Perfumed Lillium
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Everything posted by Perfumed Lillium
It is very hard when they finally leave you to go to the Rainbow Bridge, they take a piece of your heart, that's the saddest part of pet ownership, WoofnHoof. My first dog was a Chihuahua, I lost her 11 yrs ago, she will always be remembered.
He's a handsome little man, adorable!!!
Yes, you're quite right in saying "in the right lines they have that Apple head, short nose"….some Poms I've seen do have that slightly pointier nose. The right Pom is mesmerising to look at but mum's heart dog always has been and always will be the Chihuahua. Poms are quite sprightly, gorgeous little creatures, love the way they move.
I'm noticing a trend towards the deer type as opposed to the apple head chihuahua. Any particular reason? The nose is getting longer, the head is getting narrower and the ears are definitely taking a life of their own. I've been looking for an apple head chihuahua for my mum for the last 10 mths, mum's very partial to the breed and it's the only breed she's ever owned, she lost her beloved Bobby 12 mths ago and she's now ready for another to spoil and dote on. I'm not knocking the deer type but imo they look like a mini foxie esp the short coated type.
Blade Sharpener Anyone? Please...
Perfumed Lillium replied to Perfumed Lillium's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks everyone, much appreciated :) -
I have taken on a new hobby, that of clipping friends and relatives' dogs. One problem….the individual concerned whom I send my blades to be sharpened has simply no idea and the blades come back to me in exactly the same shape as they were before I sent them away to be sharpened, lol. Does anyone know of some one capable of sharpening clipper blades so that they may prove useful? I have 10 dogs from a selection of friends and relatives forming a queue and 6 blades that wouldn't cut through butter. Please Help….anyone?
We all know that hunting is natural for dogs but how many of you take precautions to avoid it happening? To the OP, I understand that you would be disappointed in your dog's behaviour but you made it clear that you were aware of your dog's penchant for hunting so therefore why didn't you have him on a leash? As for other posters, you appear to be accepting of your dog/s killing and just shrug it off as it being a normal course of nature.
Your dog doesn't have a pedigree. A pedigree is a written record of ancestry generally recognised by the breed body (although not always). That doesn't make him a crossbred. You bought a baby puppy. How you've concluded that he will never have tear stains I cannot fathom. It has a range of causes and many of them have little to do with genetics. Any white dog with a depressed immune system may have them at some stage. They can often be successfully resolved. Why you seem to feel the need to keep on about this issue I cannot fathom. Not everyone is suggesting your dog is crossbred. We get your point. Personally I think you got spun a yarn. You have to jump through quite a few hoops to get prefix and unless the breeder was in hospital for months, I don't see how they were prevented from applying (provided they met the criteria). But you are happy... and lets leave it at that. I'm sure the breeder of the dogs she owns is just thrilled about them producing unregistered pups. I've concluded that my puppy has a good chance of not ending up with tear staining BECAUSE his dam and sire don't have it, he doesn't have it nor do his littermates as opposed to other JS puppies that do have bad tear staining as well as the sire and dam. Good start, don't you think? As to your comment that you cannot fathom why I feel the need to keep on going about this issue? I thought it was obvious
Denying A Dying Owners Last Wish
Perfumed Lillium replied to mantis's topic in General Dog Discussion
This sounds too strange for words. Why would the grieving son take heed of what your neighbours have to say? what business is it of theirs and why couldn't the son tell them to buzz off and leave him alone? I can understand that he is going through a rough time but even more the reason to tell these a*rseholes to mind their own business. I hope all transpires well in the end, keep in touch with him and hopefully you will be reunited with the dog. It's moments like these that make me realise just how hateful some people can be, karma to the b*astards. Hope admin. doesn't mind the language here..... -
Not quite. Any dog born of two parents of the same breed IS purebred but it's a genetic dead end for the most part. Without a pedigree (that provides a record of proven ancestry) and registration with its breed register, the dog is lost to the future of the breed, no matter what its quality. That may not matter a damn to pet buyers but it certainly matters to breed fanciers although most breeders of non-pedigreed stock aren't thinking that far out. You may be perfectly happy with your dog PL but please don't try to justify what the breeder did here. It's a middle finger in the air to what a lot of folk here strive for. It's done and you're happy - can we move on from it please. EXACTLY. It is is middle finger to the future of the breed. This is not a breeder looking to the long term welfare and continuation of their breed. This is a breeder who is only looking at the here and now. As a pet owner you may be perfectly happy with that and that is fine. But DONT expect breeders, or those that are looking at the welfare of the breed in the long term (read multiple generations over decades and more) to be. Lets move on. I have no issue with registered breeders that are genuine in wanting to better their breed of choice. I am only passing judgement because my PET Japanese Spitz's pedigree was questioned and he was deemed as a xbred simply because his breeder does not hold a prefix which is absurd to me because, irrespective of the lack of prefix, his parents are PUREBRED and are fully registered. I am not going to debate the BYB subject. I purchased him because she was living down the road from me and that gave me the opportunity to see him, his remaining littermates and his parents and spend time with them so that I could ascertain their temperament. Another issue that prompted me to buy him is that he doesn't have the tear staining problem that can afflict this breed. I had spoken to a couple of registered breeders over the phone and they admitted that they had this problem in their line, I already have a maltese (11yo) with this problem and it is unsightly, I didn't want another white dog with this issue. Also, purchasing from a breeder with a prefix meant that I would not have had the luxury of spending time with the sire and dam and seeing the puppy before purchasing him/her. I have done this with my pom girl and thankfully am very happy with her so all's good.:)
a purebred is a purebred when it has registration papers to prove it's parentage. Your pup can not do so and the fact the so called breeder was in hospital and things were left to teenagers So the fact that my pup's dam and sire are registered and have the pedigree papers to show for it means zilch to you? Interesting concept you have going there . Okay, you win.....I guess he must be a mongrel after all given that he didn't come with rego papers, happy now?
