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Everything posted by abzndbonnie

  1. Sorry gemi babe im not about to go broke on something i dont no if its an allergy or not yet....vets it is but i dunno about the whole allergy test thing just yet! I will get what she "needs" im not about to make her be in pain
  2. he said allergy tests can be a hell of alot of money! Hmmm still deciding on what to do keep chucking ideas at me!
  3. ah ha! thankyou westie lover! Before i go to the vets a man suggested to put her on Medi-cal Gastro Formula..It literally is boiled hamburgers mixed with rice and after 4 days if i see the reaction settling, then after bringing her diet slowly back in it starts to arise again, its her diet. If this is wrong and i dont have these plants, im going to the vets.
  4. jew? like the jew u get of a morning? yes we do get it alot the backyard slopes downwards into a very shady cold spot where alot of jew builds up, thankyou all so much! i will try the aloe vera and if thats not good im off to the vets!
  5. Thanks i think the vet is the way to go here!
  6. OK here goes, My golden came inside before and was constantly chewing on her front and back feet( mostly back) ..It got so bad that her fur started turning red, and her skin inflammed, i couldn't get a great look as she wouldn't let me near it.. Shes chewing like it's itchy. Her diet hasn't changed and she hasn't had a problem with it so far? What could it be??
  7. hahahahaha! i can imagine! That's funny it made my day :rolleyes: " Okay now ill put your pillow here and your little teddy u just nod off, just don't get up or riggle to get comfy and i will get u up in three minutes , nighty night" :rolleyes:
  8. Thanks! i think i'll have to call them :rolleyes: maybe we can meet one day and trial together!! hehe! my girl is 4 years old but i just want to still do trials we finished obedience and never went any further so we are polishing up on it and im just gona give it a go and see how we do!
  9. That's great! I need to join my golden up with the VCA , a breeder told me to put her under associate member but i can't find a form on the net :rolleyes: She didn't come with papers but she said that shouldn't matter.. Whens the next trial?
  10. Your soo funny i was sitting here cacking along :rolleyes: I'm starting obedience trial's soon and looking at all that made me feel so much better that i'm not the only one out there thats just going to have fun and try to forget about being really competitive! You made me feel so much better thankyou :rolleyes:
  11. I think it's stupid at vets, we pay $48 for frontline for 3 months...and thats only for one dog, then we buy another for the other dog , then another for the cat.
  12. yay! thanks jacqui i love to hear how molly's going! Sounds good give her a pat from us all! :rolleyes:
  13. Hi chezzyr, Someone else could probably explain this better than me as i have onnly just started doing it, but basically it is a little clicker divise that when the dog does something you want it to do, for example sit you tell the dog "sit" then you click the divise it makes a clicking noise and then you praise the dog. Finally the dog will end up knowing that when you "click" it knows its done something right and turns to you for a treat. It has been around for a while and alot of people use it now, i don't tink its a flavour of the month thing lol. just an update on how we went- bonnie rathered licking my hand than touching it haha but i didnt mind it was her first lesson, i used my mouth for clicking, and when she touched it i said bonnie "touch" then "click" then treat. Is this all ok so far? shes a bit fo a slow learner , but after a while she should get it. Abbie
  14. Thanks, I'm about to start her on it now, good idea ill use my mouth! ill report back to camp when we're done :rolleyes:
  15. Thankyou so much! I have had my head down reading all the clicker info. I have ordered a clicker, but i won't have it until tuesday. Should i still start her on targeting anyway? Then introduce the clicker or wait and do it later on. Abbie :rolleyes:
  16. ohhh i get it now! thats a brilliant idea! and that will get her head up nice and high and nice too! That's the best solution i think that will help with her! Thanks so much ill start tomoro, i think i can do it by myself, and then maybe later on get some trialing help when we are both ready. So tomorrow, i start witht he closed hand touch command? and then expand that to different objects? I'll pick up a clicker and get started im sick of her being confused! Thanks everyone you have helped heaps and i wil update on our progress :rolleyes: Abbie
  17. Thanks yogi! Don't worry your much better at explaining things than i am! I do the thing when i hold the treat to my face and shes very good at that she will look at me until i give her the treat, its just when heeling she keeps her head focused infront of her instead of looking at me when i tell her to. I knwo its not going to happen straight away, i have done holding the treat to her nose then dragging it to my face and saying bonnie "focus". She will do the 1 second thing then go back to walking after she gets the treat. Why do u targeting work before clicker training is my next question, Thanks again Abbie
  18. hey! yeah my club has a clicker trainer there, i don't get to the club often though, we have finished obedience and are going into trialing and im having trouble with heeling so i thought focus would be very handy to have. What do u mean by touching a target? thanks Abbie
  19. Thankyou all for your great advice! Yes the training day i want to go to is the Gina O'keefe one.. I think i will go. I'm trying to get this 101 things to do with a box. So basically its a training excersize with the box? Also can i get a clicker from a pet department store? I think this is the answer to all my focus things. My golden is getting confused and she basically doesnt really care about focus. I need to get her "hyped" ! I've been using chicken and cheese for treats, also those biscuits "shapes" . she never gets these sorts of treats, are these ok? Sorry i havn't replied sooner! Abbie
  20. hahaha :D I dont know hardly anything about it, i just thought it could help, yep by "focus" i mean eye contact aswell. It would help a hell of alot with our heeling work and also any other training. Should i be going along with this training session or just starting at home myself on info i know already? thanks nat ur helping me lots :D
  21. Thanks nat! Bonnie and I have been doing focus , she is understanding but she will look for literally half a second then its back head down to the ground. She's much more interested with things around her. I have tried balls, bells, treats, my voice, jumping(like an idiot). And she is a very lazy dog, not very interested in working. I just think clicker training might be much much clearer, And i just looked on your beautiful doggies pictures and reilly is a stunner! Great shots! and the old lady witht eh hat is really cute :D Abbie
  22. I was wondering about clicker training? I saw there was a clinic on soon for people interested in clicker training and helping with trialing ect. Theres a lady coming from W.A. Is clicker training a good techinque to use? Is it easy to grow dogs out of the habit? Does it help with their focusing? Any answers would be great! :D
  23. wow! I can't beleive the supercoat users in here I thought most people would frown at supercoat! I;m only switching over because of what i found out about bi products and how they aren't very good... any other supercoat people heard of this? My dogs are on supercoat light and mature, they go good but coat and stools tend to change alot... nice thread
  24. Supercoat doggies over here but slowly changing to barf its working much better!!
  25. Rubys,Bonnies and my heart goes out to you both on this journey for you and molly! Will be following her progress, my fingers will always be crossed , keep your head held high and give her too many pats from us all! abz
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