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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. How horrible for everyone. Glad the guy is OK. Funny that the dog attacked his owner and not the guy who was playfighting with him, so it wasn't a protective thing, or maybe there were legs everywhere and the dog was just stimulated
  2. Typical, I still have to sit my neuro exam on Wednesday :laugh: Instead of doing the exam you should just write a big goodbye note, explaining everything. Best excuse not to do the exam ever "Sorry I couldn't do the exam but Yellowgirl showed me a video of a dictaphone that is possessed and I only have 5 days left to live"
  3. I actually listened to it over and over with high-quality headphones. If this is anything like Japanese movies, I'm in trouble... Make sure you check in tomorrow so we know that nothing got you during the night and whatever you do, don't copy it and forward it on to anyone!! :laugh: Check in in 7 days. I officially have no idea what's happening now :laugh: In the move The Ring anyone who views a creepy video tape dies within 7 days of watching it, hence the advice not to forward your YouTube clip to anyone and to check in in 7 days so we know Aidan is still breathing. :laugh: Oh crap guys, sorry to have killed everyone that you know ... Hey did anyone get any interesting responses or feedback from sharing with your friends? (who may or may not now be dead within 7 days) I got a lot of "Holy F@&ks" and then "Tell her to move" a lot as well
  4. A home has been found and has rescue back up. Thanks everyone.
  5. but they all ran away lol, you can borrow my maremma, that'll learn 'em :laugh:
  6. I actually listened to it over and over with high-quality headphones. If this is anything like Japanese movies, I'm in trouble... Make sure you check in tomorrow so we know that nothing got you during the night and whatever you do, don't copy it and forward it on to anyone!! :laugh: Check in in 7 days.
  7. Not exactly a police dog but I did suggest that Justice has a pretty scary growl if needed. :) It might not be such a bad idea. I know how much safer I feel with my big dog around.
  8. I don't know why he's going white, it could be a pigment issue, not sure.
  9. haha you did, I must have forgotten lol
  10. They're all lovely. I thought they may have been a rare spaniel I didn't know. :laugh:
  11. Your dogs are gorgeous, tlc. What breeds are they?
  12. Ammo was just a baby and now he's a big baby...what happened? Where did he go? and now. I'm pissed that his nose is going white lol
  13. Change your locks tomorrow morning. Mum listened and she heard someone says "be quiet" after he growls. Have you got a friend who can stay the night?
  14. You and clowns. You had me freaked out with the clown flea
  15. I just listened again, there were people in your house. That's human. I let a few friends listen and they said it was/sounded human.
  16. I listened again and it freaks me out how they all stop as soon as the noise finishes. Have you got a manhole? I'd be nailing it shut.
  17. Poltergeist!!!! MOVE NOW!! Or t's a dog groaning.
  18. She was doing this to a lesser degree when she was in the pound, I thought it was because of the fleas and her coat. Poor baby, I hope you get some helpful answers.
  19. Occasionally you have a dog come into your life that grabs your heart in a way that no other dog can. You love all your dogs but this dog just bonds and connects with you in a way the others can't/don't. When I was in my teens I was given a kelpieX dog called Nina. She originally belonged to my next door neighbours and apparently she was born in an Aborginal camp in the QLD outback and her friend had brought her back after a job there and given Nina to her (who knows if this story is true or not, as my neighbours were quite druggies) Anyhoo, they had Nina for 3 days before bringing her to me and asking if I could take her as she was "too annoying". Anyway I had Nina for 3 years before she got out of the yard and never returned. I was devastated and walked the streets for months looking for her. I called the pounds and shelters for the past 5 years checking if they had found her. Since Nina I have never given my heart or connected with another dog like that. Tonight however, I was calling Maybe but called her Nina by accident and realised in that second that I loved her as much as Nina. I have finally found a new heart dog. It's a wonderful feeling. I feel like I'm betraying my other dogs with this revelation but there's nothing I can do. I think I can also finally stop calling pounds and shelters and move on and let go. I know it's all soppy and stuff but just thought I would share. :D
  20. Wow poor little chap. Hoping his breeder takes him in. those ears are awesome.
  21. As far as I know they have to be micrchipped before being sold.
  22. Sorry. Boxers are often included in the bull breeds. What do you mean by the 'game' breeds? Dogs bred for or originating from breeds bred for dog fighting.
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