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Everything posted by abzndbonnie

  1. im hanging out on an update on molly!! cmon bommy iv been following this one all the time! hope shes all good!
  2. thats such good news! im so happy.. go molly this girl has been such an interesting story to follow. keep up the good work bommy
  3. woah this thread has been going for AGES! dont let me interupt!
  4. nice advice. This has been an interesting thread from the very start. I think that going on what kelbyrd said that they think it's a game. I love that way because i think if the dog's being punished then why is that a reason to listen to you? They are just not going to want to do something bad because they are going to get hurt. I think if they think it's fun they are going to be WAY more interested in you than with anything or anyone else around.And they are going to be more happy. Just my points continue i like reading this one abz
  5. heck! how do you guys find time for gicing them snacks? they eat better than me too maybe i should make mum put me on that diet! lol. they must be very healthy doggies!
  6. Yay! she's lively! great to hear. You're so good looking after her the way you are..Most people would have gaven up by now. Stick in ther with her i told ya she was a fighter! great news! abz
  7. im too anxious i have to ask, hows mol's tonight? This is my favourite thread not because she's sick but i want to know how she's going all the time! I don't want her 2 go downhill anymore but i know the risks of cancer Hope shes great! abz
  8. aw that is so good im so glad for you both! Lets all pray she stays this weight or puts on more! great news jaqui im so happy for you. look like our prayers may have been answered ! lets hope she keeps going up and up thats such good news!
  9. i was taught by all different trainers on it, but bonnie just got used to it in the end and quite frankly sick of it. And i was sick of tugging on her little head. Making her look at me and watching what i was doing and not me pulling her head and her going "oo where is she tugging me next" worked much better. She concentrates on what i'm doing much more and we have gotten much more benefit out of it I understand some dogs may be different but she just got over it.
  10. the website didn't work for me. is it www.wysiwgkennels.com.au? abz
  11. That's still positive training - positive training doesn't mean sounding all nice and happy all the time and shoving treats into their mouth at every opportunity Nat O. lol ... Well i have tugged at the chocker chain, but only for a week or so because i found IT DOESN'T WORK. the dog doesn't get it. you do it often enough the dog gets used to it. So i started the watch me command. found it works much better. I am just discussing with myself lol im a bit lost in what's going on with tess32 and pgm and all those. ;)
  12. wow! sauted chicken for the dog! spoiled lil thing! lol don't blame you. Yeah ruby has improved so much on this diet she's gotten a much better coat and is digesting fine!
  13. what i do is most positive training and some firm training. by firm i mean using a deep voice. Not yelling, but letting her know who's boss. I think dog's need it. In the wild dogs get growled at if they do the wrong thing, so this is a way for me to let her know im in charge. Its also the way I was taught at obedience training. Works for me. still plenty of treaties but!
  14. i also have a boxer, she is 9 this year and thats why i was a bit shocked that i didn't see it on any websites about the risks of barf. I am going to feed cooked meat too now, should be good. Will cooked minced mixed with pasta and 1 raw egg every now and then be alright jaqui? I will change the meat evret so often, What other meat do you or anyone else cook? She's picked up in health after her health scare on new years. Shes back to her puppy self again! even in her old age. Boxers never grow out of that stage thats why i love them so much! good luck with molly again im still thinking of her *staying positive* i hvae a cute pic i will post soon!! abz
  15. Im teribly sory about molly i hope she starts to improve, just try and stay positive. This is the reason i am now not putting my dogs onto BARF. It doesn't state this possibility in some of the websites of BARF and it should, i myself didn't know about it. Keeping your family and molly in my thoughts abz xox
  16. thanks jaqui! will do i hope this works for them and really shines up their coat. Because that supermarket stuff is just rubbish. and i think owners have to learn that from experience. what do u feed your boxer? abz
  17. my dogs are being weaned off dry food and onto barf at this very moment. I think agreeing with one of the other posters, everybody is a novice at this somestage, its just the way of going about doign it. Obviously that person hasnt done enough research. We've been feeding our dogs supercoat forever and i find it does absolutely nothing. There coat is horrible and there weight jumbles all over the place. I think more meat less vegies is the way to go, the meat gives them alot more benefit as i saw when i first gave my dogs pets mince from the butcher, they went up in health straight away, and also some dogs turn their noses up at vegies. I havent tried chicken necks before. Is it all ok to give them chicken necks? i like sticking to liver and mince , things that are easy for them, and bones wise huge bones with alot of marrow. these forums are great!
  18. i have a boxer and a golden retriever and they never barked untilw e moved this year and we are right near a road and everytime someone walks past they go for it and bark like crazy. There's is a territorial problem, theyve never had people so close to the fence before. We cant change it we have tried ignoring them yelling at them, but in the end it probably lets people know we have dogs and they arent going to get in our yard. also i notice a boxer lover in here, our dog has been jumping our fence and getting out ever since we got her. She is a retired show dog but we got her at 18 months and she is now 9 and has been getting out i reckon about 3 to 4 times a month and we have to chase her for miles! we are concerned about ehr safety and also all the pound bills!! we have tried the low-power electric fence, making the fence higher(but she digs under) closing our old fence up with more wire(but again she jumped over) it got to one stage the two dogs nearlly killed a sheep. they have NEVER hurt anyone and they are very gentle but this once they got to a sheep and it ended up ugly. we are quite fed up with this and it has resulted in the boxer being tied up and she gets let off and taken for walks every day. She's a terror but we love her. we have also tried building runs but she stil gets out. We should have named her huidine!! do u have any suggestions? love abz xox
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