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Everything posted by mixeduppup
ok thanks. Her dogs live on a farm but aren't used for working very often as they aren't trained extensively, so I wasn't sure.
I got asked the other day by a lady who owned a few kelpie working dog crosses what the consequences were if her dogs weren't registered with the local council. Both her dogs are already chipped. I said I wasn't sure and she should contact the council about it. I know that if the ranger finds your dog isn't reg, it has to be before it's released from the pound but apart from that I have no idea. I don't feel like calling the council so thought I'd ask here instead.
My sister has an issue with one local dog that barks aggressively at her and her dogs every time she walks past that house. The yard is fenced but is only about chest high and has nothing to define front and back yards. It wouldn't matter if the fence was higher, the aggression from this dog has traumatised one of her dogs, to the point where she can't walk anywhere near that street anymore, as her dog puts on the brakes and will not go any further. This limits and restricts her to walking her dogs on the same route every day. It may be fine to keep a dog in the front yard if that dog does not react to the other dogs, but when they do, it can impact on others, especially those who have timid dogs that don't cope well with barking and aggression from other dogs. Yes. There is barking and there is BARKING! BIG difference between "alert" barking and the salivating Baskerville type hound who wants to rip shreds off you and your dog. I've had to change my route plenty of times. It comes with the territory of a dog owning society.
Maybe is the best name ever :D
I have to agree with the bullbreed thing, I recently looked after a bullbreed for a few days and she was completely different from my others dogs and required very different care and management. Bully rescues are amazing imho with what they would have to set up in order to house these rescues.
What goat? You know, the woolly one that is cleverly disguised as a sheep. :D
As long as the fences are safe I don't see the issue. People should be allowed to have their dogs in the front yard. This has become the age of issues, everyone has a need for something to complain about. Getting barked at by a dog behind a secure fence is part of going for a walk, as long as the dog is secure then I don't see the problem. if the fence is shit or too low, then naturally there is a problem
People think I don't walk my dogs, but I take them out to my friend's property and run them there most of the time.
Wow corvus. That's brilliant!
What's wrong with people with shotguns??? Badly worded, I wouldn't go after the people with shotguns, are you crazy?!?! They've got shotguns!!! Unless you had machine guns :laugh:
I see three. :)
well then...bygones shall be let to be
If you're making a funny then oops...but if you're not.
So make a world where only the quick can get a dog because of breeders not having enough room or time to take in every dog their puppy buyers ditch? That's a tiny gene pool and a lot of disadvantaged people.
So say breeders churned out 2 litters a year to two different bitches. Each of those bitches had an average of 8 pups. Say something happened and two owners who took a up from each litter says they can't keep the pups anymore. This dog is raised away from your pack in a totally different way, it may not have the socialisation or training. So you have to provide a separate yard for each dog. Say you breed for 10 years...20 dogs on your property that are most likely desexed and of no use to a breeder/shower, just sitting in your yard. Not to mention any dogs you keep to breed and show that are your own. It's not realistic and if that's the prerequisite to being a responsible breeder then there's going to be a huge shortage of dogs.
What's wrong with people with shotguns??? :rofl: :rofl:
Shoulda gone to Specsavers Apparently I should do that. I mistook a visitor for a man today. Technically she was in the car and I just waved hello and just before she left my friend mentioned the "man's" name was Jill... I have gender blindness.
I didn't 'pull her up on it'. I asked a question. I was genuinely curious if a lot of the dogs had pedigree papers. If they were indeed 'pedigree' then the dogs have more a chance by tracing them back to their breeders. Don't try to make something out of what wasn't there. Thanks for clarifying. It looked to me like you were pulling her up on it. My mistake. :)
I'm glad your nan got her dog back as well. Ignore the arguments :laugh:
In which case Michelleva is totally okay to say she saw Purebred dogs today at the pound then Geez the smallest things people make a fuss about I swear. I think she said pedigree, but we know what she meant and I don't see why she was pulled up on it.
@Donatella I believe it was decided that purebreds are dogs that can be with or without papers but must resemble the breed physically. Pedigree purebred must have papers.
You HAVE to become slightly immune to it otherwise you wouldn't last longer than a month. Trust me that the staff don't work there for the money. They do care. I'm sure they do, but they just seemed like robots, thats probably the only way they can cope with the situation. I know I wouldn't last a day. And of course I don't expect them to walk around crying, but they could show a little happiness that a little doggy got re-united with his owner, who is her world by the way. I was just saddened by the whole situation. They could show it but they don't have to. The fact that they looked after her whilst she was missing and not to mention all those other dogs is much more important than if they smile when they give her back. Also who knows, they may have just done a mass euth, that gets you pretty down for the rest of the day.
You'll find that people who work in a shelter situation often act heartless/like they don't care, but for most of them if they didn't care they wouldn't work there. But when you see dogs dying, being dumped, in terrible condition and thoughtless owners you get harder. Pound staff wouldn't get far if they walked around crying at every sad doggy face they see.
I actually mistake men for women in real life. Although I once had a crush on a "guy" from CSI...I was very embarrassed when I was told he was in fact a she. So now I just assume everyone is a lady. :D
Pounds are pretty horrible places, whether you're visiting or working there. A combination of a throw away society and lost dogs...pretty bad stuff.