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  1. Just an update.. 6 months later he is still under the effects of suprelorin. No interest in a bitch in season..
  2. I have to say I have found this thread the most valuable piece of information on the internet in regards to Suprelorin! I've done so much reading but never found as much info as this thread, so thank you OSoSwift for starting this and continuing to document your experiences with it! :) My Duke (English Stafford) had the 6 month injection exactly 12 months ago. He had no significant weight gains and his temperament was pretty much the same, although just a touch less hyperactive (was a 10 months old staffy though so didn't expect much). Although his testis have started growing back in the past few months, they aren't nearly the size that they used to be. His lipstick has started to protrude again in the past 2 months and he has started marking things on our walks, so that's a good sign. Tomorrow he is going in to hang out with one of the vets bitches that is coming into season, followed by a semen test to see whether his fertility has returned or not. He has been around in season bitches before and gone nuts over them (pre-implant), so I'm hoping it all comes back to him! Again, thanks for this thread! I was extremely anxious before I found it due to him not 'looking' entire a full 6 months after the drug supposedly wore off. I'll let you know how it goes, if anyone is interested :)
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