Correct, yet I don't think BYB'ers should get the advantage of being able to call their products purebred, hence my opinion ;) But unfortunately there isn't anything much that you, or anybody else, can do about it until legislation makes it illegal for people to breed unregistered pedigreed (purebred) dogs. We have legislation in Tasmanian now to prevent BYBers from breeding unregistered cats, but I can't see anything like that happening for dogs for a long time, not whilst dog registrations are such large revenue raisers for government at various levels. There isn't, but there also isn't a law against opinions (yet ... am waiting for that to change soon too, thanks Julia!). Double standards I believe, lol. It's only permissible for you to have an opinion but not for anyone else ;)
Correct, yet I don't think BYB'ers should get the advantage of being able to call their products purebred, hence my opinion ;) Sounds like spite more than anything else, you should run by those words again and come to the realisation of just how absurd you sound, get over it, a purebred is a purebred whether it is born with a prefix or otherwise.
Who said anything about this thread being all about me? Having said that, you did quote me so I merely responded. Also, this thread was started after a debate about my Japanese spitz, which some people considered not to be a purebred because he didn't come with limited or full rego papers even though his parents are fully registered..... hence the OP asking what makes a dog a purebred :)
No - I'm going to dissect it. You've said before this wasn't her first litter. Plus you don't apply for a prefix once the mating has already taken place! And a reputable breeder didn't breed this litter ... teenagers did. So you're telling me that if the breeder was at home instead of being in hospital, the litter would have differed somewhat? That's something worth pondering about, lol. As regards to the prefix.....as I said long story which is why she didn't get around to a prefix, I can't be bothered writing a novel of epic proportions; at the end of the day I am happy with Beau and what's more, he doesn't suffer from tear stains nor do his parents, something that I was forewarned by other breeders concerning their pups. Totally It apparently doesn't make a difference in the BYB world, but in the world of purebreds and registered matings - yes, it makes a huge difference. OFF TOPIC? what the?
Strange comparison, let's compare oranges with oranges, shall we? :D. Moodles are NOT a recognised 'breed' so it's a moot point irrespective of what a naive salesgirl seems to believe. You cannot compare this example with my boy. His dam and sire do have papers which nullifies your comparison.
No - I'm going to dissect it. You've said before this wasn't her first litter. Plus you don't apply for a prefix once the mating has already taken place! And a reputable breeder didn't breed this litter ... teenagers did. So you're telling me that if the breeder was at home instead of being in hospital, the litter would have differed somewhat? That's something worth pondering about, lol. As regards to the prefix.....as I said long story which is why she didn't get around to a prefix, I can't be bothered writing a novel of epic proportions; at the end of the day I am happy with Beau and what's more, he doesn't suffer from tear stains nor do his parents, something that I was forewarned by other breeders concerning their pups.
It says a lot about you for having contacted the lady in the first place . Daisy was lucky to have you in her life from the beginning and now she is back in your life to enjoy the rest of her life. Beaut story.
No need to chuckle. If the dog's breeder is not prepared to sign her name to an official document (from a registering body) to certify who the parents are, there is always going to be doubt as to which dogs really are the parents. I wouldn't be making any claims about the dog other than it is Japanese Spitz. Without papers, you won't be breeding on with it anyway, so it doesn't matter to anyone else whether your dog is purebred or not. That's true enough, I have no intentions to breed him so therefore I will be having him neutered in a couple of mths. I have no doubt about his parentage even though the breeder does not hold a prefix, I truly believe that the dogs that were presented to me as his parents are indeed his parents. The same could be said of pups that come from a registered breeder with a prefix....especially large scale registered breeders; as you can imagine there are dodgy breeders everywhere so therefore obtaining a pup with papers is not always foolproof that the parents named on the pedigree are indeed its parents. Thats a real worry that a breeder would not be careful enough about her breeding to bother with a prefix. I hope she bothered to observe the mating. I would not be calling my dog a purebred unless I had the papers to prove it. I am sure she was careful about the mating and knows exactly who fathered the litter given that the sire is the only entire male in the household. The dam's parents are both desexed. I am not about to stand on my soap box and boast that he is a pedigree purebred, but he is nevertheless a purebred :) Thats a real worry that a breeder would not be careful enough about her breeding to bother with a prefix. I hope she bothered to observe the mating. I would not be calling my dog a purebred unless I had the papers to prove it. Something tells me her dogs are probably not even mains registered... Your gut instinct is wrong in this case. Believe you me....I can tell the difference between full or limited registration papers. The breeder's dogs are "mains" registered. :) The reason she couldn't be bothered with a prefix is because she was diagnosed with cancer and had to go to hospital to have the cancerous growth removed, it was whilst in hospital recovering that the mating took place, her two teenage daughters were looking after the dogs at the time; she had every intention of going through with a prefix but after her health scare, she changed her mind and she decided that she would not continue breeding, so much so that the dam was spayed last Friday. I am condensing a long story here so please people....don't attempt to dissect it.
