Hi guys,
long time lurker, first time poster.
My wife and I are absolutely in LOVE with French Brittany's and are having a really hard time trying to find a breeder in Melbourne.
I love all Brittany's, but the French ones are just amazing.
From doing a lot of research and having owned a French Brittany in the past I love their roan (dirty orange my wife calls it) colour, the fact they are a little stockier and shorter.
All around incredible dogs.
Does ANYONE here know where we can get a hold of a , either tri color Brittany or a roan/lots of ticks ( i think thats what they are called?)
My previous dog was from Bill Allen, former president of the Club L'Epagneul Breton but he no longer breeds.
Got in touch with Ray, the puppy officer for the club, but no puppies on the horizon. We're looking to get a new addition to the family end of January.
Thank you!