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Everything posted by Jozlyn

  1. I'm not in a rush, it's just we're both bored out of brains with Puppy Class :D I've picked up a couple of good ideas so I'm going to try out one of them tomorrow and see how we go. Cheers, J
  2. Hi folks, My Kelpie puppy is only 16 weeks old at the moment and still learning basic obedience. Although the only thing she has missing for graduating to Class 1 is heeling and tbh I can't see us ever achieving that My actual question is, at what age can you start agility training? My Club has some equipment: jumps, tunnel & weave poles. One of the Trainers there suggested 6 months old, but I actually thought it was older than that. I've trolled the 'net and, as usual, can't find a definative answer. Any advice would be appreciated. Also does anyone know of any Agility type Clubs in Western Victoria? We're near Border Town. Many thanks, J
  3. Where in SA are the Club's? I live near Border Town and given what I've been reading about Victorian Clubs, I might opt to travel in the opposite direction! Cheers.
  4. My Kelpie puppy has been doing something similar, she just sails off the top of the back steps onto the brick pavers below, not all the time, but it does worry me a little.
  5. Thank you EVERYONE, you are giving me loads of the sort of info' I REALLY need, might be time to start making up some lists and a file, lol, so I don't forget any of this.
  6. I use OK as a release, but if I could go back I'd use something different! Often I have my dogs in a down-stay while I am listening to a trainer, then when they finish talking I say "OK" without thinking and my dog goes zooming off I would recommend usuing something you are less likely to say in everyday conversation :) Good point, in the Susan Garret video I just watched, she says "break", I don't know if I'll use that though, maybe "done" as I need to use words more natural to me, same as at Obedience I don't say "come" for the recall, I say "here" as it comes more naturally to me to say that, also when I do say "come", I want her to come with me, "here" means I want her to come to me. Hope that makes sense.
  7. I am definitely going to have to get some of her Dvd's, how increcdibly easy is that!
  8. Thanks Mrs Rusty Bucket, you even answered my question before I asked it lol! More to learn than I thought, but I love research and learning, so I can't wait. Training her is SO much fun.
  9. Ahh ok, I guess then the "treat" is the release, as I wait for a longer period each time I give the command and she obeys before I give it to her, hope that makes sense, then once she knows what I want her to do I then just randomly reward her. But she always gets a "good girl" which I guess is a release too. As far as sitting goes, the release for that is kind of "ok" or I might throw her toy for her to "fetch", no consistency there, so that will change from tomorrow too :D
  10. a) kelpies are "soft" dogs, they will quite happily shut down if they think you are being unfair or inconsistent Her intelligence is just overwhelming me, I knew Kelpies were clever but I had no idea how clever. That statement is SO true! She get's so p'd off at me when I stop her while walking to say "steady", that she will purposely grab the lead and dance around my feet, or turn around and give me a "look", if it wasn't so frustrating trying to train her to walk on a loose lead, it would be hysterical.
  11. Thanks, now I've found the "key" to training her she's learning so fast it's amazing. But what does "release" mean? I'm a total newbie, but doing EVERYTHING I can to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible to avoid making too many mistakes.
  12. Noooo I haven't taught her to stand, I didn't know I was supposed to. How do I do that? Now I feel like a bit of an idiot, so much to learn
  13. LMAO I actually only have 2 really, the one I'm using for my Avatar and one of her at 6 weeks old. But I'll definately take some more as IMHO she's adorable.
  14. No I'm not using a clicker, she's our first dog and I don't want to take the chance of getting it wrong, I also don't think my Obedience Club thinks very highly of them lol. I tried to lure her back up with the food, but she just gave me a WTF look I KNOW that the Club will tell me to pull her up by her correction chain, but I don't do static (ummmm not sure if that's the right word, but non-movement based) training with her with the lead on, as the minute I bend over her to go for the clip (which is where we're told to grab it) all she wants to do is bite/mouth me and then she rolls over and generally acts the fool, I've had much more sucess with her off lead, using treats. But, given that today is the first day I've tried luring her back up with food, I'll give it another go during tomorrow's sessions and see if she gets the idea. Thanks
  15. Hi, I've finally found the way to train my puppy FOOD! In only a few days she's learnt to sit, drop, fetch & give, I'm SO proud of her. BUT when she is in the drop position, how do I get her to stand back up again? I've tried telling her to "sit" again, but she just looks at me like I'm some sort of crazy woman :laugh: I've tried to manually stand her back up, but all she does is mauls my hands. Any ideas? Cheers, Jozlyn
  16. Thanks for the advice guys, I really appreciate it.
  17. I would love it, but it's a bit pricey for me atm.
  18. Wow thanks very much for all the informative & quick replies Would something like this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/280942199395?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648 be suitable? But in 36" Cheers, Jozlyn.
  19. Hi, I'm planning on doing agility with my Kelpie, Abby (currently 16 weeks old) in the future. Do I need to have a crate to keep her in at the events? If so, what size? Would 42" be big enough? Should I get it now so that she gets used to it or can I leave that for a while? Many thanks, Jozlyn.
  20. This is a heart breaking story. Thank you for posting it and seeing it through to the end. I have a friend that is waiting on her BC puppy to be born, so I've asked her to make sure that the Breeder has tested for TNS and has the all clear. I would not like to have something as heart breaking as this happen to my friend.
  21. Don't I wish! Our local Council provides nothing! Our Shire is "Green", plastic bag free! Getting your hands on a grocery bag is like gold lol, they're not wasted on dog poo! All of the pockets of all of my clothes have both poo bags & treats in them so I never go anywhere without them, which can, at times be a little embarasing. However I ordered a treat bag off eBay last night that has a few pockets in it, so I'll stuff one with poo bags. I usually buy the packets of "Dog clean up bags" from the Reject Shop (also, their Pee Pads) it's $3 for 75 bags, I have them stashed in the cars and in the laundry (our laundry is outside) so that they're always handy on that rare occasion that I have none in my pockets. So far they haven't let me down, I haven't gone through them with a finger nail yet (that happened with a nappy sack) or had one break or leak or anything else undesireable. Cheers, Jozlyn
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