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  1. wondering if anyone is looking at importing or exporting frozen semen anytime soon either to or from NZ looking hopefully save a few bucks by sharing s shipment
  2. I was wondering if anyone had sent fresh semen to NZ or if it is even possible to do without freezing? If so did you have success. I did ask one clinic here but they were pushing for frozen said they had more success.
  3. 10 puppies re frozen semen born 7th :)
  4. I have had 100% success with frozen using surgical AI but was hoping to do the next TCI. I am in NZ so a bit far to recommend my vet sorry. Do you use surgical or TCI? and would you rate either more successful
  5. I used them last time from about 3 weeks as that was when I finally found out where to get them, and had no issues. The pups are all well over 1kg now at one week so not little but all very similar so I would like to take notice of whos who to determine temperament etc. Just was a little unsure if they were too young. If you happily use them on dane puppies from birth I imagine it should be ok. thankyou again everyone for sharing. :D
  6. Vet bed in use, very very happy with it. Another question, how early do you put the Velcro collars on your pups.
  7. Vet was a little out. 8 puppies, 7 females 1 male. born 19th Sept
  8. I have the green backed and it only just fitted into the washing machine as its the large size 1 x 1.5mt. Washed it 3 times and dried out in the sun. It wont fit in my drier. Hoping to have in use this time next week. fingers crossed. :)
  9. Thankyou Lots of washing just hope the sun shines
  10. Hi I have just received my first vet bed after reading some of your posts as to how good they were. Last and this was my first litter I used towels old flannel sheets and a few trees worth of newspaper. Do you put anything on top of the bed as it looks quite thick and I wondered if the puppies when first born would have trouble with all the fluff. //////////also do you wash before use.
  11. Ultra sound confirms pregnancy but could only pick up two maybe three. Anatolian Shepherds due around 22nd
  12. Hi, I am taking my 5 1/2 month old puppy to a show this weekend. She has been once before and was handled by someone who knew what they were doing and she used her lead etc. It will be a first for me apart from one practice at a ribbon parade. I only have a choker chain. Is this ok to use. The question has probably been asked before so sorry if I have doubled up. Also any type of lead recommended. She is an Anatolian so is quite tall. Thanks in advance.
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