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Everything posted by valleygirl

  1. wondering if anyone is looking at importing or exporting frozen semen anytime soon either to or from NZ looking hopefully save a few bucks by sharing s shipment
  2. I was wondering if anyone had sent fresh semen to NZ or if it is even possible to do without freezing? If so did you have success. I did ask one clinic here but they were pushing for frozen said they had more success.
  3. 10 puppies re frozen semen born 7th :)
  4. I have had 100% success with frozen using surgical AI but was hoping to do the next TCI. I am in NZ so a bit far to recommend my vet sorry. Do you use surgical or TCI? and would you rate either more successful
  5. I used them last time from about 3 weeks as that was when I finally found out where to get them, and had no issues. The pups are all well over 1kg now at one week so not little but all very similar so I would like to take notice of whos who to determine temperament etc. Just was a little unsure if they were too young. If you happily use them on dane puppies from birth I imagine it should be ok. thankyou again everyone for sharing. :D
  6. Vet bed in use, very very happy with it. Another question, how early do you put the Velcro collars on your pups.
  7. Vet was a little out. 8 puppies, 7 females 1 male. born 19th Sept
  8. I have the green backed and it only just fitted into the washing machine as its the large size 1 x 1.5mt. Washed it 3 times and dried out in the sun. It wont fit in my drier. Hoping to have in use this time next week. fingers crossed. :)
  9. Thankyou Lots of washing just hope the sun shines
  10. Hi I have just received my first vet bed after reading some of your posts as to how good they were. Last and this was my first litter I used towels old flannel sheets and a few trees worth of newspaper. Do you put anything on top of the bed as it looks quite thick and I wondered if the puppies when first born would have trouble with all the fluff. //////////also do you wash before use.
  11. Ultra sound confirms pregnancy but could only pick up two maybe three. Anatolian Shepherds due around 22nd
  12. Hi, I am taking my 5 1/2 month old puppy to a show this weekend. She has been once before and was handled by someone who knew what they were doing and she used her lead etc. It will be a first for me apart from one practice at a ribbon parade. I only have a choker chain. Is this ok to use. The question has probably been asked before so sorry if I have doubled up. Also any type of lead recommended. She is an Anatolian so is quite tall. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thankyou for your answers, I have put the other dogs well away and after leaving her in peace for 4 hours or so. She came outside for lots of squats and the other and even though she was anxious about the pups seemed to quite enjoy a good stretch and cuddle without them after 5 mins that was enough though. Same thing this morning but even less time outside but at least shes out and doing it. I must add what a great forum this is. It has been very helpful and by searching I've found many questions Ive been wanting to ask already answered.
  14. This is my first and my bitches first litter. What a wonderful experience and we were blessed with a safe and mainly unassisted whelping. She is a great mum. Shes a bit finiky at the moment with food but shes always been that way but starting to eat the puppy biscuits mixed with chicken and a little gravy. The main worry I have is she wont leave the pups to go to the toilet. She has only been once since the birth that was 24 hours ago. Any suggestions or is this normal.
  15. We have a beef farm and our dogs are usually fed raw beef and dog biscuits but I do buy chicken necks also. These come from the Chicken processors like Tegal. 3 of my dogs have no problem but one when fed them for a few days will break out with a skin condition - the same when she is fed the cheaper sort of biscuits. I am sure she would be ok with chicken from next door but the neighbour wouldnt be.
  16. thankyou everyone for your advise. Glad I found this forum. I will have to keep a good eye out for the digging as she is already doing this and we are forever blocking up holes. She is also starting to get very crotchety with the other dogs so will have to be careful there too.
  17. Hi, I am new here and this is also my first time breeding. My bitch is expecting pups in 3 weeks and we have got her box ready in the laundry with access to outside but she is not at all interested in it. Have tried locking her in the room but she scratches and scratches and cries. My dogs are outside dogs but will sneak inside whenever they get the chance. Any tips?
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