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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. What kind of trainer have you got at your disposal and do you have an experience sighthound temp tester?
  2. I found an email online when I searched for Whitehawk GSD Kennels. Your best bet would be to email the breeder directly [email protected]
  3. Maybe my kelpie is like that, I've taught her to fetch anything anywhere. She'll jump fences to go and get her toy or ball. She'll also follow the point of my finger and go where I point, not just look at my finger. She'll jump over anything or onto anything I tell her to but never escapes the yard. She's very into reinforcement as well and the quickest learner I've come across. Ammo amazed me yesterday (I should have got a photo), Torque broke into the rabbit cage and one of the baby bunnies was missing and I feared the worst, I couldn't find it anywhere. Then I heard Ammo bark and went into the garden shed and he's sitting next to it just looking at the door, waiting for me to come and get it.
  4. Lol - I thought this had been done recently. It was almost a year ago, I'm using the excuse of new people :D Yep and that's ok... I'm happy to tell all about Maddie's weird boobies nickname again lol I just want footage of you calling out "Boobies" in public
  5. When I was much younger we had an old dog called Dawn but being 6 year old kids, we thought it was hilarious that she came to poophead and fartpants. :laugh:
  6. What is she currently being fed? if it's a good brand I wouldn't change it personally. Everyone has different opinions about what to feed, some will say raw, other will suggest science diet or royal canin. I use supercoat for puppies and raw. But I wouldn't change the diet straight away, if it's not ideal slowly introduce your choice of food. Eukanuba isn't bad but I think it's a bit overpriced. Science diet puppy is good.
  7. Lol - I thought this had been done recently. It was almost a year ago, I'm using the excuse of new people :D
  8. I have always nicknamed my pets, they pretty much respond to both their nickname and actual name. I love coming up with nicknames, it's so much fun. Baxter is B man Ammo is Ammolicious Maybe is Maybe Baby Torque is Porky Torque Telly is Monster Poland is Jerk Do you nickname your pets?
  9. Hope you replied with "Use all that bullshit as fertilizer"
  10. I once got a tiny bit of the quick of Baxter's nail (it didn't even bleed) and he acted so melodramatic and didn't speak to me all day :laugh:
  11. I've just spoken to her and given her the number for a few relevant rescues and she said if anyone is interested she'll grab the contact details for their rescue and call/email them straight away. So let me know if you want to know more about this girl and I'll forward her your contact details.
  12. This is the ad I have a 3yrold beautiful German Short Haired pointer to give away... Her name is Milly. Shes energetic so will need a big yard and can jump so need high fences great with kids ... We have a 4 yr old boy and shes perfect with him. Regretful give away as we have one dog and realestate wont let us have the 2 . She has a kennel to go with .. She must go to a good home!! Please if ur interested inbox and we can have a chatt about her :) I've sent her a pm so will hopefully get some contact details if anyone is interested.
  13. I forgot about the lady who got rid of her 14 week old staffyX because it ate the sheets off the line once. I quote "I wouldn't have cared if they were the cheap ones but he chose the most expensive, I can't have a dog like that"
  14. Not a rescue but have had people drop dogs off to me to give to rescues. One lady astounded me. Had had the dog for almost 4 years and her reason was "I feel like I need to focus on one dog and I like the other one better" She then got another dog and dumped the one that was "better" a few weeks later...
  15. Silver Lining Rescue Hounds4homes Greytgreys Rescue
  16. My friend just sent me this In Afrikaans, "come" is similar "kom," "sit" is the same in both languages. "Stay" is "bly" pronounced as in "blade"
  17. I have SA friends that live in SA and they speak English. Perhaps the dogs aren't trained in any language.
  18. So far we've had baby bunnies, chicks and turkey poults hatch, and we're about to put some duck and turkey eggs under the hens. Yay! Bunnies! Chickens! (there's seven but they move too quick. the little one at the back was the egg I threw in the bin and then realised it was alive , I hatched him in a box in my bed) And Turkeys! Out of 12 eggs only 3 were fertile and only two have hatched so far...
  19. It's not Sami's fault though. I've been swindled other ways, I bought a dog that I was told was from certain lines and later found out it was from another litter and just put in with the litter of pups from that line. People get very creative and lie til the cows come home if it means a quick buck and it's the regular, trusting people that get caught out. The victim should never be blamed for being worked.
  20. People get swindled all the time. Several years ago I would have fallen for the same trick, you don't know until you know. Experience comes just after you need it. It sucks that these people took advantage of the fact of Samisam's lack of knowledge in the area. Samisam trusted someone who sounded and looked trustworthy and that's not something to attack.
  21. I'm reg WKC not ANKC but it cost me $40 all up to become a reg breeder and get a prefix and it costs $12 per pup to register, the great thing about the WKC is that you can breed to Station bred unreg dogs to extend the gene pool and get more desirable traits and then reg those pups A4 or appendix. This can be good for some WKC breeders whose lines are too close. I don't consider this unethical but a few people I know do. I know that a few ANKC and AKC breeders do it in certain breeds of dogs (don't know which one) but I assume it would be considered quite unethical for just anyone to do it without consultation with the governing body and breed club etc? @Steve, by ethical I mean doing any health tests that should be done, caring for the dogs and puppies, providing quality of life and not just an existence etc.
  22. But my question is, do you think someone can be ethical without being reg?
  23. My maremma smells and so does my JRT, mum's JRT doesn't smells at all and neither do the kelpies, but I bath them regularly and use the fur deodoriser spray.
  24. I was hoping that someone could afford the space for a cute little pup out this way but with the way things are looking no such luck
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