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Miss paws

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  1. Oh sorry I forgot. She is a tanned eng staffy. We also have a older male staffy that she loves to play with. When he was a pup we tried to make him meet many other pups his age to socialise with and have good experiences with (only vaccinated dogs though and in a clean area away from any risk of potential transmission of unhealthy dogs) so he wouldn't have any tendencies for aggression when getting older and it's worked wonders with him and I want to try and give her the same opportunity. I see nothing wrong with meeting older dogs ( they can be great teachers if they are brought up correctly ) but puppy's play esp if two or more might be more balanced, until she gets a little bit bigger. She has plenty of older dogs she has met and will meet ( friends mostly) But I don't know of many puppy owners that's why I thought I'll do a little shout out here :) We are enrolled in courses where she will meet other pups but it won't start up for another 3 weeks and I was hoping to atleast find one or two owners that might be interested. I understand it won't be easy to find but I thought I'll give it a try :) We live in kangaroo point :)
  2. Oh I forgot to add, I got a 9week little girl :)
  3. Hi puppy owners. I was just seeing if there is any puppy owners out there that would be interested for a play date? Maybe between 2-5 dogs meeting up and socialise them under a watching eye of us parents :) I am writing this in the puppy area of forum as I am interested to see if anyone would be interested with a PUP and then I can start a thread about time and where to be? This would only work if you have vaccinated your pup, and we would have to meet up at someone's backyard or somewhere away from where others dog might have been so the puppy's won't get exposed to anything that can harm them or get transmitted from any nasty germs etc. It would of course only be between 30 minutes or an hour tops as pups can't play for to long. If you have a pup between 8-16 weeks and would be interested let me know :) Cheers ;)
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