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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. Poor guy. good riddance to those dogs and I hope their owner is punished
  2. Looks dry to me :p *grin* Nonono, it's a Waswetterhound. It was wet, and the fur dried into all the curls! So technically it could be a Isdryhound?
  3. OMG what a cute guinea pig. Now we need pictures of the puppy :D He's soooo cute!
  4. About 7 year in the ground. VACCINATION SHOULD BE MANDATORY!
  5. I decided to do a test to see if my cat was vegan. I put out four choices, a spring onion (organic), vegetarian mince, a red apple and cat food. I even changed the order and the results were conclusive, he's not Alicia Silverstone's cat.
  6. Alicia Silverstone is an advocate for Vegan Pets, I think it's crazy to feed animals that are mostly carnivorous on a vegan diet.
  7. Very interesting. So basically they decide what is a threat and then what degree of protective behaviour with which to meet that perceived threat and they're very unforgiving/wary of that person after that. Thank you.
  8. That's interesting, thanks Steve. It really explained it well. So with my boy when he leans on visitors he's doing his guarding behaviour and blocking them. I have a question about bonding behaviour. Ammo has known our neighbours and my sister (lives in Sydney) since he was a very young dog and they've always made an effort to be his friend and get to know him. They're the only people who can come in our yard if we're not here. Has he accepted them into the "family" and now considers them part of what he is protecting or is he just giving them a chance? Whenever the neighbours get here he follows them and offers them his paw as if it were a handshake and my sister he leans on a lot.
  9. I have three favourite breeds, unless I inherited a dog from family I would never get another breed than the ones I have. Stick with the breeds you know and are comfortable with or get a breed that you've always wanted. At the end of the day you will love the dog for the dog and not its packaging :)
  10. I don't advise this but when i was younger one of mum's friends got a can of raid and lighter and fire bombed the nest, really bad idea, yet effective.
  11. As for the tail wagging it's very friendly and not the territorial wagging that the house maremma does. They actually run up and lean on us.
  12. All of mine wag their tails but they 'aint doing it to be friendly. It confuses a lot of visitors. I would also say per your title, that they have varying degrees of protective behaviour. What's happened to your boy the last month of so? You used to post that he was very social and allowed people on your property plus other dogs which he'd play with. Oh he's the same, he's very social if we're home but not when we're out (as per friends reporting when they come to visit and we're not home). He's fine with other dogs, always has been.
  13. I have a question for all you LGD savvy peeps. I've got friends out the road who breed maremmas. They live on a huge farm and use them for mostly poultry protection and one lives at the house and protects it. When we go out there the maremma who protects the house is VERY protective and if his owners aren't there we won't get out of the car, it would be a very bad move. But the ones that protect the poultry are very different. There's two paddocks of poultry, one contains two young males and the other has two females one older and one younger. All of them will bark when we arrive but if we hop out they wag their tails and come to say "hi". My maremma is VERY protective of our property and won't let anyone in the yard at all unless we are there. I'm just wondering if the dogs are working out what they need to be defending the property against? The dogs that work with chickens are much more human friendly, but the dog's protecting the houses/people are much less so. I was just wondering if they were able to determine and then adjust their guarding behaviour to suit the threat? Thanks
  14. That would make an awesome photo!!! :laugh: May possibly be the christmas card lol
  15. excellent, congratulations on Sammy Troy Katdogs What a distinguished name! Congrats! So happy for you! :thumbsup:
  16. With all due respect: Are you an undercover dog nazi? I mean that type of tripe is just anti-dog. The law clearly states that people have as many obligations and responsibilities around dogs as dogs do around people. Let me reiterate here. If you don't give my dog the respect it gives you then bad luck if it barks and lunges at you. If you enter my property and my dog pushes you off by nipping your thigh, bad luck. If you run towards me, while I'm walking with the dog or you put yourself between me and the dog and then move towards me, and the dog runs up and knocks you over, bad luck. Of course, I would need a witness. However, if you come back to me with "The dog needs to be destroyed if its bitten someone" I will just evoke the banghead emoticon. I'm taking the laws into consideration and also the fact that a HEAP of these "attacks" don't fall into those five points above so the dog gets into trouble, I was stating what happens, not what I want to happen.
  17. It's probably the all-to-common story of, arrogant hothead gets tough looking dog and raises it to have the same level of self control that he does, ie nil.
  18. I think the term guard dog is used way too often next to the word aggression, outright aggression and natural protective/guardian instincts are very different.
  19. I don't pray. I understand, I am all for responsible ownership and dog's getting a fair trial, however I am talking about this particular case and not aggressive dogs in general. If this were my dog I would have it pts, it is already labelled as a dangerous dog and then jumps through a window at a guy who was angry and attacked him viciously. His owner sounds like a jerk that ignored the warnings and rules and jeopardised not only this dog's life but every person this dog came close to. I feel this was the right decision. Well, long story short, the dog should have been constrained, compliant with the requirements for a dangerous dog. But the discussion twists and turns and my comments are missing the mark. My point is that too many people accept the fidelity of their dogs as temporary and disposable. I was pointing to the issue of dog ownership in perpetuity. Therefore, PTS is always the last option. When a criminal offence has been committed; entirely a different story. Fair enough, but in most areas if a dog even bites a person it's in a hell of a lot of trouble and if it attacks then it's pretty much done for due to law. PTS should always be carefully considered but if the dog is dangerous and professionals have been sort and agree that the dog is dangerous then of course it should be pts. Also a lot of people cannot afford the expense of a good behaviourist or are not near one, so pts is probably the safest option in a case of a dog being outwardly and continuously aggressive.
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