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Everything posted by Jozlyn

  1. I know I ask a lot of questions but clearly there's still a lot I don't know For the last week or so Abby's taken to growling, hackles up and wuufing (it's not a bark, it's a deep wuuf sound) when we take her out to toilet at night, tbh it's a bit creepy even though we KNOW there's nothing/nobody there but clearly she thinks there is. She settles back down as soon we come back inside. The last 2 nights she's started doing it inside as well, which wouldn't be a real problem except it's in the wee small hours of the morning, when even the local roosters are still asleep. Last night it went on for nearly an hour . She'd settle on the bed with us then jump up, start the growl/wuuf jump off the bed and head off into the house, come back to bed settle back down, sleep for a little then up and off again. I tried calling her back but she wouldn't come (till she was ready), when she did it the next time I tried to comfort her, that didn't work either but I kept trying till eventually she feel asleep and stayed that way till a much nicer hour. Is there anything I can do for her to reassure her that there's nothing there and that we're all safe? Thanks. J.
  2. Hi, This is not actually a problem per se. I'm really just wondering if other people's puppies have concentration/attention problems at night? Apart from the zoomies lol. And before you ask, no, she's not tired, she's full of beans :laugh: I always keep her training sessions during the day to around 5mins, or less if the treats run out first as she's got the attention span of a 4 month old puppy (aka teaspoon)! And I just have to add that we're both doing wonderfully now I'd like to do a couple of short training sessions with her at night after dinner because she is so full of beans. But it seems as soon as the sun goes down her attention span goes with it. I've tried playing fetch with her but even cheese wont get her to bring back or give me the toy. She's too zoomy to even consider something as quiet as sit or drop practice, but she will do nose touches (we learnt these yesterday, GO ABBY), which I find a little confusing. Is this normal for other people too? Hope that lot made sense!
  3. Soooo while we're on the K9Pro subject, how good are their clickers? I need one or two of them too.
  4. Ohhh I'm just so excited about how well we're doing now :D
  5. I've just been sitting here thinking about it. I'm always one for quality over quantity, ie buying more than one of a lesser product costs you more in the long run. I'll have to talk to my OH about it first as I have well and truly blown the puppy budget
  6. They look good, but they're a little pricey.
  7. LMAO Abby's collar & leash are both day glo orange too, with reflective stripes, it goes nice with her coat colour and is really easy to see at night.
  8. I'm going to the "big smoke" tomorrow so I might just check in Horseland and see what they've got.
  9. I think I might be in love with Emily Larlham It's so easy, works so well and quickly, I can't believe it's all free. I really wish I could go to her Seminar when she comes to Australia next year. Edit: I forgot to add that a car went by as we were doing it on the verandah and she didn't even look at it, she was so focused on what we were doing
  10. Good point, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks Kavik.
  11. At that price it's much easier just to buy one, I didn't realise they were so cheap! I'd actually been giving some thought this morning to a water skiing rope, it would have a nice firm, easy grip handle on it.
  12. Hi, Should I use a higher value treat at obedience class as there are SO many distractions? Or the same value that I use at home where there are next to no distractions (until I start adding them on purpose)? Thanks, J.
  13. Clearly he LOVES playing "Soccer" :laugh:
  14. Found a Kikopup targeting clip she picked it up instantly I also used a clicker and her response to that was also amazing Perhaps I used the wrong wording for the title, I don't think I'm too harsh or expect too much, I just wanted to know why she stopped doing what I asked. I've upped the treats to a higher value, I've changed my tone to be more commanding (less gentle/questioning), I've taken everyone's suggestions into consideration and I'm applying most of them and she's responded really well already. So I'd like to say a big Thank you for everyone's help
  15. Yep, I'm with you! I feel distracting her with a toy may be seen as a reward thus make the behaviour even worse.
  16. You are SO right :laugh: Yep! Have just started "re-training" toileting on the lead, going ok so far.
  17. Excellent points, lots more to think about, thanks.
  18. Thanks Megan, I'll do a search on "targeting" but shaping? markers?
  19. VERY dedicated, I hate unruly, undisciplined dogs with a passion!
  20. What's that in meters? Showing my age now, aren't I? LOL. 10 metres is 33 feet. I started off with a 5 metre one when dogs are youngsters :) Nah, I still use feet & inches when talking about height, pounds & ounces for baby weights! Thanks for the conversion though, I'm actually going to make one, well hubby is lol Cheers, J
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