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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. She's rather hilarious but sometimes I question her intelligence :laugh: She's from the best lines in Australia (according to her papers)but I think she fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down
  2. Torque is a very slow dog (kinda ironic with a name like Torque) I actually do that game with Maybe, she's speedy and loves "dog barrel racing" as my friend calls it. Talk rarely gets faster than a slow trot unless she has sheep in front of her :laugh:
  3. Just curious...but why can't you use this time to get her interested? Especially if you are considering agility in her future... I'm never going to use her for agility. I'm going to eventually compete with Maybe my rescue kelpie. Torque is just for working. She hate the agility equipment (and kinda sucks at it lol) and would rather herd the chickens all day. You don't just throw them on it and hope for the best :laugh: What have you tried to do? She's an exceedingly lazy dog if stock aren't present. I tried her with a friend's tunnel (I don't have on myself) and she flopped down in the middle of it, even with me jumping around like an idiot with her favourite treat on the other side, so then we sent Maybe through and she flopped down again. I've tried the bending and she grabs the poles and carts them away. She's good at fetch but will flop down half way if she gets bored, the only thing she never gets bored with or lazy with is stock, she'll work all day.
  4. Just curious...but why can't you use this time to get her interested? Especially if you are considering agility in her future... I'm never going to use her for agility. I'm going to eventually compete with Maybe my rescue kelpie. Torque is just for working. She hate the agility equipment (and kinda sucks at it lol) and would rather herd the chickens all day.
  5. I've got a bit of a schedule for tomorrow. Just my luck I'm not having a very well week but the dogs needs her stimulation :laugh:. Tomorrow she's learning how to stop on command from anywhere. It's essential that she learns this as a working dog and she has been taught but it's not yet established and is proving a challenge for her so it will be the perfect time to knuckle down. then we might do some more fridge door training. :D
  6. This could work wonders! I might teach her to put dirty clothes in the hamper next :)
  7. there's a grassed area up the road but the amount of loose dogs makes me not walk through town anymore, hence my conundrum as I have no car to drive her to the property, so it's the backyard for another 6 days or so, until my friend takes her out to his property for a few days whilst I'm at the wedding and then he'll work her twice a day and she'll be happy. :D
  8. She's currently learning how to close the fridge door as Weasels suggested and today we have to go out so she'll be kenneled with a huge frozen femur bone :D
  9. Just had the car cleaned for a wedding so on-heat dogs are banned until after that, otherwise I'd be there in a shot :laugh: put some blankets down, a wedding is one day, a season 3 weeks Yeah it's not happening, it's not my car and she's been banned. Looking at things I can do in the yard until early next week when my friend can put her in the ute and take her out for me, but still I don't have much time int he next weeks and the farm is half an hour away so there'll be many days where I'll only have the yard. I think the trick training is a good idea.
  10. Haha good idea. I could teach her all sorts of fun things
  11. Just had the car cleaned for a wedding so on-heat dogs are banned until after that, otherwise I'd be there in a shot :laugh:
  12. So Torque is in season and is house/yardbound for the coming week or two. I have an agility set up but she's not very interested, all she wants to do is go for a walk or run but that's not happening. What activities can we do to keep her occupied during this time? Something that will wear her out a bit and keep her entertained?
  13. Not necessarily PTS but safely contained and not let loose on the street. I know people with dogs that if left without fencing would do the same thing. Some dogs are DA and need proper containment. No one was injured and technically no one was attacked. Not taking away from labradork's experience, simply saying how most councils would see it. Dogs that attack other animals are seized and put to sleep by councils. Their owners are in breach of the law. This was ALREADY a declared dangerous dog. It's owner slipped up and other dogs suffered. It wouldnl't be getting another chance if I had anything to do with it. Report it. A dog with a history of serious aggression towards other dogs AND with an owner that dropped the ball shouldnt' be getting another chance IMO. You'll see that I mentioned Labradork, I thought i was in the other thread. I want this dog to be PTS
  14. oops wrong thread, I was talking about a different situation
  15. He could have been any bulldog cross or a badly bred bulldog. In the end it doesn't matter what breed he was but what he did and what his owners haven't done. Call the ranger and report the incident. That would have been scary. I remember lugging my friend's lab girl around when she was younger, that's some serious muscle building exercise!
  16. Report it. Human emotion aside, the dog has attacked more than once and is very dangerous and able to escape..
  17. Well hopefully he gets a great home with Skye savvy people and if not hopefully they put him back in this pound and 10 people from DOL all put their name on him straight away.
  18. Is the breed ANKC recognised? If not you could probably just start a club, if it is there's a procedure I would assume.
  19. Maybe contact people who have done it previously, like the Australian Bulldog (Bosdog) Society or similar.
  20. She elected to not euthanase? I would personally never be able to look at my dogs again.
  21. Yes. Neither of those breeds are banned in NSW. I know plenty of people with that mix.
  22. Did it say she had a heart attack, I thought it said she died from her injuries?
  23. I live at the edge of semi-suburbia and have a 3 year old maremma. He has never been a big barker but he went through a stage at about a year old when he just barked at everything once it got dark, he quickly worked out that if he did that he got locked up earlier so he got more discerning. Now he's 3 and he only barks if we have visitors, at strange cars that stop outside and foxes. He also chases birds out of the yard all the time and may bark once or twice at them.
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