give whole raw eggs to Jazz - mini poodle? I'm skared he will choke ...that's why we haven't tried bones yet - he's soooooo small...
  2. Hi. I've been trying this with Jazz for like a month. Now u guys tell me a puppy can't do this Anyways, he understood that butt has to be well on the floor, but he keeps his equilibrium with his paws on my hand. I guess we have to wait for his hips to be stronger. But, just to brag, he's mastering the cutest "bow", so I guess we are on the right track with the party tricks.
  3. I'm sorry Tracey..lots of compassion from far away. Just yesterday I saw your baby's pictures and the plans u had for them...take care now and..i don't know what to say
  4. i lost Jim five weeks ago. He wasn't two yet (1 year and 10 months)> i had the same question: will it get better? Right now, I can't believe it. Just the thought of him brings tears in my eyes. We have a wonderful new puppy, really clean and smart and who would do anything to please us. Yet, i want Jim back. I read stuff 'bout rainbow bridge, I try convincing myself we'll be reunited some day. But i don't have the patience. I want him here, with me, waking me up in the morning, sharing my morning yogurt, going for long walks. I too wait for the time when it will get better. Big hugs for all of you, A.
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