Introducing Peaches & Beau
Perfumed Lillium replied to Perfumed Lillium's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have taken all the posters' advice on board, i.e. health issues in pups from byb situations. The part that most have missed is that there are "little ticking time bombs" in registered pups as well as I have tried to emphasise about my experience with pedigree, registered dogs. I do agree that there are unethical, greedy breeders out there that put anything together for a quick buck....but I also believe that often times it's the luck of the drawer, that's what my life experience has taught me. Edited to correct spelling, i.e. pedigree as opposed to pedigreed :D. Thank you dogmad, I'm a spelling Nazi myself :laugh: -
I purchased a PUREBRED Japanese Spitz from a breeder who lives down the road from me, her breeding dogs are registered but she hasn't bothered with a prefix, when I posted as much....a couple of posters were adamant that my JS is not a purebred . How'zat? Both his parents AND grandparents have pedigrees YET some people have deemed him NOT a purebred because he didn't come with papers?? I had a chuckle after reading those posts, still makes me chuckle to think that someone implied there could have been anything in his background including cocker spaniel, hahahahahaha. Go figure.....
Introducing Peaches & Beau
Perfumed Lillium replied to Perfumed Lillium's topic in General Dog Discussion
No, I said that was an idiotic statment (on your part). Not sure what you hoping to achieve by being rude to the people that are trying to set you straight Why the clapping? It seems no matter how many times you are told, you cannot comprehend that registered stock needs to have their progeny registered in order for them to be purebred. And, I suppose you missed the part where I asked about whether you made sure the parents were health tested for known diseases? :) You should have quoted your original post instead of just posting my response. It's not the way it was presented originally. I know exactly what you meant from the onset and can't be bothered looking for your original post just to prove a point. -
Introducing Peaches & Beau
Perfumed Lillium replied to Perfumed Lillium's topic in General Dog Discussion
She had 3 pups left out of a litter of 6. He was my pick as he is already showing similar traits to his father, i.e. the longer coat and the slightly broader muzzle. I love your sarcasm, what is the problem with some people around here? Pertaining to your question as to whether the Pom breeder was aware that I was also considering a JS? YES YES YES, I've already answered that question in another thread. The pom breeder was told about Beau days before transport was organised. You really needn't be judgemental when you clearly have no idea what I am all about; I am a responsible person who loves animals, I made it clear that I do not let my pomeranian out in the rain and never leave her alone with the JP unsupervised, that's clearly not enough for you, is it? so much angst, wow! Why would the Pom breeder be worried about the JS puppy? Poms are always homed to multi dog homes including adult dogs so another pup of medium size should have been no problem. I know of 1 Pom breeder who also has German Shepherds, granted they're not allowed to run alone, but they live in the same household and spend time together. This is from Itty Bitty Poms Beautiful photo that speaks a thousand words if in the hands of responsible individuals and there are some of us left in this world. :D -
Introducing Peaches & Beau
Perfumed Lillium replied to Perfumed Lillium's topic in General Dog Discussion
Asking advice and getting it has been appreciated, condemning me because I decided to go ahead with the pups borders on nastiness. Regarding the Jap. Spitz.....I've seen his parents and grandparents therefore I have every idea of what he is going to turn out like in regards to size & TEMPERAMENT, his parents & grandparents have a beautiful nature, I went to see this breeder on 3 separate occasions and spent a considerable amount of time with all pups and the breeding stock, that was enough to see for myself. I have no doubt he is a PUREBRED Japanese Spitz, papers or not. Once again, how does one decipher a reputable registered breeder unless you know people that have purchased the breed you are wanting which, in my case, this doesn't apply. PL both your dogs are gorgeous - don't let any of this nonsense effect your enjoyment of them one little bit. Thank you -
Introducing Peaches & Beau
Perfumed Lillium replied to Perfumed Lillium's topic in General Dog Discussion
She had 3 pups left out of a litter of 6. He was my pick as he is already showing similar traits to his father, i.e. the longer coat and the slightly broader muzzle. I love your sarcasm, what is the problem with some people around here? Pertaining to your question as to whether the Pom breeder was aware that I was also considering a JS? YES YES YES, I've already answered that question in another thread. The pom breeder was told about Beau days before transport was organised. You really needn't be judgemental when you clearly have no idea what I am all about; I am a responsible person who loves animals, I made it clear that I do not let my pomeranian out in the rain and never leave her alone with the JP unsupervised, that's clearly not enough for you, is it? so much angst, wow!